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VII International Week of the University of Almería Portada Rector's Delegate for Functional Diversity Attention to functional diversity in the University.

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Presentation on theme: "VII International Week of the University of Almería Portada Rector's Delegate for Functional Diversity Attention to functional diversity in the University."— Presentation transcript:

1 VII International Week of the University of Almería Portada Rector's Delegate for Functional Diversity Attention to functional diversity in the University of Almería Universidad de Almería

2 VII International Week of the University of Almería 2 -The University of Almería -Unit for Attention to Functional Diversity (UADIF) -Programs -Accesibility Program -Sensitization, Information and Volunteers Program -Counseling and Guidance Program -Individual Program -Technical and Human Support Network Program -Eligibility to register for support -Mobility and Functional Diversity

3 VII International Week of the University of Almería The campus 3

4 VII International Week of the University of Almería The University of Almería Young university (1994) with modern buildings and facilities One campus with no natural and physical barriers for mobility 14.000 students: 302 have reported functional diversity 4

5 VII International Week of the University of Almería UADIF Help the students to succeed in the university and face difficulties and barriers in relation to their learning and overall university experience Depends directly on the Rector’s Office and work in collaboration with all the university structure Provide assistance and resources Attend Students, Teaching and Research Staff (PDI) and Administration and Service Staff (PAS) 5

6 VII International Week of the University of Almería Programs Accesibililty Sensibilization, Information and Volunteers Counseling and Guidance Individual Program Technical and Human Support 6

7 VII International Week of the University of Almería Accesibility Program Seek the improvement environments -Physical: -collaboration with General Direction of Campus, Infrastructure and Sustainability. -Link in web page -Electronic and digital: web page, adaptation of technical support -Communication: Program of LSE (service of interpreters, courses in Sign Language) 7

8 VII International Week of the University of Almería Sensitization, Information, Volunteers Promote awareness among the community, change attitudes…. - campaigns (parking) - mutual aid with colleges in the organisation of conferences, workshops… - training programs for professors about inclusive teaching methods - courses on disability for volunteers (with Students and Employment Vicerectorate) 8

9 VII International Week of the University of Almería Counseling and Guidance Information about concrete situation because of a disability and or special educational needs (developmental disorders, ADHD and learning disabilities), recommendations about the most suitable CV adjustments High School Students 9

10 VII International Week of the University of Almería Individual Program First interview: contact and needs assessment (adaptations, time, technical support, methodology…) Technical report: communication for academic and administration staff Implementation, management and evaluation of concrete programs 10

11 VII International Week of the University of Almería Technical and Human Support Program Technical resources Special equipment or software Use of adapted computer devices Enlarged prints, digital voice recorders… Special notebooks Loan of resources through an agreement with Fundación Universia Human resources: the Support Network 11

12 VII International Week of the University of Almería Support Network Delegation- UADIF Professors, vicerrectorates…. Colleges Mentor professor Support Mates Note takers, Video Subtitles, learning planning…. 12

13 VII International Week of the University of Almería Eligibility to register for functional diversity support Students must Be a currently enrolled student in the moment of registration Have a disability or medical condition that may impact upon studies Provide official and/or medical documentation 13

14 VII International Week of the University of Almería In case of mobility students The exchange student can ask the UADIF a document explaining his/her needs and the necessary adjustment and other support resources. The information will be submitted to the International Office in Ual which will contact with the university destination. A parallel process is developed for visiting students: As a host university, we offer all our programs to visiting students. The International Office of UAL will ask the visiting student university information about plans and measures taken, and will address this to UADIF, which will prepare a plan in advance in order to reduce the impact of disability during the exchange program. 14

15 VII International Week of the University of Almería 15 Contraportada

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