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TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. Articles of Confederation Essential Question: Why was the central government’s.

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Presentation on theme: "TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. Articles of Confederation Essential Question: Why was the central government’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. Articles of Confederation Essential Question: Why was the central government’s power too weak under the Articles of Confederation?

2 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. Objectives Discuss the ideas that guided the new state governments. Describe the government under the Articles of Confederation. Explain the Ordinances of 1785 and 1787 and their importance to westward expansion. Identify the problems created by a weak central government.

3 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. Terms and People constitution – document stating the rules under which a government will operate executive – person who runs the government and sees that the laws are carried out economic depression – period when business activity slows, prices and wages drop, and unemployment rises Daniel Shays – army veteran and Massachusetts farmer who led an uprising to protest economic conditions

4 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. What were the major successes and failures of the government under the Articles of Confederation? With independence came a new nation and a new form of government. As troubles plagued the country, many feared that their new government had created new problems.

5 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. Even before independence was won, many colonies — now states — began to create new state governments. State Constitutions

6 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. Colonists believed the king had abused his powers. For this reason, the states gave few powers to the governor. Powers of the executive Powers of the legislature Most powers went to legislatures elected by the people.

7 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. Most states allowed more people to vote than in colonial times. Still, African Americans and women were not allowed to vote in almost all the states. Voter Qualifications White Male Over 21 Property ownership

8 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. To make sure that people ’ s rights would not be abused again, many states included a bill of rights in their constitutions. Virginia was the first. Virginia Bill of Rights Freedom of Religion Freedom of the Press Trial by Jury Limits on Searches Limits on Arrests No Cruel and Unusual Punishment

9 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. While the states were writing new constitutions, so was the Continental Congress. Articles of Confederation In 1777, the Congress adopted a new plan of government for the nation: the Articles of Confederation.

10 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. Many of the concerns about colonial rule that shaped the new state constitutions also shaped the Articles of Confederation. Under the Articles, the powers of the central government were given to Congress — a legislature elected by the people. Powers of the legislature

11 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. In fact, the legislature was the only branch of government created by the Articles. Judicial Branch Executive Branch There was no leader of the country. There were no national courts.

12 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. To make sure the new legislature did not become too strong, its powers were limited. Powers given to Congress deal with foreign countries deal with Native Americans make laws declare war coin or borrow money run a postal service

13 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. Even more important than the powers given to Congress, however, were the powers not given to Congress. regulate trade collect taxes Powers not given to Congress Congress was forced to depend on the states when it needed money. This weakened the central government and gave considerable power to the states.

14 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. It's All About Power! Look at the Americans' experience with the powerful central government of Britain Do the opposite!

15 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. If the central government doesn’t have enough power then we are going to have……. BIG PROBLEMS! Federal Rights States' Rights

16 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. Weak Government = Problems! Here's an explanation of how the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation led to Shays' Rebellion, which led to the creation of the Constitution.

17 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. Daniel Shays Captain in the Revolutionary War Retired from the army Wanted to be a farmer in Massachusetts

18 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. Uh money! Remember! The Congress didn't have the power to tax states...they could only ask for money! The states said no! So Congress couldn't pay its bills!

19 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. SCENARIO: How can you be a farmer if you have no money? Get a loan from the bank! Plant your seeds! When your crops are grown, harvest them, sell them, and pay your loan back!

20 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. Uh oh...problems! What if the bank wants its money back NOW? But your crops haven't grown yet?

21 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. THE REPO MAN COMES! The bank repossesses the farms and kicks the former soldiers out of their homes!

22 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. Why didn't they have any money? Taxes! The state of Massachusetts had placed high taxes that hit the farmers very hard.

23 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. Who cares about having a farm anyway? Without property, you can't feed your family! Without property, you can't vote! Without property, you can't make money! Without making money, you get thrown into debtor's prison!

24 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. Give me my house! Daniel Shays and the farmers pick up their guns and go to the state courthouse to stop the government from foreclosing on their homes. AND IT WORKED!!!

25 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. So they kept doing it... And made the people in the government afraid! The government made new laws that were meant to punish Shays and his followers.

26 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. The Congress can't help Since the Articles of Confederation did not give Congress the power to raise a standing army, the federal government could not help stop Shays rebellion.

27 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. The Climax The state of Massachusetts sets up an army. Shays and his followers try to take over a federal arsenal to get more guns so that they could fight the army.

28 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. Shays and his men lost the battle. Some of them got the death penalty for having participated in the rebellion.

29 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. To the Constitution... The failure of the federal government to solve the problem of Shays' Rebellion made people understand that the Articles of Confederation had made the government too weak. A Constitutional Convention was called to solve the problem.

30 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. What about the West? Some states refused to approve the Articles until other states gave up their claims to lands in the west. Finally, the Articles were approved, and the land was turned over to the national government.

31 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. The western lands were very valuable and in great demand. To provide for the sale and settlement of these lands, Congress passed two new laws. The Land Ordinance of 1785 The Northwest Ordinance of 1787

32 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. Each section was sold piece by piece. Townships were divided into sections. Lands were divided into townships. Land Ordinance of 1785

33 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. Within each township, one section would be set aside for schools. The nation’s leaders believed that democracy could not survive without education.

34 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. Northwest Ordinance of 1787 created a government for the Northwest Territory—the lands north of the Ohio River. guaranteed basic rights for settlers. banned slavery in the new territories. created a three-step process for admitting new states.

35 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. Three step process to becoming a state: Once a territory was settled, Congress would appoint a governor, a secretary, and three judges Once there were 5000 free adult males, it could elect a legislature to make laws. Once the free population reached 60000, they could apply to be a state

36 TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas. Five states were eventually carved from the lands of the Northwest Territory.

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