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World History 9-11-2009. Salons Salon- a social gathering in which current events, philosophers, writers, artists, scientists, and other intellects gathered.

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Presentation on theme: "World History 9-11-2009. Salons Salon- a social gathering in which current events, philosophers, writers, artists, scientists, and other intellects gathered."— Presentation transcript:

1 World History 9-11-2009

2 Salons Salon- a social gathering in which current events, philosophers, writers, artists, scientists, and other intellects gathered to discuss ideas

3 Salons One of the most influential of the salon hostesses was Marie Therese Geoffrin She helped finance a project by a man named Denis Diderot

4 The Encyclopedia Denis Diderot, a leading philosophe, decided to create a large collection of books that contained essays and articles He called this the Encyclopedia

5 Baroque European art of the 1600’s and 1700’s was dominated by a style called Baroque Baroque- a style which is characterized by grand, ornate design The influence of the Enlightenment led to a different style called Neoclassical

6 Neoclassical Neoclassical art (“new classical”) was different from the baroque style It was simple and elegant and borrowed ideas and themes from classical Greece and Rome

7 Baroque








15 Enlightenment and Monarchy Enlightened Despots- Monarchs who embraced the new philosophy and made reforms were called “Enlightened Despots” Despot= absolute ruler

16 Enlightened Despots Frederick II- “The Great”- Prussia Granted religious freedom, reduced censorship, improved education, abolished torture Believed serfdom was wrong but allowed it because he needed support of wealthy landowners *Called himself “the first servant of the state”

17 Enlightened Despots Joseph II- Austria (brother of Marie-Antoinette) Freedom of press, freedom of religion Abolished serfdom Ordered peasants to be paid for work with cash Nobles resisted change and went back to serfdom when Joseph died

18 Enlightened Despots Catherine the Great- Russia Made a proposal to change Russia’s laws based on the ideas of Montesquieu and Beccaria

19 Enlightened Despots Catherine the Great- Russia Religious toleration, abolished death penalty (capital punishment)

20 Enlightened Despots Catherine the Great- Russia Views about Enlightenment ideas changed when there was a serf uprising She crushed the rebellion and gave the nobles absolute power over serfs

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