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How do you feel behaviour in lessons has improved since Christmas?

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2 How do you feel behaviour in lessons has improved since Christmas?

3  “would like to see teachers be more strict when applying sanctions”  “be more consistent with red button and following procedures.”  “Would like more serious consequences for poor behaviour”  “Would like to see less chances given to persistently disruptive students and would like to see them removed from lessons”  “behaviour in lessons has improved”  “less time is wasted in lessons”  “Some people misbehave and vandalise/damage the toilets”

4 We have introduced time in internal exclusion for students exited more than once in a week. We have spoken to staff about consistently applying the school rules. We are looking at different ways that we can secure the toilets and record who is using them. This will mean any damage can be traced back to individual students. Disruption in lessons is rare however it does happen and we closely monitor incidents. These have reduced each week, there are now half the number. (see graph over the page)


6 What do you like most about the extra-curricular activities offered in school?

7  “there are quite good options for extra curricular activities, but wanted to see more at lunchtime”  “Much better now we can use the tennis courts at Lunchtime”  “Revision sessions for the core subjects available for all years”  “Like Netball, Football, Badminton, Music, History, Book Club. Sometimes its hard to find out what’s on, where and what time.”  “Enjoy having the possibility to do several different sports”  “They’re fun/lots of different sports”  “We would like more students to take part in the sports”  “Updated activity timetable please”  “Advertise clubs and activities better so it easier to find out what’s going on”  “We like that activities are open to everybody and there is a wide variety on offer”

8 We have passed on to staff how pleased you are with the extra-curricular activitieson offer. Please see your Head of Year if you have any suggestions of other clubs/activities not currently offered we will see what we can do. The next slide has the most up to date timetable of Extra- Curricular sports for the rest of this term. Have a close look and try to take part in at least one session. For September we will be including all activities not just sports on the timetable.

9 LunchAfter school MondayRounders practice Tuesday Badminton (All Years) Cricket (All Years) Athletics Practice (All Years) Basketball Practice (All Years) WednesdayCricket (All Years) Rounders Matches Tennis Practice ThursdayCricket (All Years) Friday Badminton Dance Circuit Trainer Girls Football

10 Homework is a vital part of making progress in your subjects. What could we do to make it better?

11  “if homework could be better co-ordinated between subjects”  “several subjects in one week make it difficult to complete, then nothing the next week.”  “Better communication between departments when homework is set”  “not everybody does their homework”  “often not given enough time to write down the homework”  “some teachers do not give homework on a regular basis”  “if we had longer to do homework, then we would have time to speak to the teacher if struggling with the work”  “it would be good to have a choice of medium/hard/ easy questions.”

12 After half term we will be recording homework on sims learning gateway. You should already have been shown in lessons how to log on. This will mean that you can log on anywhere and see what homework you have and when it is due in. It will also allow school to see who is being set what, when and when for, so that we can try to ensure a more even spread throughout the week and term. We will be asking you for more feedback in a later “you said, we did” once the system has been running for a term so that we can improve it even more.

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