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Personalized Education Plans: A Shared Responsibility for Student Success 2016 KidStrong Conference Dr. Barbara Brady School Counseling Coordinator Office.

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Presentation on theme: "Personalized Education Plans: A Shared Responsibility for Student Success 2016 KidStrong Conference Dr. Barbara Brady School Counseling Coordinator Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personalized Education Plans: A Shared Responsibility for Student Success 2016 KidStrong Conference Dr. Barbara Brady School Counseling Coordinator Office of Middle/Secondary Learning Elizabeth Kantor-Bright, Retired School Counselor John Tomaszewski, Retired School Counselor

2 Personalized Education Plans 5.3.b. In grades 6-8, the school will engage staff in a school-wide, systemic, guidance and advisement approach to ensure Personalized Education Plan (hereinafter PEP) planning and career exploration is multi-faceted and individualized, guiding students and their parent and/or guardian to thoughtfully explore individual interests and aptitudes in relation to academic and career planning. A PEP guides each student’s course selections based on individual career aspirations and postsecondary plans. The PEP covers grades 9-12 and the first year beyond graduation from high school. The PEP is developed for every student in consultation with the students’ parent and/or guardian and school counselor or advisor.

3 Personalized Education Plans 5.3.b. (continued) The PEP is developed for every student in consultation with the students’ parent and/or guardian and school counselor and advisor. Development of the PEP is a thoughtful process that includes identifying each student’s aptitude, interests and learning needed through review of past student work, academic assessments results, and interests and learning inventories. The PEP is used to guide, personalize and maximize each student’s learning experience, ensuring each student has the opportunity to develop academic skills, identify interests, maximize strengths, minimize weaknesses, set and reach academic and personal goals, and realize their career aspirations..

4 Personalized Education Plans 5.3.b.1. During the 8 th grade year, each student’s PEP is developed to identify course selections for the 9 th and 10 th grade based on each student’s identified career aspirations. Prior to development of the PEP, the school shall provide ongoing opportunities during the school day for career exploration and self-discovery involving student needs assessments, career and interest inventories, learning style inventories, self-reflections, and career inquiry.

5 . 5.4.d.1. During the 9 th grade and each subsequent year, each student reviews and updates his or her PEP in collaboration with the school counselor, teachers, advisors, and parent and/or guardian. Review of the PEP will include academic offerings, career plans, review of various interests, learning styles, career and academic assessments to guide changes to course selections. High School PEP

6 . 5.4.d.2. During the 10 th grade year, the second phase of the PEP is developed. Students identify course selections for grades 10-12 and postsecondary plans for the first year after high school. To assist with development of the three- year PEP, the school will provide ongoing opportunities during the school day for career exploration and self-discovery involving completing student needs assessments, career and interest inventories, learning style inventories, self-reflections, and multi- faceted opportunities for career inquiry. Each student’s individual assessments will be reviewed to ensure academic planning maximizes individual strengths and interests. Career exploration and planning and the development of the PEP is a shared responsibility between the school counselor, teachers, advisors, and parent and/or guardian. High School PEP

7 8 th Grade – 2 Year Plan 10 th Grade – 3 Year Plan Updated Annually Cluster Career Goal Locally approved or CTE Concentration (4 PERSONALIZED Courses) 9-12 Courses Postsecondary Plan Multi-faceted Career Investigation Self-discovery Use of Assessments Career Portfolio Personalized Education Plans (PEP) Requirements and Guidelines

8 6 Personalized Graduation Requirements Career and Technical Education (CTE) Concentration Locally Approved Concentration 6 additional courses beyond 18 hours of core academic courses that align with the student’s career aspirations and postsecondary plans. 4 CTE Courses Identified from approved WVDE CTE program of study 2 Additional personalized electives (aligned with career and postsecondary plans) Recommended CTE electives Any additional core or elective course 4 th Science Additional Math World Languages Arts Etc. 4 Courses from County approved concentrations 2 additional personalized electives (aligned with career and postsecondary plans) 4 th Science Additional Math World Languages C TE electives Arts Etc.

9 Students with Disabilities Students with Disabilities Always a Continuum of Services May earn 4 credits in Community Readiness Training recommended through an IEP Team as a personalized concentration. Locally developed program –School specific courses –Community training programs –Non-CTE courses





14 Alternative Means to Award Credit High School Courses taken prior to 9 th grade Embedded credit – receive credit for both courses College courses, including dual credit courses Proficiency through assessments – county developed tests Credit recovery through mastery instead of repeating entire course Appropriate credit regardless of enrollment period Virtual courses

15 Alternative Delivery of Education Programs Extended student learning may include: –extended day or year –mini-courses –summer school or an alternative calendar –experiential learning that may take place outside of the regular school calendar –virtual Extended student learning may be provided by: – the school system – community agencies – Institutions of Higher education (IHEs) – Businesses – other entities

16 EngagingTeacher/Advisor Roles Engaging Teacher/Advisor Roles Mentor/advisor Role –Assist with career exploration student self–discovery activities and interpret results (interest and learning styles inventories, academic assessments) development and maintenance of student portfolios PEP development of their students (advisees) parental engagement in PEP processparental engagement in PEP process Understand graduation requirements including Programs of Study and advise students

17 Parent Engagement in PEP / Signature BEST PRACTICES for engaging parents in the PEP process and securing signatures. Hold parent nights or school-day conferences –Advisors meet with parent and student to review plans –Counselor meet with parents with credit challenges –IEP Teacher meets with parent/students in their caseloads –CTE teachers could oversee PEPS of their students and meet with parents



20 Career Exploration Resources LINKS Student Advisement System –Multiple grade level lessons (grades 6 – 8 and 9-12) – free web-portal for all WV Students career exploration and postsecondary WVDE Career and Technical Education WV Strategic Compass MY STATE MY LIFE ACT PROFILE School to Career Real Games

21 Elizabeth Kantor-Bright Retired School Counselor – Braxton County

22 Braxton County – Comprehensive HS Students divided by grade level between 2 counselors Advisory 5 days a week – 2 days for LINKS 8 th grade – Counselors taught LINKS curriculum throughout school year –Interest inventory –March – middle of the month - Get Ready for Life night – Tours of High School, Each Department and clubs had displays – tell students about options at the High School –Mini career and college fair –Speakers – Principal, EDGE presenter, Superintendent, CTE Director –Parent scheduled 8 th grade meetings

23 Braxton County – Comprehensive HS 8 th grade (continued) –March end- visit homerooms, sent home info about possible classes for students to discuss with parents – April – Scheduled individual meeting with parents 25 min. –Special Education students – have IEP at meetings – coordinate with transition piece of IEP At meeting – discuss interest inventory results, career pathways, class choices and create list of requested classes Effort made to get 100% parent participation

24 Braxton County – Comprehensive HS 9 th Grade: –Counselor visited each advisory classroom on different LINKS days –Use as time to teach advisors and students how to self advocate and keep selves on track to graduate –Students – copy of 8 th grade plan, transfer onto own PEP template what they were taking –Advisors teach how to monitor own progress in classes used info to build schedule for 10 th grade year with parental approval coordinate with Transition piece of IEP –Folders would stay with students throughout high school.

25 Braxton County – Comprehensive HS 10 th grade: In advisory class (Beginning of year) Review last year's grade card (transcript) update PEP Plan make sure each student taking the right classes failed classes Graduation requirements PEP Concentration requirements 2 nd interest inventory is completed by all 9 th graders January – determine classes needed for 11 th grade Career development activities Students make up preliminary schedule for 11 th grade. March Get Ready for Life program Individual parent meetings scheduled students use documents to build schedule give career and/or college information as needed. Sign PEP Plan Coordinate with Transition piece of IEP Strive for 100% participation

26 Braxton County Transcript Review Form

27 Braxton County Pep Form

28 Braxton County – Comprehensive HS 11 th grade: Beginning of year  In advisory class - Beginning of year  review last year's report card, transcript, graduation review form  update student copy PEP Plan  Review to ensure students are in the right classes  failed classes, concentration & graduation requirements  In January:  monitor grades  develop preliminary schedules for next year.  coordinate with Transition piece of IEP.  schedule parent meetings  or send info home to parents for signature on updated plan (after all efforts are exerted)  Discuss career options in small groups according to cluster.

29 Braxton County – Comprehensive HS 11 th grade: Beginning of year  In advisory class - Beginning of year  review last year's report card, transcript, graduation review form  update student copy PEP Plan  Review to ensure students are in the right classes  failed classes, concentration & graduation requirements  In January:  monitor grades  develop preliminary schedules for next year.  coordinate with Transition piece of IEP.  schedule parent meetings  or send info home to parents for signature on updated plan (after all efforts are exerted)  Discuss career options in small groups according to cluster.

30 Braxton County – Comprehensive HS 12 th grade  In advisory class - Beginning of year  look at last year's grade card  update student copy PEP Plan  make sure they were taking the right classes to graduate  failed classes  four courses for concentration  If CTE – ensure they are meeting completer requirements  Meet in small groups according to career goals to give.  Schedule and hold individual meeting with students and parents.  Coordinate with Transition piece of IEP  Students that qualify meet with DRS counselor  Career Development activities throughout year for career development, financial aid workshops, FAFSA workshops, Work Force WV, Get Ready for Life career fair, interview skills.

31 Buckhannon Upshur High School Fred Eberle Technical Center Contact persons : Theresa Knight Elaine Talbott Team effort and trusting each other – Strong Advisory program- the Heart of the school CARE – Club, Advisory, Reading and Enrichment - Advisory 2 times a week for 30 min. Blue Days and White Day schedule alternate schedule school year round – 90 minute blocks and same classes all year round example – Blue Day – English, Math Science BCA 1, White Day – PE, Art, History, Ag class Each day whatever color had advisory (CARE) Communicate through One Drive Students divided alphabetically by grade level – counselors have each grade level Same advisory even if student lacks credits for the grade level 15 students per classroom. Builds strong connection Advisory teachers responsible for PEP plan completion Elaine Talbott- counselor builds the advisory curriculum for each grade level

32 Buckhannon Upshur High School Fred Eberle Technical Center Counselors go to advisory classes to give information and teach lessons appropriate for grade level a. Advisory teachers send out letters to arrange meetings for PEP each year b. Call parents if no response to letter – documents this c. If still no response – PEP is sent home with students for signature Course request form is completed with advisor and signed by advisor before scheduling can occur. CTE teacher signs as well. Students interviewed for Fred Eberle acceptance in April 10 th grade year Use a file folder – State PEP template Pg 1 on the outside front cover and page 2 signatures on the back outside cover – any other student information in the middle At end of year – advisory teacher turns in folders for counselor for review and checks. Use CFWV Interest Inventory

33 Buckhannon Upshur High School Fred Eberle Technical Center Counselors go to advisory classes to give information and teach lessons appropriate for grade level a. Advisory teachers send out letters to arrange meetings for PEP each year b. Call parents if no response to letter – documents this c. If still no response – PEP is sent home with students for signature Course request form is completed with advisor and signed by advisor before scheduling can occur. CTE teacher signs as well. Students interviewed for Fred Eberle acceptance in April 10 th grade year Use a file folder – State PEP template Pg 1 on the outside front cover and page 2 signatures on the back outside cover – any other student information in the middle At end of year At end of year – advisory teacher turns in folders for counselor for review and checks. Use CFWV Interest Inventory 8th grade level 8th grade level – Similar to Braxton County for Parent meetings Visit Fred Eberle in March of 8th grade year Visit the High School and sit in advisory classes

34 Preston County High School Comprehensive High School 8 th grade: LINKS class generally 2 times a week – counselor helps with curriculum Beginning of school year Beginning of school year - Meet with staff as a group to extensively train in the PEP process – give staff a step by step guide Advisory 15 – 18 per class – advisor does not change October October - students tour High School and sit in on classes April April – 2 nd tour of CTE and other classrooms as well as see JROTC, Choirs, and Band performances (Excellent turnout) May Parent Day– serve parents lunch – Principal from HS attends -complete PEP (Excellent turnout) 9 th grade – 12 th grade February 9 th grade – 12 th grade – February - LINKS class 5 days in a row review and update PEP using transcript review form select classes for next year send PEP home for parental signatures Counselors go into classes to support staff Counselors reviews PEP once completed - see students individually if there are issues

35 Preston County PEP Form

36 Webster County High School Nicholas County Career/Technical Center Contact Person: Iestyn Bright 304-226-5772 ext. 1406 7 th Grade – 12 th grade school 1.5 counselors Advisory Program 7 th grade7 th grade - Career Development uses LINKS lessons 8 th grade8 th grade – LINKS lessons - Go into Advisory quarterly and discuss career options, do CFWV assessments, high school process to graduate. Students actively participate 9-12 grade9-12 grade – LINKS taught in advisory 30 min a day February – March: February – March: Start PEP process, parents invited to session that there student is in. Complete in English or History classes -School counselor, English (or History) classroom teacher, Principal and graduation coach work together to complete with the students. -Advisors sign them after completion.(How are advisors involved?) Forms sent home to be signed – If no signature – student is not scheduled for next year Do changes in August if needed for new school year.

37 Berkley Springs James Rumsey Technical Institute Contact person – Candice Pennington – 304-258-2871 ext 134(3 counselors-alphabetically split) Advisory classes 8 th grade 8 th grade – mailings sent to parents – 30 minute meetings held at High School- Spring time 12 grade August – September 12 grade - August – September – Senior exit meetings throughout yearthroughout year various workshops – College application workshop Meet college night during 1 st Parent-Teacher conference Financial Aid workshop during 2 nd Parent-Teacher conference (increased parent attendance at P-T conferences) November – December November – December - 10 th grade individual meetings held – parent invited– review PEP, make changes, give out information based on meetings 9 th grade(January – February) 9 th grade: (January – February) Students complete Career game workbook PEP reviewed in advisory classes and sent home for signature 11 th grade 11 th grade – In English class – complete week long research project on career choice. –Cumulating event –Cumulating event – School of Hard Knocks. Use information from project for game (Whole morning activity) Community is involved. –Post survey review by students and community –PEP plan is reviewed in Advisory class and sent home for signature



40 Musselman and Hedgesville High School James Rumsey Technical Institute Contact person – Kevin Frankhouser – Homeroom weekly on Wednesday – 30 min – one week LINKS; other week Bullying program Advisory class – go over graduation requirements etc., career lessons September – October 12 th grade September – October Counselors meet with 12 th grade students individually to review PEP and make sure students are ready to graduate, discuss post secondary plans. November November – 10 th grade program for parents to explain careers, requirements etc. Begin scheduling for next - Sophomores, then Juniors then Freshman. Lasts till February Lasts till February – individual meetings held with students by counselor – PEP sent home for parental signature, parents invited and encouraged to attend. Advisors sign later (Advisors/students don’t have copies) Counselors keep PEP plans (Advisors/students don’t have copies)

41 John Tomaszewski Retired School Counselor – Wetzel County

42 Student Pep Template Student Pep Template

43 Counselor PEP Workbook Counselor PEP Workbook


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