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Azure in Education Improve your services and reduce your overhead at the same time.

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Presentation on theme: "Azure in Education Improve your services and reduce your overhead at the same time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Azure in Education Improve your services and reduce your overhead at the same time

2 What is Azure?

3 Connecting with Longer Wires

4 Azure by the numbers

5 Huge infrastructure scale is the enabler 24 Regions Worldwide, 19 ONLINE…huge capacity around the world…growing every year 100+ datacenters Top 3 networks in the world 2x AWS, 6x Google DC Regions G Series – Largest VM in World, 32 cores, 448GB Ram, SSD… Operational Announced/Not Operational Central US Iowa West US California North Europe Ireland East US Virginia East US 2 Virginia US Gov Virginia North Central US Illinois US Gov Iowa South Central US Texas Brazil South Sao Paulo West Europe Netherlands China North * Beijing China South * Shanghai Japan East Saitama Japan West Osaka India South Chennai East Asia Hong Kong SE Asia Singapor e Australia South East Victoria Australia East New South Wales * Operated by 21Vianet India Central Pune Canada East Quebec City Canada Central Toronto India West Mumbai

6 Data Security Data in transit between a user and the service Protects user from interception of their communication and helps ensure transaction integrity Data in transit between data centers Protects from bulk interception of data Data at rest Protects from removal of physical media End-to-end encryption of communications between users Protects from interception or loss of data in transit between users We protect your data at stages with 2048-bit encryption

7 ISO/IEC 27001 SOC 1 SOC 2 PCI DSS L1 version 3 Cloud Security Alliance Cloud Security Matrix HIPAA (Healthcare) FedRAMP FIPS 140-2 Life Sciences GxP Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act European Union Model Clause China Multi Layer Protection Scheme United Kingdom G-Cloud Singapore Multi-Tier Cloud Security China CCCPPF Australian Signals Directorate I-RAP Assessment Criminal Justice Information System Defense Information Systems Agency L2 Sarbanes Oxley ITAR Defense Information Systems Agency L3-5 ISO / IEC 27018 Data Privacy: Audits and Certifications Global United States Regional Coming soon More certification information is available at the Azure Trust Center. Azure Trust Center

8 Azure Components

9 Why is Azure great for Education?

10 Economy of Scale ▪ Agile Scaling ▪ Pay-as-you-go Azure Strengths

11 Public cloud steady state pricing Source: Microsoft SMB: >25x public cloud benefit Enterprise: ~10x public cloud benefit Economics of the Cloud

12 Infrastructure ( as a Service ) Networking Compute Storage Virtual Machine Operating System Applications Data & Access Runtime Physical Fabric Managed by Vendor Customer Provisioned & Managed Platform ( as a Service ) Provisioned & Managed by Vendor Customer Managed Networking Compute Storage Virtual Machine Operating System Data & Access Runtime Applications Software ( as a Service ) Provisioned & Managed by Vendor Networking Compute Virtual Machine Operating System Data & Access Runtime Applications Storage Customer Provisioned Cloud Services Customer Managed On-Premises ( Private Cloud ) Networking Compute Storage Virtual Machine Operating System Applications Data & Access Runtime Customer Provisioned & Managed Azure in Comparison to On-Prem

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