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Quickwrite: What advice would you give the Founding Fathers as they make a new country?

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Presentation on theme: "Quickwrite: What advice would you give the Founding Fathers as they make a new country?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quickwrite: What advice would you give the Founding Fathers as they make a new country?

2 Class 11/12 (16 in 4) 11/1311/1611/1711/18 2 nd 53% 5 th 38% 6 th  7 th 



5 Pg. 121

6 Who are we? Diamonds!

7 “Swing your machete!”

8 Team Haughton Diamonds will be able to: 8.15 B: Summarize the strengths of the Articles of Confederation and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787




12 Unit 4: The U.S. Creates a Government

13 To protect peoples’ rights

14 1 st plan of government for USA (1781) Written by the Founding Fathers

15 Weak national government Strong state governments

16 1)Deal with foreign affairs 2)Add new states 3)Pass laws for entire country

17 Print money Collect taxes Make laws for the state Create their own militias Everything else!

18 States had most of the power No strong national government to take away rights

19 Law that allowed for the creation of new states All states are equal New states had to: Grow in population Set up a government Ban slavery


21 Stop & Jot/Turn & Talk

22 The government’s job is to… People maintain control of the government by… People have the right to…an unjust (unfair) government.

23 The Articles of Confederation were…

24 The Articles of Confederation gave far more power to the… Power was divided this way because…

25 The Northwest Ordinance was… The benefits of this plan were… Slavery was banned in this area because… This tells us that people were beginning to…

26 What were the strengths of the Articles of Confederation?



29 RAFTSOption 1Option 2 Role American PatriotFounding Father Audience King George IIIYourself Format Bragging letterBragging journal entry Topic The Articles of Confederation & Northwest Ordinance of 1787 Strong Verb Inform

30 Option 1 Dear King George, Our new plan of government, _______________, has many strengths such as… Option 2 Dear diary, Today the other _______ and I created the __________. The strengths of this plan are…

31 1)In 5 words, what is the government’s job and what can we do if they fail at that job? 2)What was the U.S.’s first plan of government? 3)Summarize this plan’s strengths. 4)Why was the plan designed this way? 5)What law provided an organized way to add new territory to the country? 6)What did new territories have to do first?

32 Articles of Confederation Analysis

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