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CAD/CAM Theory. Knowledge and Understanding. CAD Theory. By using design software we can; Produce more accurate designs Produce designs far more quickly.

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2 CAD/CAM Theory. Knowledge and Understanding.

3 CAD Theory. By using design software we can; Produce more accurate designs Produce designs far more quickly Change or modify our designs much more easily Share our ideas with other people See our designs on our screen before we make anything CAD – This stands for Computer Aided Design. CAD What does CAD stand for ? Can you name some examples of CAD software? 2D Design V2 PTC ProDesktop Google sketch up Adobe Photoshop What are the advantages of using CAD?

4 CAM Theory. CAM What does CAM stand for ? Can you name some examples of CAM tools? What are the advantages of using CAM? CAM – This stands for Computer Aided Manufacturing. Laser Cutter CAMM 1 Plotter Cutter CAMM 2 Desktop Engraver By making a product using CAM we can; Produce accurate pieces of work Produce many exact copies of the same product Make a product in much less time than making it by hand Make more than one person’s product at the same time

5 Computer Numerical Control (CNC) What is CNC ? CNC refers to the automation of machine tools that are operated by computer control.automationmachine tools How does it work ? The computer send data (numbers) to the machine which interprets the numbers and changes them into movement. Advantages Less cost due to less need for separate machine tools for each product. Less chance of Human Error Quicker more accurate Easily and quickly be changed without the expensive of retooling Disadvantages High initial cost of the machines High cost of training programmers and operators Fast special machines are cheaper than CNC machines for mass production

6 Virtual Modelling and Testing What is Virtual Modelling and Testing ? 3D modelling (also known as meshing) is the process of developing any three- dimensional object using specialized computer software. These models can show how a product looks, size, individual parts, how it will be constructed and actual test of the materials used (strength, size, weight and will it work)three- dimensionalspecialized computer software 3D models are widely used anywhere in 3D graphics such as computer games, film, product design, architecture, medical industry uses detailed models of organs, geological models, automotive industry3D graphics Where are they used ? Advantages of Virtual Modelling and Testing ? Produce accurate pieces of work Produce many exact copies of the same product Make a product in much less time than making it by hand Make more than one person’s product at the same time Change parts, aesthetics, materials quickly Test to see if the design will work before manufacture

7 Laser Cutting What is Laser Cutting ? Laser cutting is a technology that uses a laser to cut materials.laser Typically used for industrial manufacturing applications, schools, small businesses and hobbyists. Where are they used ? Laser cutting works by directing a high-power laser, by computer, at the material to be cut. The material then either melts, burns, vaporizes away, or is blown away by a jet of gas. Laser cutting leaves an edge with a high-quality surface finish. How does it work ?

8 Rapid Prototyping What is Rapid Prototyping ? Rapid prototyping takes virtual designs from computer aided design (CAD) or animation modeling software, transforms them into thin, virtual, horizontal cross-sections and then creates successive layers until the model is complete. It is a WYSIWYG process where the virtual model and the physical model are almost aided design animationmodeling softwareWYSIWYG

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