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Er. What is the TAS System? The TAS system is a personal time management tool that you use to enter and approve your hours worked and absence hours. Your.

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Presentation on theme: "Er. What is the TAS System? The TAS system is a personal time management tool that you use to enter and approve your hours worked and absence hours. Your."— Presentation transcript:

1 er

2 What is the TAS System? The TAS system is a personal time management tool that you use to enter and approve your hours worked and absence hours. Your supervisor approves your hours worked, as well as your absences using this system. Once you log on, you will use your mouse to work within the three primary areas of the workspace: Selection Area Work Area Dashboard All of your time management tasks can be performed on one window, so you will never need to jump from window to window.

3 Levels of System Users and Functions Employee Clock On/Off using the Web Clock or a Data Acquisition Device (DAD) Review Timesheets View Schedule View Approval Status View Message Inbox View Accruals Request an Absence Managers, Supervisors or Approvers Employee Responsibilities plus View and Edit Timesheet Approval or Reject Time View Messages Respond to Request or Queues Scheduling Overrides Reporting and Filtering

4 How to Access the TAS System Access to the TAS System is only available while on the LPS network. The TAS System is not available from home. The TAS system is accessed via the LPS Web Site at Enter the Keyword TAS in the Keyword/Profile/Search box and click on the search icon. The Time and Attendance System (TAS) web page is displayed. Click on the Log In button to access the TAS Login screen.

5 OR Access the LPS Web Site ( and position the mouse over the Staff Center Click on Time and Attendance from the drop down list displayed. The Time and Attendance System (TAS) web page is displayed.

6 User Name is your LPS userid Password is your email password User Name is your LPS userid Password is your email password How to Login to the TAS System Enter your LPS userid in the User Name field. This field is case sensitive. Enter your email Password in the Password field. This field is case sensitive. Click the Login button and the main workspace window will display. Open in a new window – When the boxed is checked, the main workspace will open in a new window. Change password – This feature has been disabled and is not available for usage. LPS will use their current system to authenticate users.

7 Selection Area Dashboard Work Area

8 In the upper right corner click on Logout. A confirmation message is displayed. Click the OK button to complete the Logout process.

9 System Time Out For security purposes, the TAS System has a Time Out feature. If the system has not been used for the appropriate time, the system is automatically logged off. Employees15 Minutes Approvers60 Minutes

10 Using the Selection Area The Selection Area lets you choose the criteria you want to use to perform a task. Using a Who, What, and When approach, you indicate who you want to perform a task for, what task you want to perform and for when. Selection Area To change Who, What and When, use the drop down arrow to assist you. Teams (or employees assigned to your location) are being built so you don’t have to file through all the employees.

11 Who List This function is used to identify who will be affected by the actions taking place on the screen. The default, Me is displayed in the field. Me. This is the person logged in and whose name appears in the upper left hand corner of the page. Employee The only choice you, as an employee, will see is the default, Me. Approver Additional choices will be available to an approver as you will have employees assigned to you. This option will allow you to perform an action on an individual employee or for the entire team.

12 What List This function is used to select a specific task to be performed. Clicking on the drop down arrow displays a listing of tasks. Click on the selected task. Several tasks require From and To dates to be selected before clicking the Go button. Click the Go button and the screen changes appropriately. The most used functions from the What List are also available as Shortcuts!

13 When: From and To This function is used to specify dates and/or date ranges for information you want to enter, retrieve or modify. The From and To date defaults to today’s date; however, any other date can be entered by using the format: MM/DD/YYYY or by clicking on the calendar icon and selecting a date or date range. When using the calendar to select a single date, click on the date. This date is automatically displayed in the From and To fields. The dates are very touchy-if you type an incorrect number within the date, highlight the entire date and start typing over it.

14 When using the calendar to select a range of dates, click on the start date and while holding down your mouse button, drag the pointer across the additional dates. Release the mouse button on the end date. The date range is highlighted and is automatically displayed in the From and To fields.

15 Go Button The Go button allows you to retrieve the desired information according to what information has been entered/selected in the Who, What, and When fields. Go is like your ‘Enter’ key once all your choices are selected.

16 Shortcuts Shortcuts, located at the bottom of the selection area, provide a quick way for you to launch a task that you perform on a regular basis, instead of selecting the task from the What option. The function for each link is executed by clicking on it. Before clicking on the link, be sure to enter a date or a date range. Shortcut links take the place of choosing What.

17 Web Clock The Web Clock link enables you to clock on and clock off as well as record your time against additional cost centers and positions. Edit Timesheet The Edit Timesheet link enables you to see your time worked, cost center, and job worked, on a daily basis. You will use the edit timesheet to modify and approve your time. Shortcuts

18 Daily Summary The Daily Summary link enables you to view your timesheet in a condensed version. Those records that are highlighted in black are days that fall within your schedule and are automatically approved. No further action is required. Those records that are highlighted in red are days that do not fall within your schedule and are not approved. Modification to the record will need to occur. Shortcuts

19 My Schedule The My Schedule link enables you to view your daily schedule. Leave Balances The Leave Balances link enables you to view your current leave balances. The current balance shown reflects those absences that have actually been taken, and does not include any scheduled absences that have not yet occurred. The balance only reflects those absences that have actually been taken. Shortcuts

20 Using the Dashboard The Dashboard is a display area to the right of the Selection Area. It provides space to display information such as: Messages, Clock Data, and Leave Balances, etc. Dashboard

21 Using the Work Area The Work Area displays the detail fields you need to complete based on the information you entered in the Who, What, and From/To options. The information displayed changes depending upon the task you are performing. Work Area

22 How to Clock On Entering time using the Web Clock enables you to record the time you have worked. You will Clock On when you start work and Clock Off when you are finished.

23 Log into the TAS system and the main workspace window will display.

24 The Web Clock displays the date and time of the Clock On. Shows the time you clocked on You have finished the Clock On process.

25 In the upper right corner click on Logout. A confirmation message is displayed. Click the OK button to complete the Logout process.

26 When finished working for the day, you will log into the TAS system and the main workspace window will display. Think of this as your everyday screen-to clock on and off. There are other elements to it, but not things that have to be used on a daily basis. Again, all of TAS’s functions can be taken care of on this one screen, no bouncing around!

27 The Web Clock will display in the Work Area. Click the Clock Off button to indicate that you have completed your work for the day. A confirmation message is displayed. Click the OK button to complete the Clock Off process.

28 The Web Clock displays the date and time of the Clock Off. Shows the time you clocked off You have finished the Clock Off process.

29 In the upper right corner click on Logout. A confirmation message is displayed. Click the OK button to complete the Logout process.

30 Grace Period A 10-minute Grace Period has been built into the TAS System, providing you with 5 minutes on either side of your scheduled start time and end time. For Example: You are scheduled to work from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM. If you Clock On between 8:55 AM and 9:05 AM your timesheet will show 9:00 AM. If you Clock On prior to 8:55 AM or after 9:05 AM your timesheet will show the exact time of your Clock On Transaction.

31 In the example below: The employee’s scheduled start time is 7:30 AM and scheduled end time is 4:00 PM. The employee clocked on at 7:40 AM and clocked off at 3:50 PM. Since the Clock On and Clock Off times are outside of the Grace Period, the timesheet displays the actual Clock On and Clock Off times as 7:40 AM and 3:50 PM. A Late (LT) record from 7:30 AM to 7:40 AM is displayed. A Left Early (LE) record from 3:50 PM to 4:00 PM is displayed. If the absent time has not been made up throughout the week, the employee or approver will need to change the records to absence records. Notice that the LT and LE are unpaid at this time. The time needs to be made up or leave time should be entered.

32 Meal Break The Time and Attendance System automatically deducts a Meal Break, based upon the employee ’ s schedule, from the employee ’ s timesheet. The employee ’ s timesheet will display a Break (BRK) record with the Duration of the Break. Not everyone takes lunch from 11:30-12. This is the default time entered. Just know that 30 minutes (or 60) are deducted for lunch, no matter when you take it!

33 How do I Report an Absence? To ensure substitutes are requested and continue to fill jobs, Office (exempt and non-exempt) use the SubFinder System to report their absences. If you have used subfinder in the past for your absences, please continue to use it. If you do not request a substitute when you are absent, contact your supervisor to report your absence.

34 Office (Exempt and Non-Exempt) will enter the following types of absences into the SubFinder System: Sick Leave Annual Leave Emergency Leave Jury Duty Bereavement leave How do I Request an Absence?

35 Office (Exempt and Non-Exempt) will continue to contact their home site to report the following types of absences: Vacation Special Leave Civic Leave Professional Leave Military Leave Work Comp How do I Request an Absence?

36 Leave Balances Leave Balances enables you to view your current leave balances. The current balance shown reflects those absences that have actually been taken, and does not include any scheduled absences that have not yet occurred. To display the Leave Balances, you will log into the TAS system and the main workspace window will display.

37 The Leave Balances will display in the Dashboard Area in the upper right of the screen.

38 My Schedule My Schedule enables you to view your daily schedule for the date(s) selected in the From and To areas. This display includes your scheduled work time, holidays, days off, and/or absences. To display My Schedule, you will log into the TAS system and the main workspace window will display.

39 My Schedule will display in the Work Area on the bottom of the screen. The information displayed consists of your Work Schedule (W), your Absences (A), your Days Off (O), and your Holidays (H). Your actual time worked is not displayed on this feature.

40 Edit Timesheet – Basic Information Edit Timesheet enables you to see your time worked, cost center(s), job(s) worked, and absences on a daily basis. You will use the time sheet to modify and approve your time worked and absence time. Every Monday or Tuesday you will access your timesheet and approve your time for the prior week. This will ensure all processes have taken place to update your timesheet, calculate any additional time and/or over time that may have been worked. Once you have approved your timesheet, your approver will review the records and approve the time or make any necessary changes. If changes are made to your timesheet, the payroll secretary will communicate those changes with you. This is the most important event for you (and all employees) each week. This is where you will look it over to find anything incorrect about the week before. Once you submit your timesheet, you’ve put your stamp of approval on it.

41 NOTE:To quickly access your Timesheet, select the desired date or date range and then click on the Edit Timesheet shortcut.

42 Edit Timesheet will display in the Work Area on the bottom of the screen for the date or date range selected.

43 Status Area Payroll Details Work Records The Timesheet is divided into three sections. 1. Payroll Details 2. Work Records 3. Status Area Payroll Details Work Records Status Area

44 Payroll Details The Payroll Details area displays the following: Employee Name Employee ID number Date Every day of the work week will come up individually, so make sure you’re looking at the date you want.

45 Work Records The Work Records area displays the following: Action – The type of time this record is for (The TAS System will automatically complete this field) For a scheduled workday, WRK will be inserted For a scheduled paid absence, ABP will be inserted For a scheduled day off, OFF will be inserted For an unpaid absence, ABU will be inserted To change the action, use the drop down arrow.

46 Code – The code that is attached to the record type Cost Center – The building where the action occurred Job – The position that this action applies to Start Time – The time the action began End Time – The time the action ended Duration – The number of hours/minutes of the action Comments – Any special notations HR Type – The hour type associated with the action; Regular, Additional or Overtime Work Records To change the Code, Cost Center or Job, click on the eye glass next to the box. Your options will appear in the upper right of the screen.

47 Status Area The Status Area displays the following: The daily summary of your hour types (top line) The Approval Status Autopoll – If you have worked your normal schedule, Autopoll is in the approval status field. Your userid – Once you have submitted your work record for approval,this field is updated with your userid. The weekly summary of your hour types (bottom line)

48 Several additional task buttons are displayed on the bottom of the screen: Apply Changes Click on the Apply Changes button when changes are made to the timesheet. The Apply Changes button will process the changes and display the updated information.

49 View Clock Data Click on the View Clock Data button to display the actual Clock On and Clock Off times in the Dashboard for the selected date. This is physically when the employee clocked on and off-with a machine or computer. Despite any changes made on the timesheet, this time will not change.

50 How Does the Employee Approve their Timesheet? Every Monday or Tuesday you will access your timesheet or the Daily Timesheet Summary and approve your time for the prior week. This will ensure all processes have taken place to update your timesheet, calculate any additional time and/or overtime that may have been worked. Once you have approved your timesheet, your approver will review the records and approve the time or make any necessary changes. If changes are made to your timesheet, the payroll secretary will communicate those changes with you.

51 NOTE:To quickly access your Daily Timesheet Summary, select the desired date or date range and then click on the Daily Summary shortcut.

52 The Daily Timesheet Summary will display in the Work Area on the bottom of the screen for the date or date range selected. When you review the daily summary, DO NOT PANIC if you (or if you are an approver, any employee) see Red. The Red means what was worked (or clocked) that day, doesn’t exactly match what your schedule is in TAS. On occasion, red can mean something needs more attention so it is important to always review red records. Check the daily summary if you want to see how your hrs are stacking up for the week & if you have OT potential (or anyone else, for approvers).

53 View All Clock Data Click on the View All Clock Data button to display the actual Clock On and Clock Off times in the Dashboard for each of the selected dates. When finished viewing this data, click on the Close button

54 Submit for Approval Once you have reviewed and/or made corrections to the displayed work records, click on the Submit for Approval button to indicate that the reported time is approved. It will then go to your payroll secretary. After you have approved your work records, the fields will be gray in color, no longer editable and your userid will be in the approval status field. If you need to make additional changes, you will need to visit with the approver at your building. **jabbey

55 When you are finished working with your Daily Timesheet Summary it is important to Logout. In the upper right corner click on Logout. A confirmation message is displayed. Click the OK button to complete the Logout process.

56 How does the Approver approve the Employee’s Timesheet?

57 How Does the Approver Approve the Employee ’ s Timesheet? Once the employee has approved their time for the prior week, the approver will access their timesheet or the Daily Timesheet Summary and approve their time or make any necessary changes for the prior week. If changes are made to the employee ’ s timesheet, the payroll secretary will communicate those changes with the employee. Communication will still need to take place, even with TAS. And more will probably need to take place in the beginning.

58 NOTE:To quickly access an employee’s Daily Timesheet Summary, select the desired employee from the Who option and date or date range and thenclick on the Daily Summary shortcut. To see the week at a glance, use the Daily Summary.

59 Regular Work Week When an employee works the number of hours defined on their schedule this is known as their Regular Work Week. When an employee works their scheduled hours the records on the Daily Timesheet Summary will be black and Autopoll will be in the Approval Status field. The employee will click on the Submit All for Approval button to submit the records for approval. The approver will approve the records, without any modification required, by clicking on the Approve All button.

60 When you are finished working with your Daily Timesheet Summary it is important to Logout. In the upper right corner click on Logout. A confirmation message is displayed. Click the OK button to complete the Logout process.

61 When an employee works something other than their scheduled hours, the records on the Daily Timesheet Summary will be red. The employee will need to review the record and make modifications, if necessary. After modifications have been made, the employee will click on the Submit All for Approval and Save All button to submit the records for approval. The approver will review the record and make modifications, if necessary. After modifications have been made, the approver will click on the Approve All and Save All button to approve the record(s).

62 Clocked in Late – How is the Timesheet Adjusted? There may be occasions when an employee has Clocked in Late. This may occur when the employee is requested to perform a work related duty, prior to Clocking On. When the employee finished the work related duty, they Clocked On. In these instances, the employee will notify their approver of the situation. The approver will change the employee ’ s start time on the timesheet to the scheduled start time.

63 How Does the Employee Adjust the Clock On Time? In these instances, the employee will notify their approver of the situation. The approver will change the employee ’ s start time on the timesheet to the scheduled start time.

64 How Does the Approver Adjust the Clock On Time? From the main workspace window, the Approver will access the employee ’ s timesheet. The default selection of Me will be in the Who option. Select the employee by using the drop down list. In the What option, select Edit Timesheet. Today ’ s date will default into the From and To options. Select an alternate date if the Adjustment is for a different date. Click the Go button.

65 The Edit Timesheet will display in the Work Area on the bottom of the screen. In the example below, the employee is scheduled to work from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. The employee was unable to Clock On when they arrived but did Clock On at 8:33 AM. The employee ’ s timesheet shows an Unpaid (UNP) LATE (LT) record from 8:00 AM to 8:33 AM and then a Work (WRK) record beginning from 8:33 AM, the time they actually Clocked On.

66 Select the record by clicking on the radio button next to the Late record and then click on the Delete Row button. This will remove the Late record from the timesheet. Select the record that has the incorrect time and click on the Start Time field. Change the incorrect time to the correct Start Time. After the information has been changed, click on the Apply Changes button to save the changes you have made. Always APPLY CHANGES! That’s like your save button here.

67 You will notice the Start Time has been changed and the Duration field has been updated. This is the record once it’s been fixed by the payroll secretary to reflect the employee did start working at 8AM.

68 Click on the View Clock Data button to display the actual Clock On time in the Dashboard Area in the upper right of the screen.

69 Employee Left Early but Made Up the Time Upon occasion, an employee may leave work early on one day during the week and make-up their time on another day during the same week. The employee ’ s timesheet for the week will look differently than on the following Monday. There are processes that run at the end of the week to calculate the employee ’ s hours.

70 Example: Employee is scheduled to work Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM. On Tuesday the employee leaves at 1:30 PM. Their timesheet displays the Left Early (LE) record. On Wednesday the employee worked until 5:30 PM, making up the two hours After the weekly processes are run, the Left Early (LE) record is removed. The end result for the week is the employee worked their scheduled 40 hours. Employee Left Early but Made Up the Time

71 Employee Left Early and Did Not Clock Off Upon occasion, an employee may leave work early on one day and forget to Clock Off. The TAS System will automatically put their scheduled End Time on their timesheet; however, when the approver Views Clock Data, a Clock Off time will not be shown. When this happens, the employee, or the approver, will access the timesheet and change the End Time to the time they actually stopped working.

72 Absences/Leave Code Cascade The TAS System has a Leave Code Cascade procedure in place so the deductions from leave balances are done in a specific order. The employee will request absence time, or their approver may schedule the absence time. When approved, the absence records will display on the timesheet. The cascade can vary by employee group. Not all employees have vacation or special leave.

73 Example: Employee has an Annual Leave Balance of 3 hours Employee has a Vacation Leave Balance of 10 hours The employee has requested an absence for 7 hours of Annual Leave. The timesheet displays the approved absence split between two Leave Codes. 3 hours of Annual Leave 4 hours of Vacation Leave Absences Leave Code Cascade

74 Employee Left Early Without Absence Request In this example, the employee is scheduled to work from 8:00 AM to 1:30 PM. The employee left early for the day and clocked out at 12:00 PM and did not request an absence. The record displays the Left Early Code (LE) in the Action field. The employee can edit the record on the timesheet and change the Left Early Code (LE) to a Paid Absence Code (ABP). The approver can also make the change to the employee ’ s timesheet. All employees have the ability to change their leave codes. In this case, from Unpaid to a paid code (ex: vacation or sick).

75 From the main workspace window, the approver will access the employee ’ s timesheet. The default selection of Me will be in the Who option. Using the drop down arrow, select the employee In the What option, select Edit Timesheet. Today ’ s date will default into the From and To options. Select an alternate date if the Left Early (LE) absence is for a different date. Click the Go button.

76 The Edit Timesheet will display in the Work Area on the bottom of the screen. Select the record by clicking on the drop down list next to the unpaid absence (UNP) record. In the Action field, use the drop down list and select ABP for Paid Absence. Click the Magnifying Glass beside the Code field. A listing of Codes will display in the Dashboard Area in the upper right of the screen. Select the appropriate Absence Code.

77 The Start Time and End Time are defaulted. If the Start Time and End Time need to be changed, enter the Start Time and End Time in the format of HH:MM AM. The Comment box is not a required field; however, it may be helpful to enter what the Absence was for. The HR Type defaults to REG. This is correct and no further changes are required. After all required information has been entered, click on the Apply Changes button to save the changes and/or additions you have made. With Paid Absences the Timesheet also displays Entitlement (ENT) records. These records cannot be edited.

78 Emergency Leave Request from SubFinder Employees who enter an absence into SubFinder for Emergency Leave will see the absence request when they click on the My Schedule shortcut. The Emergency Leave Request code is EMR. All Emergency Leave is required to be approved by Human Resources. If the Emergency Leave is approved, the Emergency Leave Request (EMR) code will be changed to the employee’s appropriate Emergency Leave Granted code.

79 Employee Enters Emergency Leave on Timesheet When the employee has an unexpected absence they can enter Emergency Leave on their timesheet. In this example, the employee is scheduled to work from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. The employee was absent in the morning from 8:00 AM to 10:47 AM. After arriving to work, they Clocked On using the Web Clock. The record displays the Unpaid (UNP) code in the Action field and Late (LT) code in the Code field. The remainder of the line(s) will be defaulted with the appropriate Cost Center, Job, Start and End Times, Duration, and HR Type. To change the Unpaid (UNP) Late (LT) record to Emergency Leave Request, the employee will log into the TAS system and the main workspace window will display.

80 In the What field, select Edit Timesheet. Enter or select the desired date or date range in the From and To options. Click the Go button. The Edit Timesheet will display in the Work Area on the bottom of the screen. Select the record by clicking on the drop down list in the Action field next to the Late (LT) record.

81 In the Action field, select ABP for Paid Absence. Click the Magnifying Glass beside the Code field. A listing of Codes will display in the Dashboard Area in the upper right of the screen. Select the Emergency Leave Request (EMR) Code. The Cost Center and Job will be defaulted.

82 A Start Time and End Time of the absence are required. The Start Time of the absence is defaulted. The End Time of the absence is shown as the time the employee Clocked On. A reason for the Emergency Leave Request is required. Enter the reason in the Comments field. The first work (WRK) record shows the Start Time as the time the employee Clocked On. The End Time defaulted to the beginning of the meal break. After all required information has been entered, click on the Apply Changes button to save the changes and/or additions you have made.

83 Emergency Leave Denied After the request for Emergency Leave has been requested, the Human Resources Department determines if the reason is valid. The request will either be Approved or Denied by the Human Resources Department. If the Emergency Leave is Denied, the Emergency Leave Request (EMR) code will be changed to the Emergency Leave Denied (EMD) code and employee will need to select another type of leave. All Emergency Leave is required to be approved by Human Resources. If the Emergency Leave is approved, the Emergency Leave Request (EMR) code will be changed to the employee’s appropriate Emergency Leave Granted code.

84 Full Time Employee with Paid Leave If the employee has sufficient leave hours available they will receive paid leave for their absence. Absences that have been entered into the SubFinder System are loaded into the TAS System and automatically Approved by SubFinder. In this example, the employee is scheduled to work from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. The employee has a Paid Absence for the entire day.

85 The screen shot below shows the Employee what a Timesheet record will look like for a Full Time Employee with Paid Leave. The record displays the Absence Paid (ABP) code in the Action field and Vacation (VA4) code in the Code field. The remainder of the line(s) will be defaulted with the appropriate Cost Center, Job, Start and End Times, Duration, and HR Type. With Paid Absences the Timesheet also displays Entitlement (ENT) records. These records cannot be edited.

86 The screen shot below shows the Approver what a Timesheet record will look like for a Full Time Employee with Paid Leave. Notice this one came thru Subfinder, so it’s approved already.

87 Employee with Unpaid Leave If the employee does not have sufficient leave hours available they will receive unpaid leave for their absence. In the example below, the employee is scheduled to work from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. The employee has an Unpaid Absence for the entire day. The record displays the Absence Unpaid (ABU) code in the Action field and No Pay (NP) code in the Code field. The remainder of the line(s) will be defaulted with the appropriate Cost Center, Job, Start and End Times, Duration, and HR Type.

88 The screen shot below shows the Employee what a Timesheet record will look like for a Full Time Employee with Unpaid Leave. The screen shot below shows the Approver what a Timesheet record will look like for a Full Time Employee with Unpaid Leave.

89 Messages Messages allow you to view messages related to the status of an absence request. To display Messages, you will log into the TAS system and the main workspace window will display. The default selection of Me will be in the Who option. In the What option, select Messages. Click the Go button. Your current Messages, if any, will display in the Dashboard area. Click the Subject of the message you want to view. The message information will display in the Work Area. After reading the message, you may either delete the message by clicking on the Delete Message button or select another message to view. Check dashboard to see if you have a waiting message.

90 My Reminders As you access the TAS System you will see My Reminders in the Dashboard area. This area provides quick access to your unread messages. In the example below, it shows there are 2 unread messages in the Absence Queue. Click on the link to view the details of the messages. After clicking on the link pertaining to the unread messages in your Absence the bottom of your screen. queue, the Absence Request Approval is displayed in the Work Area on

91 After reviewing the details for the Absence Request, click either the Approve or Reject button to approve or reject the employee ’ s request to be absent. If multiple requests are displayed, you can approve or reject all of them by clicking on the Approve All or Reject All buttons. You may use the Approver Reason field to add additional notes supporting your decision for the approval or rejection. Click the Save button to save your entries. A message confirming your saved entries is displayed in the Work Area and your Workflow Message Inbox removes the Absence Request. The employee(s) requesting the absence will be notified through their message inbox of the approval or rejection.

92 Leave Approval – Approver The Leave Approval provides an on-screen listing showing the status of an absence request for the date(s) selected in the From and To areas. To display the Leave Approval, you will log into the TAS system and the main workspace window will display. The default selection of Me will be in the Who option. Using the drop down arrow, select employee(s). In the What option, select Leave Approval. Enter or select the desired date or date range in the From and To options. Click the Go button.

93 The Leave Approval will display in the Dashboard Area in the upper right of the screen. If there are multiple choices, click on your selection. When finished, click the Show Request button. Requestor:Displays the name(s) of the employee(s) selected in the Who List. Request Type: Displays a list of the available approval types. To select more than one type, hold the Ctrl key down and click on the desired type. Request Status: Highlight the statuses you wish by clicking on the first, and while holding the Ctrl key down, click on the other statuses desired.

94 The Approval Request Summary will display in the Work Area at the bottom of the screen. To view the Approver Details of a particular record, select the record by clicking on the radio button and then clicking the Details button. When finished with this view, click the Back button to return to the Approval Request Summary window or click the Cancel Request button to cancel the request. Note: The associated employee will be notified of a canceled request through their message inbox.

95 Straight Time Over Time (STOT) When an employee works over their scheduled hours but less than 40 hours per week, the additional hours are paid as Straight Time Over Time (STOT). These hours are paid at the employee ’ s regular rate of pay. For example: The employee below is scheduled to work 25 hours per week. The employee actually worked a total of 45 hours this week.

96 The first 25 hours are displayed as REG (Regular) hours and will be paid at the employee ’ s regular rate of pay. The next 15 hours are displayed as ADDL and will be paid as Straight Time Over Time The last 5 hours are displayed as OT (Overtime) as these hours are over 40 hours per week. These 5 hours will be paid at 1 ½ times the employee ’ s regular rate of pay. Remember to look at the week’s summary line, not the daily line.

97 Overtime Pay Changed to Compensatory Time An employee may request Compensatory Time in lieu of Overtime Pay, with approval of the principal/supervisor, with the rate figured as 1 ½ times the number of hours worked in excess of 40 hours in any workweek.

98 How Does the Employee Change Overtime to Compensatory Time? The employee will notify the approver of their request to change their Overtime to Compensatory Time. Once the approver has made the change to the employee ’ s Timesheet, the employee can access their timesheet to view the changes. The screen shot below shows the Employee what a Timesheet record will look like for an employee with Overtime Pay changed to Compensatory Time.

99 How Does the Approver Change Overtime to Compensatory Time? Upon the request of the employee, and the approval of the principal/supervisor, the Approver will change the Overtime (OVT) record to Compensatory Time (CLD). From the main workspace window, the Approver will access the employee ’ s timesheet. The Edit Timesheet will display in the Work Area on the bottom of the screen.

100 For the work record that has the HR type of OVT, scroll to the right to display the Comp OT field. On the Overtime (OVT) record, click on the drop down box and select COMP.

101 The HR Type defaults to REG. This is correct and no further changes are required. The Rate field will be blank. The Acct Code field will be defaulted and may not need to be changed. If a different Acct Code is required, you can delete the defaulted Acct Code and enter another. After all required information has been entered, click on the Apply Changes button. If the employee has reached the maximum number of hours of Compensatory Time, an error message will be displayed and the record will remain unchanged. The employee will be paid at the Overtime rate for their hours.

102 Protect Date The final day of the pay period is called the Protect Date. Once the Protect Date is set, the records on the timesheet are grayed out and not editable. The Protect Date will be displayed in RED on the timesheet.

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