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Ms. Wrigley.  Legend-usual focuses on a person or event that may or may not be real, but people were so fascinated with the ideals or issues that these.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Wrigley.  Legend-usual focuses on a person or event that may or may not be real, but people were so fascinated with the ideals or issues that these."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Wrigley

2  Legend-usual focuses on a person or event that may or may not be real, but people were so fascinated with the ideals or issues that these people or events envelope that the story continues to be passed on and change (example: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow)

3  Answer these questions on a sheet of paper that you will turn in.  What are the names of people in legends that you know?  Do you know of any ghost stories that involve one well-known character? What are they?  1. ____________________________________  2. ____________________________________  What are some things children in the United States believe would happen to them that might make them afraid of going outside late at night?

4  Although several variations exist, the most basic story tells of a beautiful woman by the name of Maria who drowns her children in the Mexican river as a means of revenge because her husband left her for another woman.  She soon realizes that her children are dead, so she drowns herself in a river in Mexico City.  Maria is forced to wander the Earth for all eternity, searching in vain for her drowned offspring, with her constant weeping giving her the name "La Llorona". She is trapped in between the living world and the spirit world.

5  Parents use it to warn their children that La Llorona will kidnap them if they behave badly or go outside after dark.  A warning to young women about men who might not be good for them.  One of the morals of the story was for women to be good wives and mothers.  The story dates back to the time of the Spanish conquest.

6  Means “snake woman”.  Cihuacoatl was an Aztec goddess of fertility and motherhood, and also said to have helped create the human race.  Mother to Mixcoatl, god of the hunt, who she later abandoned. Mythology says that she is known to return to the place she left him, but weeps, like La Llorona, when she cannot find him.  Like La Llorona, she and all of the mothers who died during childbirth are said to roam the streets at night stealing children.

7  ¿Qué hora es? (What time is it?)  To ask when something will happen you ask:  ¿A qué hora? (At what time?)  To talk about something happening at a certain time:  A las… (At __ o’clock).  At 3 o’clock = A las tres.

8  Son las ____= It is ___ o’clock  Es la una = It is one o’clock  5:00 = Son las cinco.  8:00 = Son las ocho.  1:00 = Es la una.  Noon = Mediodía  Midnight = Medianoche

9  de la mañana – a.m. (in the morning)  de la tarde – p.m. (in the evening)  de la noche – p.m. (at night).

10  On a sheet of paper write out the time in Spanish for the following:  8:00  9:00  2:00  7:00  10:00  (Example: 6:00 = Son las seis).

11  Now write down the time in digits for the times I tell you in Spanish.  Example: If I say “Son las dos.”  You write: 2:00.

12  You have 15 minutes to get the names in your paper.   Go around the room asking classmates if the things in the squares are true about them. You may only use your name once.

13  First, in the column on the right, write out the times in Spanish:  8:00-9:00– Son las ocho -- Son las nueve.  Below that write down in English what you are doing during that time.  In the bottom two boxes, write out the times in Spanish for things you do after school. Write at least four times in each box.

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