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Precision Teaching By Nicole Marcotte. What is Precision Teaching? What I thought it was: VHI

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Presentation on theme: "Precision Teaching By Nicole Marcotte. What is Precision Teaching? What I thought it was: VHI"— Presentation transcript:

1 Precision Teaching By Nicole Marcotte

2 What is Precision Teaching? What I thought it was: VHI VHI

3 What is Precision Teaching? What it actually is: DfyY DfyY

4 Major Components of a Classroom with Precision Teaching: 1. Directly Observable Behavior 2. Frequency 3. Standard Celeration Chart 4. The Learner Knows Best

5 1. Directly Observable Behavior Translate learning tasks into concrete, directly observable behaviors that can be counted and recorded. – Ex) Gauge decoding skills by have a student read out loud and recording the number of words they got correct.

6 2. Frequency Used as a measure of performance Used to see how accurately an instructional program is working for a student – Ex) Two students answer math problems with 100% accuracy. However, one answered 10 problems in the allotted time, and the other answered three. The slow performance may be due to reliance on additional assistance.

7 3. Standard Celeration Chart Graph of how behavior can change Paints a picture of progress – Ex)

8 4. The Learner Knows Best General Rule of Thumb: – If a student is progressing according to plan, then the program is appropriate for that student. If not, then the program must be changed in some way. – Student performance determines the “right” teaching strategy.

9 Example Precision Teaching in action: WUE WUE

10 Special Education Progress Monitoring – IDEA (1997 & 2004) and Article 7 require IEPs to describe measurable outcomes for a student. Also requires teachers to measure student progress toward each goal and report progress to parents.

11 Precision Teaching allows you to efficiently progress monitor to keep up with IEP goals as well as discover the best way to teach each child. Demonstration projects during the late 60's and early 70's confirmed the power of this approach, showing that as little as 20 to 30 minutes per day of Precision Teaching in regular and special classrooms could boost children's achievement test scores by as much as 20 to 40 percentile points (Beck, 1979).

12 Quote from founder O. R. Lindsley (1964): – “Children are not retarded. Only their behavior in average environments is sometimes retarded. In fact, it is modern science’s ability to design suitable environments for these children that is retarded.” (Binder, 1990) The first classroom application of precision teaching was in a Canadian Montessori classroom for exceptional children. (Lindsley, 1992)

13 Progress Monitoring Resource: – Easy CBM – achers/auth/measures.php achers/auth/measures.php

14 Activity v=WYS9KK-3epU v=WYS9KK-3epU 4 learning center stations Start at given station, then move on to your own choice

15 Resources Binder, C., & Watkins, C. L. (1990). Precision Teaching and Direct Instruction: Measurably Superior Instructional Technology in Schools. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 3(4), 74-96. Binder, C. Precision Teaching and Curriculum Based Measurement. Journal of Precision Teaching, 7(2), 33-35. Lindsley, O. R. (1992). Precision Teaching: Discoveries and Effects. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 25(1), 51-57. Precision Teaching: Concept Definition and Guiding Principles. Psychology 387: Learning. Athabasca University. Yell, Mitchell., Ph. D. (2013) Bullet-Proofing Your IEPs Through Progress Monitoring, University of South Carolina, Lecture given 11/5/2013 at Ben David High School. Easy CBM: Measures. Easy CBM. University of Oregon. Precision Teaching in the Primary Classroom.,,

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