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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO A NEW SCHOOL YEAR! HOME OF THE COUGARS! HOME OF THE COUGARS!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Overview  This presentation is to serve as a summary overview of some basic expectations, guidelines, and rules.  This is not a comprehensive set of school rules.  For more detailed, complete information please look at the Students Rights and Responsibilities handbook online.

3 Parking Lot  Speed limit on campus is 15 miles per hour.  You must park in lined parking spot and not “ride” the lines.  Speeding, driving over curbs, not stopping for pedestrians is illegal and violates our school rules.  Once you are in the parking lot in the mornings you may not leave without permission.  Flags of any kind may not be flown attached to vehicles due to safety concerns.  Consequences:  First Offense = 1 day of ISS and no driving for 10 school days  Second Offense = 2 days OSS and no driving for 20 school days  Third Offense = 3 days OSS and no driving for 30 school days  ALL offenses = Sheriff’s Department Notified

4 Buses  All School rules apply on the bus.  Bus drivers CAN assign seats and you must comply.  You must remain seated at all times.  Consequences for all offenses = suspension of riding privileges and/or ISS, OSS, or alternative school.

5 Attendance/Communications  All absences are coded as unexcused until documentation is provided (You bring a note from parent, doctor, dentist, etc.).  Parents may write 3 excuses per semester.  It is the responsibility of the student or parent to turn in excuse notes to the front office after an absence.

6 Early Dismissal Procedure  To leave school early, your parent/guardian must send a note to school in the morning that you need to check out at a specific time.  We will call home to verify the note.  Before leaving school, you must report to the office and sign out with a secretary or administrator.  *If we cannot reach your parent to verify the note, you will not be allowed to check out

7 Being Tardy to School  School starts at 7:20 a.m.  “ Tardy to school ” means any time you arrive late or sign out early.  Any time you arrive to school late you must sign in at the main office.

8 Tardies to Class (all periods)  1 st and 2 nd = warnings  3 rd tardy = letter sent home to be signed by parents/guardians  Letter not returned next day = 1 day of ISS  4 th tardy = 1 day of ISS and administrator calls home  5 th tardy = 1 day of ISS and loss of exam exemptions  6 th tardy = 1 day of ISS  7 th tardy = 1 day of ISS and loss of campus driving privileges  8 th tardy = 1 day of ISS  9 th tardy = 2 days of ISS  10 th tardy = 3 days of ISS  More than 10 = Alternative School, OSS, and/or Expulsion

9 Skipping Class (“AWOL”)  Attendance is critical to your academic success in all classes.  If you skip class, the following consequences will occur:  1 st offense = 1-3 days ISS  2 nd offense = 2-5 days ISS  3 rd offense = 3-5 days ISS and 10 days alternative school.  NOTE: Leaving class with a note and being found in an area not listed on the note is the same as skipping class.

10 Leaving School Grounds  Once you are on campus, you are not allowed to leave without permission from the main office (including students who drive)  1 st offense = 2-3 days ISS or OSS  2 nd offense = 1-3 days OSS  3 rd offense = 1-5 days OSS and Alternative school.  4 th offense = 3-5 days OSS and expulsion

11 Lunch  You are expected to arrive in the lunch room by the time the tardy bell rings. You are not allowed to be “tardy” to lunch.  You are expected to remain in a seat during your entire lunch period.  The only restrooms open for use during lunch are the ones near the office.  Food deliveries are not allowed during lunch – even from parents.  There will be times that announcements have to made during lunch. Listen for the whistle and quiet down to listen.

12 Dress Code Guidelines  Review the entire dress code in the SRR handbook.  No hats, bandanas, hoods  Pants:  No holes above a dollar bill’s width above knee  No sagging or underwear showing at all  No pajamas  Leggings/yoga pants must be covered by a top that extends down to a dollar bill’s width above the knee  Shorts/Skirts/Dresses must extend down to a dollar bill’s width above the knee  Shoes must be worn at all times – even in classrooms.

13 More Dress Code  Shirts/Blouses/Tops must have a neckline that does not expose any cleavage.  Your waistline should be covered at all times.  No “see through” material is allowed  No alcohol, tobacco, drug, or suggestive/vulgar materials on clothing  No wallet chains, spiked bracelets or necklaces

14 Dress Code consequences  1 st offense = parent notification, formal warning, student will be required to change clothing or correct the clothing issue immediately or report to ISS for the remainder of the day.  2 nd offense = parent notification, student will be required to change clothing and be assigned 1 day of ISS  3 rd offense = student will be required to change and be assigned up to 3 days of ISS.  4 th offense = up to 5 days ISS and 10 days alternative school  5 th offense = Expulsion for remainder of year

15 Cell Phones/Electronic Devices  Cell phones may be used during class time ONLY when given explicit permission by your teacher.  Students are expected to follow the individual classroom cell phone policies as described by your teacher.  Cell phones may be used before school, during class changes, and during lunch in the cafeteria.  Head phones must be worn if playing sound.  Only one head phone may be used at once.

16 Cell Phones/Electronic Devices  Consequences for violating the cell phone/device policy include:  1 st and every subsequent offense = Phone confiscated by administrator and locked in school safe for seven calendar days.  If you refuse to surrender your phone, you will receive three days of OSS and all work will be assigned zeros. There is no make up work allowed for OSS days assigned due to refusal to comply with administrators.

17 Fights  When two students throw and land punches it is considered a “mutual fight.”  It does not matter who started the fight or who threw the first punch.  Usually a fight “begins” long before a punch is ever thrown.  Consequences:  First offense = both students receive 5 days OSS  Second offense = up to 5 days OSS and 10 days Alternative School.  Third Offense = Expulsion  NOTE: Videoing a fight is also NOT allowed and if you do you will receive ISS or OSS.

18 Discrimination/Harassment  Discrimination and harassment in any form are not allowed.  Discrimination/harassment is defined as conduct, advances, and gestures or words which:  Unreasonably interfere with a student’s work or performance.  Create an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.

19 Cyber-bullying/Online Harassment  Cyber-bullying and online harassment applies to harassment, bullying, and threatening comments made to or about faculty and/or students through text messages, social media, and/or other electronic forms of communication.  Possible consequences include:  SRO involvement  ISS and/or OSS  Alternative School  Expulsion for no less than one calendar year

20 Reporting Discriminatory Behaviors  Please report any harassing or discriminatory behaviors to a teacher or administrator.  Our Harassment Coordinator is Mr. Calhoun.  We will investigate every complaint or concern completely.  The complaint and identity of the complainant shall not be disclosed except (1) as required by law, (2) as necessary to fully investigate the complaint or (3) as authorized by the complainant. Reports may be made anonymously but formal disciplinary action may not be solely based on an anonymous report.

21 Field Trips * Participation in field trips is a privilege for Sullivan Central High School students. *  To attend a school trip, you must be passing all classes and have satisfactory attendance.

22 Any questions?


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