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Introduction to Learning Technology Interoperability Standards & CETIS Lorna M. Campbell CETIS Assistant Director Glenrothes College, August 2003.

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1 Introduction to Learning Technology Interoperability Standards & CETIS Lorna M. Campbell CETIS Assistant Director Glenrothes College, August 2003

2 What are learning technology standards and specifications?  Open standards and specifications that are designed to facilitate the description, packaging, sequencing and delivery of educational content, learning activities and learner information.  Not just about content. Glenrothes College, August 2003

3 Why do we need learning technology standards and specifications?  To ensure that resources are:  Portable – allowing users to move resources between proprietary systems, preventing “lock-in”.  Durable – ensuring that resources will remain accessible as systems and platforms change.  Reusable – enabling practitioners to reuse resources in different contexts and to tailor resources to meet their own requirements. Glenrothes College, August 2003

4 Why do we need learning technology standards and specifications?  To facilitate interoperability.  “The ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged.” - IEEE Standard Computer Dictionary.  To enable us to share. Glenrothes College, August 2003

5 Who is developing LT interoperability standards and specifications?  IMS Global Learning Consortium.   Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL).   Aviation Industry CBT Committee.   Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.   Schools Interoperability Framework.  Glenrothes College, August 2003

6 Who is developing LT interoperability standards and specifications?  Comité Européen de Normalization/Information Society Standardisation System Workshop - Learning Technologies (CEN/ISSS WS-LT).   Institute for Electronic and Electrical Engineers Learning Technology Standards Committee (IEEE LTSC).   International Standards Organisation Subcommittee 36: Standards for Learning Educational and Training.   National Standards Bodies e.g BSI, AFNOR, DIN. Glenrothes College, August 2003

7 What do LT interoperability specs and standards do?  Enable users to search for, locate and retrieve appropriate content – DCMI, IEEE LOM, IMS Digital Repositories Interoperability, ODRL, METS.  Plan educational scenarios and formulate instructional designs – IMS Learning Design, emls (e.g.OUNL EML, PALO).  Deliver educational content tailored to learners requirements – IMS Learning Design, Simple Sequencing, emls, ADL SCORM. Glenrothes College, August 2003

8 What do LT interoperability specs and standards do?  Share content between systems – IMS Content Packaging, ADL SCORM.  Create and deliver computer aided assessments – IMS Question and Test Interoperability.  Record and share learner information – IMS Learner Information Packages (LIP), IMS Reusable Definition of Competencies or Educational Objectives, Enterprise.  Ensure educational content is accessible to all users – IMS Accessibility, W3C WAI. Glenrothes College, August 2003

9 How do LT standards relate to educational practice? Glenrothes College, August 2003 repository Original diagram by C. Duncan administration learning resources competencies registry/ authority course delivery system / vle student pedagogy tests & assessment activities dialogue teacher repository

10 How do LT standards relate to educational practice? Glenrothes College, August 2003 repository Original diagram by C. Duncan administration learning resources competencies registry/ authority course delivery system / vle student pedagogy tests & assessment activities dialogue teacher repository IMS Learning Design IMS QTI IMS Simple Sequencing IMS Content Packaging IMS RDCEO IMS DRI IMS DRI Metadata IMS Enterprise IMS LIP ADL SCORM ODRL IMS ACCLIP

11 JISC and CETIS  Centre for Educational Technology Interoperability Standards.  Funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) since  Provide strategic guidance, advice and opportunities on the use of ICT to support learning, teaching, research and administration.  Funds services and research programmes. Glenrothes College, August 2003

12 CETIS core activities  Advise UK FE/HE on the strategic, technical and pedagogic implications of educational technology interoperability standards.  Support FE/HE institutions, JISC research programmes and initiatives.  Provide technical advice on the uptake and implementation of standards and specifications.  Manage the CETIS Special Interest Groups. Glenrothes College, August 2003

13 CETIS structure Distributed organisation with centres in Bolton, Bangor, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Newark…. 16 full and part time staff. Directors: –Prof Oleg Liber & Bill Olivier, Bolton Institute. Assistant directors: –Scott Wilson, University of Wales, Bangor & Lorna Campbell, University of Strathclyde. Business manager: –To be appointed… FE Focus Group: –Clive Church, Steve Jeyes, Shelagh Brumpton, Newark and Sherwood College. Glenrothes College, August 2003

14 CETIS website   Managed by CETIS web journalist Wilbert Kraan  Links to all relevant standards and specifications bodies.  Daily updates of latest developments in the field of learning technology standards and specifications.  SIG websites.  Discussions and debates.  News syndication (RSS v1.0). Glenrothes College, August 2003

15 Participation in standards development  Represent UK FE/HE on various international educational technology standards bodies, e.g. IMS, CEN/ISSS, ISO, IEEE.  Feed UK FE/HE requirements back to standards bodies.  Gather use cases from FE/HE sector.  Participate in specification authoring e.g. IMS Learning Design. Glenrothes College, August 2003

16 Additional CETIS activities  Working with other UK organisations e.g Learning and Teaching Scotland, NHSU, UKeU, DfES, Becta, SUfI, UfI.  Developing application profiles for use across all UK educational sectors.  Liasing with vendors.  Interoperability testing e.g Content CodeBash 1 & 2.  Liasing with international organisations e.g. IMS Australia, Industry Canada, OUNL, ADL,etc. Glenrothes College, August 2003

17 CETIS SIGs and fora  Manages a series of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and fora:  Accessibility  Assessment  Educational Content  Enterprise  Learner Information Profiles  Metadata and Digital Repositories  Further Education Focus Group  Pedagogy Forum Glenrothes College, August 2003

18 SIGs remit  Form communities of practice to support the sector’s uptake and implementation of interoperability specifications.  Track the development of learning technology interoperability standards and specifications.  Advise the sector on the relevance of different standards and specifications.  Channel sector’s requirements back to CETIS and international standards initiatives. Glenrothes College, August 2003

19 SIG Activities  Form direct link with UK FE/HE community.  Hold regular meetings and workshops throughout UK.  Maintain SIG websites and discussion fora.  Author user guides.  Hold road shows.  Conduct user surveys.  Gather use cases.  Commission tasks.  Test tools and products interoperability. Glenrothes College, August 2003

20 Engaging the community  All CETIS SIG meetings are open and free of charge.  All SIG mailing lists are open to all interested parties.  All UK FE/HE staff are welcome and encouraged to participate.  FE Focus Group forms a direct link between the FE sector, CETIS and JISC. Glenrothes College, August 2003

21 Contact details  CETIS Website   FE Focus Group  Clive Church  Steve Jeyes  Shelagh Brumpton  Lorna M. Campbell Glenrothes College, August 2003

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