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A Historical Summary of the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict.

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1 A Historical Summary of the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict

2 Map of Israel What nations border Israel? What bodies of water border Israel? Locate and shade: Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Golan Heights. Circle Jerusalem. Notice how the city is split between The West Bank and Israel proper.

3 “Ancient” History of the Region 1500 BC - Hebrews settled area 586 BC – Judah conquered – Jews exiled 167 BC – Jerusalem established as Jewish capital – under Roman rule 638-1000 area ruled by Islamic groups – allowed Jews and Christians to keep religion 1070 – 1300 – CRUSADES 1798 – conquered by Napoleon Keep the historical perspective and mindset of both Palestinians and Israelis as we discuss the issue – fighting for the Holy Land is the way of life.

4 Zionism Zionism – defined: “an international political movement that originally supported the reestablishment of a homeland for the Jewish People in Palestine and continues primarily as support for the modern state of Israel.” Term has a variety of unwritten meanings (connotations) – A 1975 UN Resolution determined that Zionism is a form of racial discrimination. Why? Why is the US often referred to as a “Zionist Ally”

5 The “Creation” of Israel The Balfour Declaration – In 1917, Britain conquered modern-day Palestine and Israel. The Declaration was the support of the creation of a Jewish nation The Holocaust during WWII – Nazi leaders and military’s plan to eliminate all Jews (genocide). “The Master Plan” – Resulted in international support for the “Creation” of a Jewish homeland

6 Partition: Israel and Palestine United Nations Plan of 1947 – The area was split, roughly in half, creating two nations – Israel (Jewish) and Palestine (Muslim) – Israel accepted – Palestinians rejected the Plan. – Immediate problems: Jews lived in Palestine & Palestinians in Israel Bloodshed to rid areas of enemies led to war… Neighboring nations get involved Israel is recognized by the United Nations Palestine is NOT recognized by the United Nations

7 War of 1948 As soon as Partition was declared, May 14, 1948, war began between Muslims and Jews Syria, Jordan, Egypt declared war War ended in 1949 – Israel victorious 726,000 Arab refugees flooded out of Israel into neighboring countries No signing of Peace treaty – countries remained “At War” for years to come

8 “we accept no kind of co- existence with Israel. The Arab nations have decided to cleanse Palestine of your presence.” The Six Day War

9 Six Day War (1967) 1967 – Egyptian President Nasser – “The existence of Israel has continued too long…The battle has come in which we shall destroy Israel.” Iraq President Rahman Aref – “Our goal is clear – to wipe Israel off the map.” 10,000 graves were dug in Tel-Aviv in parks anticipating the causalities… WHY? Why are these Arab states determined that Israel not be allowed to exist?

10 Six Day War (1967) Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq Vs. Israel Israel used a “pre-emptive strike” to wipe out enemy airforce = Israeli air superiority Israel was victorious – expanded size Israel gained and kept control of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank and parts of the Golan Heights Israel cited the need for a buffer and strategic locations of their expansion

11 The Intifada Intifada is defined as “a shaking off”. Refers to Palestinian uprisings to get rid of the Israelis. First Intifada = 1987 to 1993 Second Intifada = 2000 to present Second Intifada has had an increased use of weapons, assassinations, suicide bombings, an attacks on settlements.

12 The West Bank and Gaza Strip Since 1967 these areas have been under Israeli rule. Considered a territory (not a state) under Israeli military rule. 2.5 million Palestinians residents 275,000 Jewish settlers Approx. 23,000 Palestinians cross into Israel every day to work, so security is a problem. The answer: Military Checkpoints So, what is Palestine’s (Gaza and West Bank) status? Military Occupation, Territorial Expansion, or Temporary land held for defense?

13 Jewish Settlements Land claimed as “Biblical Homeland” in West Bank and Gaza Strip. 100,000 settlers moved into the West Bank and 275,000 into Gaza Strip These Settlements are EXTREMELY CONTROVERSIAL. What is disturbing about this video? Israeli settlers stoning Palestinians

14 Hamas Islamic Resistance Movement Uses a combination of political, social, and military operations Has greatly expanded political powers through popular elections Hamas militants have repeatedly used suicide bombings in West Bank and Gaza USA considers Hamas a terrorist organization

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