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Agenda for Thursday, January 28, 2016 1.While You Are Waiting - #4 2.Go over homework 3.Video Clip 4.Chargaff’s Rule/Complementary Base-Pair Rule - Practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda for Thursday, January 28, 2016 1.While You Are Waiting - #4 2.Go over homework 3.Video Clip 4.Chargaff’s Rule/Complementary Base-Pair Rule - Practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda for Thursday, January 28, 2016 1.While You Are Waiting - #4 2.Go over homework 3.Video Clip 4.Chargaff’s Rule/Complementary Base-Pair Rule - Practice 5.DNA vs RNA 6.Homework: Pages 8 – 9 and 17 – 19 in your packet

2 While You Are Waiting What is the function of DNA?

3 Check Your Homework Explain why you drew your sketch the way you did

4 Check Your Homework FunctionStructure of the Molecule Store information The genetic code is stored in the sequence of the nitrogenous bases Copy information The bases are used to make a new copy of DNA during DNA replication and to make an RNA molecule Transmit information The genetic code is transmitted from the bases of the DNA to RNA to make proteins

5 Content Objectives: I will be able to estimate the percentages of nitrogenous bases according to Chargaff’s rule I will be able to compare and contrast DNA and RNA

6 Chargaff’s Rule Video Clip

7 Chargaff’s Rule The percentages for adenine and thymine are almost equal in any DNA sample and the same is true for cytosine and guanine

8 Chargaff’s Rule The percentages for adenine and thymine are almost equal in any DNA sample and the same is true for cytosine and guanine OrganismAdenineGuanineCytosineThymine Human31 Percentages of Each Type of Base Turn to page 4 in your packet and complete the chart for #16 If you need help, ask your neighbor to help you

9 Chargaff’s Rule OrganismAdenineGuanineCytosineThymine Human3119 31 Cow2822 Salmon2129 Wheat27 Yeast3119 Percentages of Each Type of Base

10 Content Objective: I will be able to compare and contrast DNA and RNA

11 RNA Video Clip

12 RNA structure Overall structure Nucleotide Nitrogenous bases Single stranded Sugar (ribose) Phosphate Base

13 DNA vs. RNA Sugar Overall Base

14 Content Objectives: I will be able to estimate the percentages of nitrogenous bases based on Chargaff’s rule I will be able to compare and contrast DNA and RNA

15 Homework: Read page 8 to help you answer the questions on page 9 Read page 17 to help you answer the questions on pages 18 and 19 Please remain in your seats until the bell rings. Thank you

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