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6 th Religion Vocabulary Terms Week 6. Holy Spirit The third person of the Blessed Trinity.

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Presentation on theme: "6 th Religion Vocabulary Terms Week 6. Holy Spirit The third person of the Blessed Trinity."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 th Religion Vocabulary Terms Week 6

2 Holy Spirit The third person of the Blessed Trinity

3 Holy Trinity God in three Persons, a mystery of our faith

4 Immaculate Conception The truth (doctrine of our faith) that Mary was conceived without the stain of Original Sin This feast, which is a holy day of obligation, is celebrated on December 8th

5 Incarnation That God the Son became man He is perfect God and perfect man

6 Incense A resin made from plants and trees, incense is used in the sacred liturgy of the Mass The smoke from the incense gives a visual reminder that our prayers ascend to heaven The altar, ministers (priests, deacons and bishops) and the congregation may be incensed

7 Industriousness To be hardworking and diligent in one’s duties; to follow through on a task and to create a system for dealing with one’s duties and difficulties for example: – to do one’s homework well, and on time – To do one’s chores without complaint See Mark 7:37 “and they were astonished beyond measure, saying “He has done all things well…”

8 Intercessor Someone who prays or pleads on behalf of another

9 Israel The new name God gave the patriarch (one of our fathers in faith) Jacob The Jewish people were later called Israelites

10 Israelites Our ancestors in the faith, they are God’s chosen people

11 Jesus The Son of God; He is the second Person of the Trinity who became man and died for our sins

12 Joseph When we speak of Joseph, we can be referring to one of two people: – The foster father of Jesus-Joseph, Mary’s husband or – The favored son of Jacob-one of his 12 sons. Joseph was sold into slavery in Egypt by his brothers. In the end, Joseph was the one to help them when the people were suffering during a time of great famine

13 Judges The non-hereditary rulers of the Israelites- Gideon and Sampson are examples Judges is also a name for one of the books in the Old Testament. It tells of the period of the Judges, which extended from 1220-1050 BC

14 Justice To give others what they are due In justice, we owe God fitting worship

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