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The Colombian Connection Teacher: Tamara Student: Maxi Cabrera.

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Presentation on theme: "The Colombian Connection Teacher: Tamara Student: Maxi Cabrera."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Colombian Connection Teacher: Tamara Student: Maxi Cabrera

2 Questions about the topic - What do you know about Colombia? - Where is it located? -Can you describe the Colombian people? -What do you know about their President? - Why are drugs connected to Colombia? - How many words connected to drugs can you find in a dictionary? -Can you explain the dealers’ job? -We are going to read the book called “The Colombian Connection”. Can you guess the story? Write 5 lines -Mention the names of the movies that you have watched connected to drugs and dealers. -Are you interested in this topic? Why? Why not?

3 What do you know about Colombia? Colombia is a country located in Latinoamérica, his capital is Bogota and the people who lives there speaks spanish

4 Where is it located? Colombia are sitted in the north of SouthAmérica, and in between with, Brasil, Perú, ecuador, Venezuela and Panamá.

5 Can you describe the Colombian people? Most of the Colombian people have dark skin.

6 What do you know about their President? The colombian president calls Juan Manuel Santos, he is elected by a vote, the person who takes the most of votes wins.

7 Why are drugs connected to Colombia? Because many people don’t have money and sells drugs in their own house. But another people don’t have money to buy drugs and becomes in robber. This is bad to the society. How many words connected to drugs can you find in a dictionary? Addictive - hallucination - doping - arrest - sanity - detoxify – drug - habit - safety - mafia -trafficking

8 Can you explain the dealers’ job? Is the responsable to distribute the drug into the country or outside it. We are going to read the book called “The Colombian Connection”. Can you guess the story? Write 5 lines Yes, the books its about the traffic of drugs an the consecuences of it, the tipes of drugs, another countries where traffic drugs, What we can do about it, and more information of the topic.

9 Mention the names of the movies that you have watched connected to drugs and dealers. GET RICH OR DIE TRYN TRAFFIC THE BASKETBALL DIARIES

10 Are you interested in this topic? Why? Why not? I thinks thats it intresting for makes the people tinks about the problem about drugs, but its not intresting for me, i like to read about history or another topic.

11 The End

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