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Education policy at European level _________ An overview Sep 2005.

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1 Education policy at European level _________ An overview Sep 2005

2 Where we’ve come from  Development of Treaty basis  Initial action focused on programmes: Erasmus, Lingua, Comett, etc  First expansion with Maastricht: Socrates and Leonardo  Bologna process starts  Second expansion with Lisbon

3 What’s on our agenda?  New generation of programmes  Education and Training 2010  European Qualifications Framework  HE Communication and Quality Recommentation  Mobility Charter  Efficiency and equity  EIT  Bologna follow-up

4 The Proposal Integrated Programme Comenius School education Erasmus Higher education & advanced training Leonardo da Vinci Initial and continuing VET Grundtvig Adult education Transversal programme 4 key activities – Policy development; Language learning; ICT; Dissemination Jean Monnet programme 3 key activities – Jean Monnet Action; European Institutions; European Associations

5 The Proposal  What’s new in Erasmus:  Incorporation of tertiary VET from Leonardo  Special mobility  Long-term teacher mobility  What’s new in the rest:  Comenius upper secondary school mobility  Leonardo partnerships and innovation transfer  Grundtvig learner and assistant mobility  Transversal programme

6 The Proposal  Simplification:  Proportionality in financial rules  Less detail in legislation  Shorter selection procedure  Coherence across constituent programmes  1% flexibility to involve partners from non- programme countries

7 State of play - Council  Strong support for ILLP proposal  Partial political agreement Nov 2005  No discussion of budget before FP  Key issues:  Simplification  Comitology  NA / MS / COM triangle (Art 6)

8 State of play - Parliament  Strong support for ILLP proposal  First reading October 2005 Plenary  Key issues:  Overall budget increase (+ Erasmus, Comenius; – LdV)  Simplification  Comenius Regio; Languages; named institutions

9 Potential timetable for adoption

10 Preparing implementation Steering group Oversight / Coordination Information Simplification Stakeholder consultation groups Comenius Grundtvig Erasmus 1 Erasmus 2 (HE/Industry) Leonardo Policy Development Europass, NARICS, etc ICT Languages Valorisation Jean Monnet Implementation coordination group Operational documentation National Agencies Procedures and financial rules Informatic tools Pre-committee preceded by discussion on operational issues with Socrates Committee Leonardo Committee National Agencies

11 Preparing implementation  Stakeholder groups – advisory function  Internal steering group – coordination  Internal documentary group – drafting proposals for guidelines, app forms, etc  Internal NA group – drafting provisions  Pre-committee – to consider Commission proposals  Converts to Programme Committee on adoption of Decision

12 Education and Training 2010  Five benchmarks:  No more than 10% early school leavers  +15% graduates in maths, science and technology and improve gender balance  85% of young people with upper secondary  -15% low-achieving 15 year olds in literacy  Average 12.5% participation of 25 to 64 year olds in LLL

13 Education and Training 2010  Working groups with all participating countries  Good practice exchange, recommendations, peer learning  Joint interim report 2004

14 Education and Training 2010  Joint interim report 2004:  Some progress towards common objectives, but urgency of reforms at national level  EU behind main competitors in public and private investment  Prioritise: investment, LLL, EQF  Improve governance: more efficient implementation of work programme

15 European Qualifications Framework  A basis for cooperation: voluntary, no new legal obligations, supports and informs reform  Not about replacing national or sectoral frameworks, not about harmonisation, cannot define new qualifications

16 The Main elements of the EQF

17 EQF Level 1 EQF Level 2 EQF Level 3 EQF Level 4 EQF Level 5 EQF Level 6 EQF Level 7 EQF Level 8 Country A Country B Q Q Q NQ F/ NQ S Q Q Q Q

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