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The Mexican War That’s right, we instigated it!. Grabbing at Texas Polk wins the election by promising to Annex Texas Claims the Rio Grand River is the.

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Presentation on theme: "The Mexican War That’s right, we instigated it!. Grabbing at Texas Polk wins the election by promising to Annex Texas Claims the Rio Grand River is the."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Mexican War That’s right, we instigated it!

2 Grabbing at Texas Polk wins the election by promising to Annex Texas Claims the Rio Grand River is the boarder of Texas. – Would triple the size of the territory. Mexico cuts off diplomatic relations with the US. Boarder still in Dispute. Polk Settles the 54-40 Question Compromise with Britain at the 46 th Parallel.


4 Mr. Polk’s War 1845 – Polk offers to buy New Mexico and California for $30 million. Sends troops to Texas under Zachary Taylor Advance to the Rio Grand Try to provoke a war with Mexico Fighting erupts and congress votes for war. Most Whigs oppose, but vote for war in the end.


6 Battles American win every battle in the war US is outnumbered US has Better Weapons US has Better leaders Robert E. Lee Ulysses S. Grant George McClellan Thomas Jackson (Stonewall Jackson) Jefferson Davis

7 Battles 1. Three Stages to the war. Taylor Attacks and pushes the Mexicans from Texas to Mexico. Nicknamed “Old Rough and Ready” Uses on presidential campaign trail. 2. New Mexico and California New Mexico Frontiersmen intimidate governor who leaves without a fight.


9 California June 1846 – John C. Fremont establishes the Bear Flag Republic – Independent California. Later that year Americans capture Californian ports Fremont's army subdues the Mexicans on land.


11 Part 3 – Attack on Mexico City 1847 Mexico won’t admit defeat Santa Anna overthrown in 1844 Polk is convinced that if Santa Anna Returns from exile, he will make peace with the Americans. Americans help to place him in power…again. Plan Backfires, Santa Anna Marches North. Taylor defeats Santa Anna and declares an armistice to discuss peace terms. Polk didn’t approve the Armistice – Cancels it. Places General Winfield Scott in charge of third phase of war. “Old Fuss and Feathers” Hard fought campaign in which both Taylor and Winfield distinguished themselves.

12 Anti War Sentiment Democrats for the war / Whigs against South and West for the war / North against Worried about extending slavery More western states means less power for New England.

13 The Wilmot Proviso, 1846 Provided that, as an express and fundamental condition to the acquisition of any territory from the Republic of Mexico by the United States, by virtue of any treaty which may be negotiated between them, and to the use by the Executive of the moneys herein appropriated, neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any part of said territory, except for crime, whereof the party shall first be duly convicted [Passed by the U.S. House of Representatives, 1846 and 1847, never passed by the U.S. Senate]

14 The Wilmot Proviso David Wilmot – Amendment to army funding bill No slavery should be allowed in any territory taken from Mexico. Frames the slavery debate for the next 15 years House accepts bill – senate doesn’t. Northern vote for, Southerners against, despite what political party they are with. Two party system won’t survive slavery.

15 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo US sends Nicolas Trist to negotiate a peace settlement with Mexico Was ok-ed to give Mexico $15 million for California., New Mexico and Texas Treaty doesn’t address slavery in treaty

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