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Technology Resources Overview Empowering Students and Parents.

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1 Technology Resources Overview Empowering Students and Parents

2 Purpose of this Presentation Promote awareness of technology resources that are available for both students and parents. Explain the purpose of technology resources and how they impact teaching and learning. Provide a simple explanation of how to use the technology resources provided by Allen ISD.

3 Why We Use Technology If used correctly, will help prepare students for their future careers, which will inevitably include the use of wireless technology. Integrating technology into the classroom promotes differentiated teaching and diversity in learning. It provides students with opportunities to collaborate and interact with other students. (Discussions, blogs, gallery walks, etc.) Technology helps teachers prepare students for the real world environment. As our world becomes increasingly more technology-dependent, it becomes even more important for students to be tech-savvy, preparing them for future careers.

4 Why We Use Technology (Continued) Integrating technology in the everyday learning environment helps students stay engaged. With technology, the classroom is a happier place. Students are excited about being able to use technology and therefore are more apt to learn. Using technology helps teachers meet student where they are. When technology is readily available in the classroom, students are able to access the most up-to-date information quicker and easier than ever before. (Skyward, grades, Canvas, immediate feedback) The traditional, passive learning model is eliminated. With technology in the classroom, instruction becomes student-centered.

5 Why We Use Technology (Continued) Technology enables students to become more responsible. Technology helps students take control over their own learning. They learn how to make their own decisions and think for themselves. Technology makes learning more immediate and convenient. Students have access to all sorts of resources at their fingertips. Online textbooks and other online supplemental resources remove barriers. No longer are students tied down to bulky textbooks and other paper based resources. Mission Statement Allen ISD cultivates innovation in education that empowers every learner to realize his or her full potential.

6 BYOD Bring Your Own Device Students are encouraged to bring their own device. Devices can be used as organizational and learning tools. Devices should be used at the discretion of the teacher. (The teacher decides when students may use devices. The use of a device is a privilege.) Students can access the school WiFi: AISD-BYOD. Students use normal login credentials to access the school WiFi.

7 BYOD Bring Your Own Device (Continued) Although students are encouraged to bring their own device, it is NOT required. School provided devices are readily available.

8 Passwords Passwords are carried over from the previous year (if coming from an AISD school). AISD requires periodic changes to student passwords for security. Students will be prompted when logging in. Passwords should be something the student can remember. Should include a number, capital letter, and special character. If a student forgets his/her password, it can be reset in the Library.

9 Passwords (Continued) A single set of login credentials are used for many AISD applications (Same user name and password). Reduces the number of passwords that a student must remember. When the password is changed or reset, it applies to all single sign-on applications.

10 Passwords (Continued) Pay Attention! You’ll see the “” extension again!

11 Passwords (Continued) Requires login credentials that are NOT the same.

12 Applications at a Glance A brief overview of the most used applications. All of these applications are web based and easily accessible from any computer or web enabled device (smart phones, tablets, Chrome books, etc.) All applications are free and most come with free smart phone based apps.

13 Skyward

14 Skyward Skyward is the official application for gradebook, attendance, and forms. Students are encouraged to use their phone to check Skyward regularly (at the appropriate time). There is a Skyward App. Does NOT interact with Canvas. (We’ll address this more a little later.)

15 Citrix

16 Citrix Citrix is a virtual desktop. Once students log onto Citrix, they are provided with the exact same computer features that are normally accessible on a school computer desktop.

17 Google

18 Google Google provides and array of productivity and collaborative learning tools. Tools include: Docs = Microsoft Word Slides = Microsoft PowerPoint Sheets = Microsoft Excel Students can also use Google as an online portfolio that showcases student work.

19 Google (Continued) Each student has a Google based email that can be used to contact teachers and other students. Student email is protected. Students can only contact teachers and other students and vice versa. Outside emails are blocked! Connected to Canvas (We’ll talk more about this in a minute.)

20 Other Applications Math Textbook

21 Other Applications Access to Online Microsoft Applications (in lieu of Citrix)

22 Other Applications External Access to Network Drives

23 Other Applications Educational Videos

24 Other Applications History Textbook

25 Other Applications Science Textbook

26 Other Applications ELA Textbook

27 Canvas

28 Canvas is a Learning Management System. A one stop shop for coursework! Allows students and teachers to manage their coursework electronically. Assignments, Quizzes, Discussions, Tests, Calendar, Due Dates, Projects, and more! Canvas is Web-Based 24/7 from any internet connected device! Computers, tablets, phones, etc. What Is Canvas?

29 Canvas provides an avenue for blended learning. Blended learning is a combination of online learning and traditional classroom learning. Canvas provides consistency for both students and parents. No more hunting websites to find materials and resources. Consistent format. A single calendar for all assignments and due dates. Canvas is the way that all students access material for their classes online. Why Canvas?

30 Preparing students for future online learning. All AISD secondary courses use Canvas. Colleges (Blackboard and others). Why Canvas? (Continued)

31 Obtain resources, notes, projects, handouts, activities. Typical paper based materials. Complete assessments. Take quizzes and tests using computers and iPads. Participate in online, class discussions. Submit assignments electronically. File uploads, Text based answers, Media Recordings, Website URL Watch videos. Track assignment due dates. What Do Students Do In Canvas?

32 In Canvas, parents are called “Observers”. (Parents have their own login credentials.) For the most part, Observers can see what their students sees. See Courses, Calendar, Due Dates, Modules (Assignments, Discussions, Notes, Quizzes, Files, etc.) Receive Notifications. Set up Notification preferences. Parents can see multiple student Canvas accounts with a single login. What Do Parents Do In Canvas?

33 View courses (multiple students). See “Coming Up” assignments. Dashboard

34 Set preferences. Adjust settings. Account

35 Set up how you wish to be notified of various Canvas actions. Announcements, Due Dates, Submissions, etc. Notifications

36 Select a student course. If a parent has multiple secondary students, they will be able to see course taken by all of their students. Courses

37 Modules (curriculum units) are where course content is located. Assignments, quizzes, discussions, announcements, videos, notes, documents, etc. Modules

38 The calendar shows the due dates for all assignments for all courses on one page. Calendar

39 Where parents can see teacher/student communications as well as an avenue for the parent to contact the teacher. Inbox

40 Guides to help students and parents use Canvas. Report a Problem Login issues Functional issues Help

41 Canvas is NOT the gradebook. Although Canvas does have a gradebook feature, this will be rarely (if every) accurate. Skyward remains the ONLY source for academic records. What Canvas is NOT

42 Need help? E-mail Need more information? Go to, Departments, Learner Services, Click on“Canvas”. More Information, Q&A, Informational Videos More Information

43 Learner Services, Canvas

44 Twitter @EMSHuskies #ErecksonCommunity Stay Connected

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