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Bright blue marble floating in space Welcome to Ecology Chapter 1 Science & the Environment.

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1 Bright blue marble floating in space Welcome to Ecology Chapter 1 Science & the Environment

2 Section 1 Understanding Our Environment What is Ecology or Environmental Science? the study of how humans and other organisms interact with the world or environment around them The ABC’s of the Environment Abiotic Biotic Cultural Abiotic factors = non-living chemical & physical factors Temperature, light, water, nutrients, etc. Biotic factors = living and once living components Animals, plants, leaves, etc. Cultural factors = man-made Houses, walkways, bridges, etc.

3 Its goals are to understand and solve the major problems such as pollution, use of natural resources, etc. There are 5 major fields of study found within environmental science: Biology Earth Science Physics Chemistry Social Sciences

4 The Major Fields of Environmental Science Ecology Biology: The study of living organisms Earth Science: The study of the planet Chemistry: The study of chemicals Social Sciences: The study of human pops Physics: The study of matter and energy Zoology - animals Botany - plants Microbiology - microorganisms Ecology – organisms & environment Geology - Earth Paleontology - fossils Climatology - weather Hydrology - water Engineering – machines & matter Biochemistry – chem of living things Geochemistry – chem of materials Geography – populations & Earth Anthropology – humans & culture Sociology – humans

5 Our Environment Through Time Hunter-Gatherers people who got their food from collecting plants or hunting animals moved or migrated from place to place affected their environment by controlling the plant growth, spreading new types of plants and hunting some types of animals to extinction

6 The Agricultural Revolution collected seeds, planted crops and tamed animals began over 10,000 years ago and allowed the population to grow destroyed the natural habitat of animals, caused soil loss, floods, water shortages, etc. The Industrial Revolution began in the mid 1700’s and began the shift from human or animal power to machine power improved the quality of life for many people - inventions, medicines, better food, sanitation increased environmental problems such as pollution and overpopulation

7 The Modern Era Full impact of the Ind. Rev. would not be realized until the 1800s During the 20 th century, the world population would grow to six billion people just before the start of the 21 st century and reach over 7 billion by 2012 (in less than 100 years!) Human population growth is indelibly tied together with increased use of natural and man-made resources, energy, land for growing food and for living, and waste by-products that are disposed of, to decompose, pollute or be recycled. Rachel Carson’s 1962 book, Silent Spring introduced the idea of sustainable production and development The Era of Sustainability: The Next Revolution


9 Spaceship Earth a “closed system” - the only thing that enters is the sun’s energy and the only thing that leaves is heat 3 Major Environmental Problems 1. Resource Depletion natural resources = any natural material used by humans - water, trees, air, etc. either renewable (can be made again) or nonrenewable 2.Pollution undesired changes in air, water or soil that adversely affects the health, survival or activities of humans or other organisms 2 types = biodegradable (can be broken down) or nonbiodegradable 3.Loss of Biodiversity the loss of a number or variety of species

10 Quick Check: Rain forests are being cleared at 26 hectares per minute Think football field size How many hectares are being cleared per year? 1560 hectares per hour 37,440 per day 13,665,600 per year

11 Time Period Activity: Evenly break yourselves into 4 groups Nomads – Hunter Gathers – Orange Farmers – Agriculture Revolution – Green Industrialists – Industrial Revolution – Red Technos – Modern Age – Blue One person from the group get a book and then read the section on time periods beginning on page 9. As a group come up with a list of pros & cons of how your time period affected the environment Someone from your group will present your results.

12 Section 2 - The Environment and Society “The Tragedy of the Commons” Conflicts exist between short term interests of the individual and the long term welfare of society If a person puts too many animals on the common ground to graze, then the everyone would suffer because the grass would be destroyed for others to use later. Earth’s natural resources are common to everyone and therefore should be shared by all.

13 Economics and the Environment Supply and Demand = the greater the demand for a limited supply, the more it is worth to society Cost and Benefits = A cost benefit analysis balances the cost against the benefits - depends upon who is doing the analysis Risk Assessment = determines how the action or thing will cause harm to individuals or society Developed and Developing Countries Wealth (money) determines environmental problems and the choices made in dealing with them

14 Developed Countries Developing Countries

15 Population and Consumption Local Population Pressures food, education, jobs and resources can’t keep up with growth in many countries when this happens, starvation, malnutrition and disease results Consumption Trends developed countries use 75% of the world’s resources even though they make up only 20% of the world’s population

16 Ecological Footprints shows the productive area needed to support 1 person in a particular country it estimates the land used for crops, grazing, forest products, and housing - it includes the ocean area used to harvest seafood, and the forest needed to absorb pollution A Sustainable World Sustainability = a condition in which human needs are met in such a way that the population can survive indefinitely

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