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180 170 160 150 140130120 110100 90 80 7060504030 20 1098765432 1 0 This screen will disappear in 3 minutes. Seconds Remaining. Define BIOME.

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Presentation on theme: "180 170 160 150 140130120 110100 90 80 7060504030 20 1098765432 1 0 This screen will disappear in 3 minutes. Seconds Remaining. Define BIOME."— Presentation transcript:

1 180 170 160 150 140130120 110100 90 80 7060504030 20 1098765432 1 0 This screen will disappear in 3 minutes. Seconds Remaining. Define BIOME

2 Large geographic areas that have similar climates and ecosystems.

3 180 170 160 150 140130120 110100 90 80 7060504030 20 1098765432 1 0 This screen will disappear in 3 minutes. Seconds Remaining. A cactus has many adaptations in order to survive in its desert environment. – Identify two adaptations of a cactus that help it survive best in a desert environment, rather than in a different type of environment.

4 Some cactus plants have needles. Needles keep the cactus from losing a lot of water through transpiration from the wide surface of a larger leaf. A cactus also has a root system composed of deep and shallow roots. The deep roots obtain water when there has not been rain, and the shallow roots collect water at the surface when it does rain.

5 180 170 160 150 140130120 110100 90 80 7060504030 20 1098765432 1 0 This screen will disappear in 3 minutes. Seconds Remaining. The African elephant has many adaptations that help it to survive in the tropical forest and grassland environments that it lives in. – Identify two physical adaptations of the elephant that help it to survive in Africa. – Explain how the two adaptations you selected help it to survive in Africa.

6 An elephant has a long, flexible trunk that is used to help the elephant obtain food. The trunk can reach high branches and pull them down so that the elephant can eat the leaves from the branches. An elephant also has large ears that help to keep the elephant cool. The large surface area of the ears, combined with the numerous blood vessels in the ear, allow the elephant to release body heat from its ears to cool its body.

7 180 170 160 150 140130120 110100 90 80 7060504030 20 1098765432 1 0 This screen will disappear in 3 minutes. Seconds Remaining. The hard shell of some mollusks enables them to survive in tidal pools. Tidal pools are found along rocky coasts. In tidal pools, water from high tides can collect in depressions in the rocks when the tide recedes, forming pools of water. These tidal pools can empty during low tides. – Describe two ways that the shells of a mollusk allow it to survive in a tidal pool.

8 The water level in tidal pools changes from high tide to low tide. At times, the mollusks are exposed to air. During these periods, the shells protect them from predators and keep them from drying out.

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