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ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 1 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS THEMIS-ARTEMIS (THEMIS Extended Phase) Financial Feasibility Review Science.

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Presentation on theme: "ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 1 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS THEMIS-ARTEMIS (THEMIS Extended Phase) Financial Feasibility Review Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 1 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS THEMIS-ARTEMIS (THEMIS Extended Phase) Financial Feasibility Review Science Vassilis Angelopoulos ESS/IGPP UCLA and SSL/UCB

2 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 2 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS Overview Science Background Mission Concept Science Objectives L1 Requirements Lunar Mission Phases Science Instrument Utilization

3 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 3 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS THEMIS: 5 satellites, Launched February 17, 2007 To Solve the Mystery of what Triggers Auroral Substorms Simulation: J. Raeder, UNH Visualization: Tom Bridgman, GSFC/SVS

4 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 4 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS THEMIS Mission elements Five probe conjunctions along Sun-Earth line recur once per 4 days over North America. Ground based observatories completely cover North American sector; determine auroral breakup within 1-3s … … while THEMIS’s space-based probes determine onset of Current Disruption and Reconnection each within <10s. : Ground Based Observatory

5 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 5 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS Mission overview Instrument I&T UCB Mission I&T UCB Encapsulation & launch BGS Operations UCB Probe instruments: ESA: ElectroStatic Analyzer (coIs: Carlson and McFadden) SST: Solid State Telescopes (coI: Larson) FGM: FluxGate Magnetometer (coIs: Glassmeier, Auster & Baumjohann) SCM: SearchCoil Magnetometer (coI: Roux) EFI: Electric Field Instrument (coI: Bonnell) Ground SST ESA EFIa EFIs FGM SCM T spin =3s Release D2925-10 @ CCAS

6 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 6 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS Launch= 2007-02-17 2007-03-23 2007-06-03 2007-07-15 2007-08-30 2007-12-04 X GSE Y GSE TH-B TH-C TH-D TH-E TH-A P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 First 10 months: Commissioning and Coast Phase Observations Angelopoulos, 2008 Space Sci. Rev.

7 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 7 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS Dayside 1 2008-08-08 X GSE Y GSE First year baseline orbit (FY08) Dayside 2 2009-09-16 X GSE Y GSE TH-B TH-C TH-D TH-E TH-A P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 Second year baseline orbit (FY09) Tail 1 2008-02-02 Tail 2 2009-02-18 Angelopoulos, 2008 Space Sci. Rev.

8 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 8 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS THEMIS on SCIENCE Magazine Cover Story Article, Aug 15, 2008 3 rd 1 st 2 nd Inside-Out model 1 st 2 nd 3 rd Aurora Current Disruption Reconnection 3 rd 1 st Outside-In model 2 nd THEMIS Finds: Reconnection Directly Connected to Substorm Onset

9 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 9 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS

10 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 10 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS THEMIS Other Media Successes

11 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 11 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS Upcoming Press Releases European Geophysical Union meeting [April 23, 2009, 10:00 am, Vienna, Austria] “Giant Electrical Tornadoes in Space”: NASA’s THEMIS spacecraft discovered plasma vortices generating Hundreds of Thousands of Amps in space, seen as bright auroras on the ground. These results suggest that a significant portion of the stored magnetic energy in Earth’s environment is dissipated by vorticity-generated electrical currents heating the upper atmosphere. They resemble atmospheric tornadoes which dissipate thermal energy stored in the atmosphere, only move at speeds of a million miles an hour, creating dynamic auroral curls. [By: Andreas Keiling, Karl-Heinz Glassmeier and Olaf Amm]

12 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 12 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS Science paper press release [May 2009, to co-incide with Science paper] Van-Allen Belt Altering Waves Understood: The source of plasmaspheric hiss, electromagnetic noise that permeates near Earth space and modulates radiation belt electrons by scattering them into the ionosphere has finally been explained. NASA’s multi- spacecraft THEMIS mission in a dedicated mode designed to look for the origin of these waves has identified that leakage of another electromagnetic emission, “chorus”, is the culprit. Chorus is generated by injections of radiation belt particles. The results allow modelers to predict more accurately radiation belt intensity to protects humans, satellites in space. [By: Jacob Bortnik, Richard Thorne and Wen Li] TH-E (Chorus) TH-D (Hiss)

13 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 13 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS Recent Discoveries, Cover Stories Discovery of Quiet Time, Dayside Chorus Waves, Provides Clues for Wave Generation [Li et al.] First Unequivocal Proof of Magnetic Field Line Resonances in Space: Multipoint Observations. [Sarris et al.] Dawn, active time Dayside, quiet time

14 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 14 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS All instruments functioning nominally –Cross calibration, inter-calibration performed during coast-phase Team discoveries are changing the field, excite the public –Science discoveries piling up 100 science papers during the last year Space Science Reviews volume in print (>20 papers) >20 GRL papers in special issue on THEMIS >20 JGR papers in special issue on THEMIS THEMIS in the news every AGU meeting –Data collected per plan, widely disseminated –First tail season showed thinner tail than expected Adjusted 2 nd tail season orbit to account for it –Second tail season results are a resounding success A dozen substorms collected: unique features Provide further insight into last years’ observations –Media releases capture public attention on NASA discoveries Anticipate mission completion on time, on budget by September 2009 Constellation available in good health for extended mission: FY10-12 Extended Phase Approved in Senior Review (Jun 09) thru Sep 2012 –THEMIS and ARTEMIS comprise the THEMIS Extended Phase –Extended Phase Contract expected to be signed March 2009 –Three ARTEMIS reviews (2 peer, one formal) conducted already Expect an additional mini-review to discuss progress in May 2009 –Instruments checked out especially for low field conditions –ARTEMIS technical implementation is a “go”pending contingency runs Assuming progress as planned by end of May 2009 THEMIS Status

15 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 15 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS Data Processing and Community Support All data/plots available, calibrated 1 day after downlink ( Routine data distribution in 4 ways –CDF downloads from SPDF, UCB, 4 mirror sites –HTTP and FTP socket connection through software (seemless) –Bundled downloads via UCB site (per instrument, spacecraft, product) –On-line at VMOs, and PDS and SPASE compatible. Free, powerful software distribution –IDL-based, platform independent –Software trainings once per 6 months at major meetings (GEM, AGU) On-line documentation and tutorials on products, software On-line Support ( )

16 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 16 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS Unsolicited Community Feedback “…I was amazed by the quality of the THEMIS IDL software and the way it interacts with the database. I believe all the community should be really grateful for what you have done. Marius Mihai Echim, Researcher “…I am really enjoying using the themis gui so far. I have had very little problems loading in my own data, and everything is easy and intuitive to me as a current splash user. Congrats to you and the rest of the themis gui team!” Marissa Vogt, Graduate Student “…The new THEMIS GUI is really impressing. We are sure it's going to be quite useful to us. Thank you very much for the thorough presentation. We are looking forward to trying the software ourselves as soon as it is released.” Ferdinand Plaschke and Dragos Constantinescu, Graduate Students

17 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 17 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS THEMIS = THEMIS baseline + ARTEMIS Extended Phase Proposal: Mission Concept

18 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 18 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS ARTEMIS (P1,P2) in FY10,11,12: Mission Concept FY10: Translunar injection FY11-12: 6mo in Lissajous orbits + 17 mo in Lunar orbits

19 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 19 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS ARTEMIS Science Objectives, #1 In the Magnetosphere, study: –Particle acceleration: X-line or O-line? –Reconnection: 3D character; global effects –Turbulence: Drivers and effects Result: –Reveal 3D distant tail, dynamics In conjunction with: –Solar wind monitors: ACE, WIND, STEREO –Inner magnetosphere monitors: Cluster, Geotail, FAST Using the first: –Two point: dX, dY measurements –…at scales from ion gyroradius to several R E –Even single point measurements are critical in this region

20 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 20 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS Using first of a kind: –…two point measurements at scales 1-10 R E, ideal for study of particle evolution in shocks, at foreshock and inertial range of turbulence –WIND can replace one of two probes in this study In the Solar Wind, study: –Particle acceleration at shocks –Nature and extent of elusive low-shear reconnection –Properties of inertial range of turbulence Result: –Advance our understanding of particle acceleration and turbulence in Heliosphere In conjunction with: –Other solar wind monitors: ACE, WIND, STEREO ARTEMIS is: –High-fidelity solar wind monitor –In beacon mode if requested ARTEMIS Science Objectives, #2

21 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 21 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS At the Moon/Wake: –Study 3D structure and evolution of wake –Understand particle acceleration at wake –Understand wake refilling under various SW conditions Result: –Advance our understanding of wakes at planetary moons, plasma void refilling around large objects (Shuttle, ISS, Hubble) Using first of a kind: –…two point measurements at scales 0.1-10 R E, ideal for two- point correlations within wake and between wake and solar wind –Comprehensively instrumented satellites have never studied wake from various vantage points, thus even single point measurements are critical. ARTEMIS Science Objectives, #3

22 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 22 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS ARTEMIS Science Objectives Summary A cceleration, R econnection and T urbulence and E lectrodynamics of M oon’s I nteraction with the S un (ARTEMIS) will be the first Heliophysics mission to study with comprehensive instrumentation: Particle acceleration, reconnection and turbulence –In the solar wind –In the magnetosphere Wake formation and refilling –In the solar wind (supersonic) –In the magnetosheath (subsonic) ARTEMIS requires one probe (minimum) plus a solar wind monitor (ACE, WIND), but will reach full mission potential with both probes, as baselined. ARTEMIS will benefit concurrent lunar missions LADEE and LRO. ARTEMIS will also advance our understanding of planetary processes and is in-line with as well

23 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 23 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS ARTEMIS Level 1 Requirements … 4. Baseline Mission Full success requires: collection of a 50% aggregate interval from a 24 month period of particles and fields observations on two probes; select fast rate data captures from key intervals (10% time); and a total of 10 wake crossings by one ARTEMIS probe with simultaneous observations by the other ARTEMIS probe at separation distances ranging from 0.1 to 20 R E. Adherence: Data collection will be adjusted to match nominal downlink capability by reducing cadence. Data collection will include continuous, low resolution (~ once per 3 spins) Slow Survey data, 2hrs per orbit of Fast Survey data with one burst each. Wake crossings will be part of Fast Survey schedules. This volume can be accommodated in the memory and downlinked once per 2 days. This can be accomplished in 24 months with a factor of 2 margin. 5. Minimum Success Minimum success requires collection of a 50% aggregate interval from a 6 month period of particles and fields observations on one probe, including at least 5 wake crossings by one ARTEMIS probe with simultaneous observations of the solar wind by one or more Heliophysics missions (e.g. ACE, the other ARTEMIS spacecraft, Geotail, or Cluster). Adherence: Same as above, but for one ARTEMIS probe plus another Heliophysics mission during a 6 month period. This can be accomplished in 6 months with a factor of 2 margin.

24 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 24 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS ARTEMIS Phases Translunar injection phase (Oct ’09 – Oct ’10) No Science, just get there. Note: Orbit Raise Maneuvers (ORMs) start: July 2009, in parallel with THEMIS 2 nd dayside operations (THEMIS dayside requirements met already since 1 st dayside season) Lissajous Phase (Oct ’10 – Apr ’11) Note: First 3 months: opposite sides, Next 3 months: same side Lunar Orbit Phase (May ’11 – Sep ’12) Note: P1 retrograde, and P2 prograde, such that orbital separations and separation vectors cover full parameter space

25 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 25 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS ARTEMIS: Science Instrument Utilization All instruments will be utilized in their standard Survey and Burst Modes –Magnetometer will be in most sensitive range to resolve lower field strengths than those at Earth. –Search coil will be in nominal operation, which offers sufficient sensitivity –ESA will be in solar wind mode to resolve the SW beam –SST will be in its nominal mode If Planetary decides to fund ARTEMIS to study Planetary objectives then: –SST energy bins will be adjusted to provide better dE/E in the relevant smaller E-range Instrument operations will be similar (if not identical) to present because: –The near-equatorial, 26hr period orbits during lunar phase and the planned downlink schedule of once per 2 days provides the same shadow, power, data through-put and thermal environment as at Earth –Instruments have already operated in and been tuned to the solar wind, magnetosheath and magnetotail environments and are known to perform nominally Science operations (modes) will be similar (if not identical) to now since: –Slow Survey will accomplishing science requirements at low cadence –Fast Survey can accomplish pre-planned, time-based “conjunction” science peri-selene, wake crossings, or 2-probe wake crossings Opportunity science, when in SW –Bursts can accomplish high cadence science in interesting times Current triggers (Bz, Ni) expected to work to capture reconnection, wake events Sufficient flexibility exists in triggers to capture other event types if necessary (shocks, CMEs).

26 ARTEMIS Financial Feasibility Review 26 NASA/HQ – Mar. XX, 2009 THEMIS ARTEMIS ARTEMIS: Summary ARTEMIS is a robust mission, extending P1, P2’s life in a familiar environment ARTEMIS orbits are benign and science optimization has already been done –Current L1 minimum requirements drive minimally mission design and operations –Current L1 baseline requirements benefit from 3 years of mission optimization, and have been built into a “natural” baseline design that is also operationally optimal ARTEMIS instruments can do the job –Have been studying the same environment successfully for just over 2 years –Can be commanded to perform Survey and Burst captures in familiar methods ARTEMIS rates and volumes are commensurate with proposed science –Expecting 1/4 of data volume per data downlink capability and a Survey cadence that can fit continuous coverage, there is a factor of 2 margin that can be used to benefit low cost operations.

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