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Looking closer... Chapter 3 Summarizing and Note Taking.

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1 Looking closer... Chapter 3 Summarizing and Note Taking

2 Summarizing Research and Theory Determine critical information Delete some without changing the overall meaning Substitute more general terms/specific terms Keep some key phrases or sentences to convey the key information Analyze at a deep level Comprehension is critical Understand the structure of the material Knowing the components and features of various information for example: Story vs. Expository; computation vs. Story Problems

3 Summarizing Rule Based Strategy, Summary Frames, Reciprocal Teaching Classroom Practice Rule-based Strategy Delete trivial information Delete redundant material Categorize – use super ordinate terms Select or create a topic sentence Teachers should demonstrate these rules to make this practice more effective. A great think aloud example is found on page 33-34 in the Marzano book.

4 Summarizing Rule Based Strategy, Summary Frames, Reciprocal Teaching Classroom Practice Summary Frames Narrative Frame – Story/Problem/Characters/etc. (pg.35) Topic-Restriction-Illustration Frame (expository) when specific pieces of information are needed (pg. 37). Definition Frame – describe a particular concept and identify subordinate concepts (pg. 38) Argumentation Frame – contains information designed to support a claim – justify your answer (pg. 39) Problem/Solution Frame-describe possible solutions (pg. 40) Conversation Frame – verbal conversation between two or more people (pg. 41) Pg. 35-41

5 Summarizing Rule Based Strategy, Summary Frames, Reciprocal Teaching Classroom Practice Reciprocal Teaching – considered a “first draft” students act as the teacher Summarizing – student leader summarizes what was read Questioning – student leader asks questions Clarifying – student leader clarifies questions Predicting – student leader asks for predictions about the next area to be covered

6 Note Taking Research and Theory Briefly explain the critical information Verbatim least effective – students spend too much time trying to write everything they hear rather than synthesizing the information. A work in progress - Review Revise Teacher direction can then correct any misconceptions Study guides for tests More is better than less for test performance – the more reviewing and revising of notes the better they do on the test

7 Note Taking Classroom Practice Teacher-prepared notes Clear, organized, accurate Identifies most important content in summary form  Understanding of concepts, not just memorization of facts Student format for notes Informal outlines – use indentations to indicate major ideas Webs/maps – visual learning tool Combination notes – allows students to look at the information is a variety of ways with a visual

8 2-column definitions TERMDEFINITION acute obtuse right complementary supplementary alternate interior alternate exterior

9 Key Idea Explanations, Examples Bar graph Shows information in picture form Key Idea Pie Chart 2-column note taking from lecture or books

10 Last Thoughts Summarizing and note taking are highly effective “study skills” They are two of the most powerful skills students can learn They provide students with tools for identifying and understanding the most important aspects of what they are learning

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