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ETwinning contact seminar 2nd – 4th June, 2011 Comenius project Promo and share Jasmina Bornšek

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Presentation on theme: "ETwinning contact seminar 2nd – 4th June, 2011 Comenius project Promo and share Jasmina Bornšek"— Presentation transcript:

1 eTwinning contact seminar 2nd – 4th June, 2011 Comenius project Promo and share Jasmina Bornšek

2 Introduction of executor and school Jasmina Bornšek Teacher of Geography, History and Social Science Secondary commercial school Celje 3rd Comenius project Leonardo da Vinci ACES

3 Title and content of the project Let`s promote and share the beauty of our regions Schools from Poland, The Czech Republik, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Italy and Slovenia

4 The participating countries joined the project as a result of long-term cooperation in e-twinning portal, which is a part of the European lifelong learning of the programme Erasmus.e-twinning A long-term multilateral project on the base of creating a junior tourist advertising company PROMO&SHARE promoting our regions.


6 Final products Web side Promo and sharePromo and share The coping stone of the project are virtual and printed guidebooks to our regions, tourist information brochures with advertisements placed there by the locals involved in the tourist and catering industry and an electronic phrasebook written in all languages of participating countries. Facebook

7 Tourist fairs The project also involves tourist fairs and a final farewell camp organized in different European countries. Photo gallery

8 Students Preparation for project meeting presentation Shooting films or making PPT Editing videoshots Photo gallery Preparing tourist fairs Facebook Prepairing language courses Taking part in party games


10 Impressions Meeting in Poland

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