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SUPOOTSU ga suki desu ka? Hai…

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1 SUPOOTSU ga suki desu ka? Hai…
スポオツがすきですか。はい。。。 Title page- gives key question. Over-arching input methodologies are IRDPX (slides 1 – 41) and oral choral with adaptations for being a ppt. There is enough material here for a sequence of lessons – pace will depend on you and your class. Care needs to be given to ensure the learning is interactive – see suggestions in the following notes…

2 RAGUBII ラグビー Slides 2-17 – begin IRDP to teach vocab – you might choose to break this into 2 or 3 lessons although the number of cognates will make learning relatively easy. INPUT – teach the word and then click to show spelling. You could ask: are there any surprises (with the spelling / pronunciation i.e. the decoding); what are the spelling/pronunciation / decoding rules? (BLOCK capitals denote KATAKANA words, lower case denotes hiragana words – after input phase ask students why upper and lower case and see if anyone can guess) NB: All KATAKANA words are cognates, because katakana is the script that is used for foreign words.



5 SAKKAA サッカー

6 HOKKEE ホッケー


8 TENISU テニス


10 SUKII スキー

11 GORUFU ゴルフ

12 BAREEBOORU バレーボール

13 jooba じょうば

14 suiei すいえい

15 karate からて

16 sumoo すもう Why are these three slides pink? Feminine.

17 juudoo じゅうどう

18 2 5 1 4 3 8 11 6 16 9 15 RECOGNITION – teacher says the word and students say the number (in Japanese –revise numbers first in necessary). This step reinforces pronunciation before production. 10 13 12 7 14

19 RAGUBII ラグビー Slides – DISCRIMINATION – two activities – don’t do both in the same session. teacher says two sports words, one of which is correct. Students say the right one, teacher then clicks to show correct answer. Teacher says a word which may or may not be true. Students say ‘hai’ (true) or ‘iie’ (false), teacher then clicks to show correct answer.

20 NETTOBOORU ネットボール


22 SAKKAA サッカー

23 HOKKEE ホッケー

24 KURIKETTO クリケット

25 TENISU テニス


27 SUKII スキー

28 GORUFU ゴルフ

29 BAREEBOORU バレーボール

30 jooba じょうば

31 suiei すいえい

32 karate からて

33 sumoo すもう Why are these three slides pink? Feminine.

34 juudoo じゅうどう

35 Dore? どれ? (Which one am I thinking about?)
Scaffolded guided production – students can work in teams and score points if they can guess what the teacher is thinking. There are 5 ‘hai’ and the rest ‘iie’. Click once on image for hai/iie and once more to get back to ppt.

36 1 Dore? どれ?(Which one am I thinking about?)
Slides 36 – 38 Scaffolded guided production – students can work in teams and score points if they can guess what the teacher is thinking. Students will say the name of the sport. There is one correct answer per slide. Maybe students can score one point for correctly pronounced Japanese and 2+ points for guessing what the teacher (ppt) is thinking.

37 2 Dore? どれ? (Which one am I thinking about?)

38 3 Dore? どれ? (Which one am I thinking about?)

39 Match the words BASUKETTOBOORU hockey HOKKEE tennis RAGUBII swimming
SAKKAA TENISU NETTOBOORU KURIKETTO ROORAABUREEDO GORUFU BAREEBOORU SUKII suiei jooba karate juudoo sumoo hockey tennis swimming basketball rugby horse riding football/soccer sumo volleyball rollerblading skiing karate golf netball cricket judo Can be pair work – oral  or reading and writing activity. Copying is not a particularly valuable activity.

40 Match the words BASUKETTOBOORU basketball HOKKEE hockey RAGUBII rugby
SAKKAA TENISU NETTOBOORU KURIKETTO ROORAABUREEDO GORUFU BAREEBOORU SUKII suiei jooba karate juudoo sumoo basketball hockey rugby football/soccer tennis netball cricket rollerblading golf volleyball skiing swimming horse riding karate judo sumo Answers – Can be pair work – oral  or reading and writing activity.

41 3 2 1 6 5 4 Guided production: noughts and crosses. Shine onto white board – teacher / student can mark o/maru and x/batsu. – team work to get lines of three. E.g. Ichi wa RAGUBII desu. (Number 1 is rugby.) 7 8 9

42 What sport do you play? Slides 42 – 59 ORAL CHORAL – ‘now we’re going to learn the answers to the question.’ - teacher presents answer, (students listen), models answer without sport – students ‘recall’ the sport , teacher clicks to show answer. Because the students have already learned the vocab, there is ‘production’ of the sports vocab in this activity. There is a later set of slides to teach the question, but by the time students get there they will have heard it so often that learning should be accelerated.

43 Nani SUPOOTSU o shimasu ka. なに スポーツ を します か。
Teacher uses question in next block of INPUT slides 44 – 52. Will teach the question in slide 54.

44 RAGUBII o shimasu. ラグビー を します。
Slides 44 – 59 INPUT – ‘now we’re going to learn the answers to the question.’ - teacher presents answer, models whole sentence without sport – students ‘recall’ , teacher clicks to show answer. Because the students have already learned the vocab, there is ‘production’ of the vocab in this activity.

45 NETTOBOORU o shimasu. ネットボール を します。

46 BASUKETTOBOORU o shimasu. バスケットボール を します。

47 SAKKAA o shimasu. サッカー を します。

48 o shimasu. ROORAABUREEDO ローラーブレードをします。

49 TENISU o shimasu. テニス を します。

50 SUKII o shimasu. スキー を します。

51 HOKKEE o shimasu. ホッケー を します。

52 KURIKETTO o shimasu. クリケットをします。

53 GORUFU o shimasu. ゴルフ を します。

54 o shimasu. BAREEBOORU バレーボール を します。

55 Karate o shimasu. からて を します。

56 Jooba o shimasu. じょうば を します。

57 Sumoo o shimasu. すもう を します。

58 Juudoo o shimasu. じゅうどう を します.

59 Suiei o shimasu. すいえい を します。

60 2 5 1 4 3 8 11 6 16 9 15 10 13 12 7 14 ORAL CHORAL – RECOGNITION
teacher asks the question: Nani SUPOOTSU o shimasu ka, then says the whole sentence: … o shimasu and students say the number, in Japanese (revise numbers if need be) Why are some activities coded in blue? They are hiragana words. The rest are katakana words. 10 13 12 7 14

61 Nani SUPOOTSU o shimasu ka. なに スポオツ を しますか。
なに スポオツ を しますか。 BASUKETTOBOORU o shimasu. バスケットボール  を します。 Slides 61 – 76 ORAL CHORAL - teacher INPUT of question. Students practise Q+A using oral choral methodology - slides use different transitions for students to practise using ‘now you see it and now you don’t’ methodology to practise and perfect. Can be whole class, half class, pair activity… Could be overkill to work through all of these at once…

62 Nani SUPOOTSU o shimasu ka.
なに スポオツ を しますか。 SAKKA o shimasu. サッカー を します。

63 Nani SUPOOTSU o shimasu ka. なに スポオツ を しますか。
なに スポオツ を しますか。 Slides 52 – 58 – oral choral - When the slide is blank students try to remember the conversation – give them time to practise – use ‘now you see it now you don’t’ to help students wilt recall. SUKII o shimasu. スキー を します。

64 Nani SUPOOTSU o shimasu ka. なに スポオツ を しますか。
なに スポオツ を しますか。 Students practise without words once animations have disappeared. TENISU o shimasu. テニス を します。

65 Nani SUPOOTSU o shimasu ka.
なに スポオツ を しますか。 RAGUBII o shimasu. ラグビー を します。

66 Nani SUPOOTSU o shimasu ka.
なに スポオツ を しますか。 HOKKEE o shimasu. ホッケー を します。

67 Nani SUPOOTSU o shimasu ka.
なに スポオツ を しますか。 NETTOBOORU o shimasu. ネットボール を します。

68 Nani SUPOOTSU o shimasu ka.
なに スポオツ を しますか。 KURIKETTO o shimasu. クリケット を します。

69 Nani SUPOOTSU o shimasu ka.
なに スポオツ を しますか。 BAREEBOORU o shimasu. バレーボール を します。

70 Nani SUPOOTSU o shimasu ka.
なに スポオツ を しますか。 GORUFU o shimasu. ゴルフ を します。

71 Nani SUPOOTSU o shimasu ka.
なに スポオツ を しますか。 ROORAABUREEDO o shimasu. ローラーブレード を します。

72 Nani SUPOOTSU o shimasu ka.
なに スポオツ を しますか。 Sumoo o shimasu. すもう を します。

73 Nani SUPOOTSU o shimasu ka.
なに スポオツ を しますか。 Karate o shimasu. からて を します。

74 Nani SUPOOTSU o shimasu ka.
なに スポオツ を しますか。 Juudoo o shimasu. じゅうどう を します。

75 Nani SUPOOTSU o shimasu ka.
なに スポオツ を しますか。 Suiei o shimasu. すいえい を します。

76 Nani SUPOOTSU o shimasu ka.
なに スポオツ を しますか。 Jooba o shimasu. じょうば を します。

77 1 Dore? どれ? (Which one am I thinking about?)
Slides 77 – 79 Scaffolded guided production – students can work in teams and score points if they can guess what the teacher is thinking i.e. the ‘hai’ answer. There are 2 ‘hai’ per slide. Click once for hai/iie and once more to get back to ppt.

78 2 Dore? どれ? (Which one am I thinking about?)
Slides Scaffolded guided production – students can work in teams and score points if they can guess what the teacher is thinking i.e. the ‘hai’ answer. There are 2 ‘hai’ per slide. Click once for hai/iie and once more to get back to ppt.

79 3 Dore? どれ? (Which one am I thinking about?)
Slides Scaffolded guided production – students can work in teams and score points if they can guess what the teacher is thinking i.e. the ‘hai’ answer. There are 2 ‘hai’ per slide. Click once for hai/iie and once more to get back to ppt.

80 1 Dore? どれ? (Which one am I thinking about?)
Slides 80 – 82 Scaffolded guided production – students can work in teams and score points if they can guess what the teacher is thinking. Students will say: “… o shimasu.” There is one ‘hai’ answer per slide.

81 2 Dore? どれ? (Which one am I thinking about?)

82 3 Dore? どれ? (Which one am I thinking about?)

83 3 2 1 6 5 4 Guided production: noughts and crosses. Shine onto white board – teacher / student can mark o/maru and x/batsu. – team work to get lines of three. E.g. Ichi wa RAGUBII o shimasu. (Number 1 is I play rugby.) 7 8 9

84 2 5 1 4 3 8 11 6 16 9 15 PRODUCTION: students practise Q+A in pairs - teacher asks number, a pair ‘act out’ the conversation, nihongo de / in Japanese. Click back to slides if they get stuck. This can be used as a learning activity or for assessment. 10 13 12 7 14

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