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IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Date : 3rd May, 2011 Name : Kim, Hyun-Tae Lee, Jong-Hyun SEAL Sungkyunkwan Evolutionary Algorithm Lab.

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Presentation on theme: "IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Date : 3rd May, 2011 Name : Kim, Hyun-Tae Lee, Jong-Hyun SEAL Sungkyunkwan Evolutionary Algorithm Lab."— Presentation transcript:

1 IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Date : 3rd May, 2011 Name : Kim, Hyun-Tae Lee, Jong-Hyun SEAL Sungkyunkwan Evolutionary Algorithm Lab

2 CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Architecture 3. Key Features 4. Conclusion

3 Introduction

4 The internet 4 You are here. ‣ Over 1.9 billion Internet Users. ‣ 28.7% of the world population. 1st generation of the Internet ‣ transport of non real time data ‣ services with stringent QoS Next generation of the Internet ‣ access to personalized interactive ‣ on any device, and anywhere SEAL Sungkyunkwan Evolutionary Algorithm Lab

5 IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) ‣ a network functional architecture. ‣ to provide a multimedia service delivery upon Internet protocols. The IMS is 5 interoperability & network convergence SEAL Sungkyunkwan Evolutionary Algorithm Lab

6 Architecture

7 Three-layered architecture 7 SEAL Sungkyunkwan Evolutionary Algorithm Lab

8 Transport Layer This layer is 8 ‣ responsible for the abstraction of the actual access networks. ‣ a interaction point between the access layers and the IP network. ‣ comprised routers and switches. SEAL Sungkyunkwan Evolutionary Algorithm Lab

9 Control Layer 9 This layer is ‣ consisted mainly of control platforms for managing call, session set-up, modification and release. ‣ t‣ to provide capability to interface the service layer with other services. such as provisioning, charging and operation & management. SEAL Sungkyunkwan Evolutionary Algorithm Lab

10 Control Layer cont. 10 The main component of this layer is ‣ t‣ the Call Session Control Function (CSCF) which facilities the correct interaction between application servers, media server and HSS. P(Proxy)-CSCF S(Serving)-CSCF I(Interrogating)-CSCF ‣ T‣ The IMS contact point for SIP signaling. ‣ To secure, compress and decompress, ensure the correctness of SIP message ‣ C‣ Control the user’s SIP session. he domain’s contact point for inter-domain SIP signaling. SEAL Sungkyunkwan Evolutionary Algorithm Lab

11 Control Layer cont. 11 SEAL Sungkyunkwan Evolutionary Algorithm Lab

12 Service(application) Layer 12 This layer is ‣ to provide such as presence, voice over IP, group list management (as SIP application servers) ‣ to give its architecture the power and flexibility to rapidly deploy new service. ‣ where all of the actual services (service platforms, servers) live.

13 Key features

14 Key features of IMS We will discuss about 14 ‣ S‣ Service enablers Presence, Group List Management ‣ Service Inter-Operator Relation (Interoperability) ‣ V‣ Vertical vs. Horizontal Integration Services. SEAL Sungkyunkwan Evolutionary Algorithm Lab

15 Vertical vs. Horizontal Integration Services 15 SEAL Sungkyunkwan Evolutionary Algorithm Lab

16 Vertical vs. Horizontal Integration Services cont. The vertical integration services is 16 ‣ n‣ n o reuse of service components. ‣ very costly, complex, and difficult to build and maintain. ‣ e‣ each service has its unique functionality. SEAL Sungkyunkwan Evolutionary Algorithm Lab

17 Service enabler The IMS facilitates 17 SEAL Sungkyunkwan Evolutionary Algorithm Lab ‣ c‣ creation and delivery of multimedia services based on common enablers in a ‘write once, use many’ way. The service enabler = Service enabler ‣ represents generic & reusable building blocks for service creation. ‣ developed for successful applications can become ‘global enablers’ which are automatically included in new apps and service.

18 Service enabler - Presence The presence enabler is 18 ‣ e nables a paradigm shift in P2P and other communication. ‣ t‣ to allow a set of users to be informed about the availability and means of communication of other users SEAL Sungkyunkwan Evolutionary Algorithm Lab

19 Service enabler – Group List Management The group list management enabler is 19 ‣ t‣ to allow a set of users to create and manage network-based group definitions for use. SEAL Sungkyunkwan Evolutionary Algorithm Lab The application examples for group management include: buddy listblock list private / public group

20 20 SEAL Sungkyunkwan Evolutionary Algorithm Lab Service inter-Operator Relation Non-IMS interconnect relations IMS enables operator relations The IMS is ‣ to establish and build upon for each service. ‣ t‣ to be able the reuse of inter-operator relations.

21 Benefits of IMS 21 For users For operators ‣ T‣ They can use variety services: P2C(person-to-content), P2P(person-to-person) communication for voice, text, image and video content and their hybrid. ‣ Also, they can reuse o f service enablers and common functions for offering multiple applications. SEAL Sungkyunkwan Evolutionary Algorithm Lab ‣ They can provide the basis of a h orizontal architecture.

22 Conclusion

23 The power of IMS comes from As IMS-based SP networks continue to be designed and deployed, it will completely revolutionize the way we interact with our digital world. The IP Multimedia Subsystem(IMS) is a generic standard architecture for offering IP multimedia services and also VoIP. 23 ‣ h‣ horizontal architecture. = transport and control layers effectively disassociate the services ‣ g‣ generic and reusable. = service enablers (e.g., presence, group list management) ‣ o‣ open network interfaces and platforms.

24 Question ?

25 Thank You for your attention !!

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