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An introduction for parents Cambridge Advanced Ilene Cahan AICE Coordinator Boca Raton High School (561) 338-1515

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1 An introduction for parents Cambridge Advanced Ilene Cahan AICE Coordinator Boca Raton High School (561) 338-1515

2 Cambridge International Examinations  Prepares school students for life, helping them develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for learning  Part of Cambridge Assessment, a department of the University of Cambridge  Over 10 000 Cambridge schools in more than 160 countries  A not-for-profit organisation

3 Cambridge Advanced Cambridge Primary Cambridge Primary Checkpoint Cambridge ICT Starters Cambridge Secondary 1 Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint Cambridge ICT Starters Cambridge IGCSE ® Cambridge O Level Cambridge International AS & A Level Cambridge Pre-U Cambridge Primary 5 to 11 year olds* Cambridge Secondary 1 11 to 14 year olds* Cambridge Secondary 2 14 to 16 year olds* *Age ranges are for guidance only Cambridge Advanced 16 to 19 year olds*

4 Cambridge International AS & A Level  Taken by over 160 000 learners in more than 128 countries  Over 55 subjects available  Develops deep understanding, independent learning and constructive thinking skills  Flexible programmes.

5 Cambridge International AS & A Level  Internationally recognised qualification  Variety of assessment methods  Accepted by universities worldwide, including all UK universities  Accepted by over 470 US universities including Harvard, Yale, MIT and Stanford  A passport to success at university and in employment “Studying Cambridge International A Levels gave me invaluable preparation for my study at the University of Cambridge.” Xiao Zhang, former Cambridge learner, China

6 AICE Diploma as of June 2017  To obtain an AICE Diploma, you must accumulate 7 credits by passing AS Global Perspectives and at least one exam from three different subject groups (within 25 months). Group 4 is optional with a maximum of two credits.: Group 1: Math and Sciences Group 2: Languages Group 3: Arts & Humanities Group 4: (optional) Interdisciplinar y * Biology * Chemistry * Marine Science * Mathematics * Psychology * Physical Ed. * English Language * French * Spanish * Portuguese * Art and Design * Business *Classical Studies * Divinity * History * Media Studies * Music * Psychology * Sociology *Travel & Tourism *Global Perspectives (A level – Research project) *Thinking Skills *General Paper  AS Global Perspectives ~ Compulsory

7 What’s a Pass? A*, AExcellent B CGood D ESatisfactory  UUngraded

8 University recognition database  Find out which universities recognise Cambridge qualifications at:  You can search by country and by qualification  Cambridge has a team of staff dedicated to extending university recognition of Cambridge qualifications

9 Example of a recognition database search

10 Learn more! For more information, visit or contact: Ilene Cahan AICE Coordinator 561-338-1515

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