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Ancient Rome Online Project Essential Question: How was Ancient Rome and advanced civilization?

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Rome Online Project Essential Question: How was Ancient Rome and advanced civilization?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Rome Online Project Essential Question: How was Ancient Rome and advanced civilization?

2 Copy the essential question on loose-leaf Read the next slide (parts of the project) Copy the Mini-Lesson notes down and answer the questions for each part Turn in at the end of every class Project Directions

3 Part 1: What was Ancient Rome? Part 2: Geography of Italy and Rome Part 3: Roman Government Part 4: Roman Military Part 5: Famous Leaders Part 6: Fall of Roman Empire Parts of the Project

4 Mini-Lesson Ancient Rome was an advanced civilization that existed after Ancient Greece, for about 507 years. Rome was known for its architecture and military power. Many books and movies have been created from Roman history Part 1: What was Ancient Rome?

5 Part 2: Geography of Italy and Rome Mini-Lesson Ancient Rome was became an empire, or a group of countries under one ruler. Ancient Rome included parts of modern day Spain, North Africa, Greece, Turkey and the region of Eastern Europe. Rome was a city in the Roman Empire. Roman Empire in Red

6 Italy Today Mini-Lesson Rome is not an empire today. Rome is the capital of the European country of Italy. Italy currently has a struggling economy like Greece. Italy is famous for its soccer, cuisine, or food, beaches, art and tourist attractions. Italy has a very rugged or hilly terrain. There are many mountains and it is very hot in southern Italy. Italy is also a peninsula like Greece. 1). In which region of Europe is the country of Italy Located? 2). What is a peninsula? Which other civilization was a peninsula?

7 Mini-Lesson Rome was not always an advanced civilization. Before it became the Roman Empire, Rome was just a small city with a king. Early Rome had bad leaders, so Roman leaders forced the king to leave and they set up a Republic. A Republic is a form of government in which people elect the leaders to make the laws for them. Ancient Greece and America have Republican governments. Part 3: Roman Government Roman leaders meet to discuss new laws 3). What type of government did Ancient Rome have? 4). Which two countries had similar styles of government?

8 The Roman government had a senate, or council of rich and powerful people who helped to make political decisions. America has a senate today too! In order for the Roman Republican government to work, regular people or citizens of Rome had to take part in political happenings. People were encouraged to vote, debate and run for office. Roman Government Continued… 5). What is the object? 6) What are the people in the image doing?

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