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 Location: South Eastern Europe, North of Greece.  Climate: Warm, Dry Summers and Autumns, cold winters with heavy snowfall  The tallest mountain in.

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Presentation on theme: " Location: South Eastern Europe, North of Greece.  Climate: Warm, Dry Summers and Autumns, cold winters with heavy snowfall  The tallest mountain in."— Presentation transcript:


2  Location: South Eastern Europe, North of Greece.  Climate: Warm, Dry Summers and Autumns, cold winters with heavy snowfall  The tallest mountain in Macedonia is Mount Korab.  There are 4 major rivers in Macedonia which are: Axios, Aliakmon, Nestos, Strymonas.  Macedonia is bordered by Kosovo to the Northwest, Serbia to the North, Bulgaria to the East, Greece to the South and Albania to the West.

3  The behaviors of animal in Macedonia are calm until another animal or their predator approaches and tries to attack.  Their habitats are a type of forest type with a lot of trees, shrubs, and grass.  Their diet are only eating grass and seeds to make sure they are fast enough to run from predators.  Their enemies are mostly snakes, insects, and birds.  Their defenses are their instincts that tell them when a predator is near so it could get ready to attack.

4  Some interesting facts are that Macedonia became a member of the United Nations in 1993.  Macedonia was the only country to secede from the Xugoslav without wreaking violence.  Public TV in Macedonia has 3 national channels that face competition from private networks.

5  If your going in a car to have to make sure u have good enough tires, especially in the spring and autumn because of the weather in the mountains. They also might charge you toll charge.  If you go in the train they are slow because of the crowded buses. The main train line runs from Skopje to Bitola and Skopje to Geveglia.  They might eat the Macedoine salad of the Macedoine de lenguas salad.  They might see old buildings, some crumbled some cracked.  TO say hello its Zdravo (z-drah- voh)  TO say goodbye its Zbogum (z-bo- gum)

6  The special celebrations are that each month Macedonia celebrates a special event. Usually for each month they have a festival including music.  The independence is September 8,1991  The special foods there are called Macedoine which is a salad that contains small pieces of fruits and vegetables.  The sports that they play is Basketball, soccer, tennis, table tennis, and chess, But the most popular there is basketball and soccer.

7  The total area is 25,713  The religions are Macedonia Orthodoz:64.7%, Muslim: 33.3%, Christian: 0.37%,and Other:1.63%.  The population is 2,082,370.  The languages spoken there are Macedonia, Albanian, Turkish, Roma, Serbian and other.  The president is: G Jorge Ivanov and the Prime Minister is: Mikola Gruevski.  On the flag the sun stands for sun of liberty.  The Capital is Skopje and the time difference is 6 hours.  The birth rate is 11.8 births out of 1000 and the death rate is 8.95 deaths out of 1000.

8  © 2000–2012 Pearson Education, publishing as Fact Monster  2012 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Permitted Use Maps101 News Maps101 is ADA Compliant Privacy Policy © 2012 Maps101 News Maps101 is ADA Compliant


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