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Presentation on theme: "What Would You Say?. I F YOU WERE TO DIE TODAY, WOULD YOU GO TO HEAVEN OR HELL ? D O YOU KNOW FOR SURE ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Would You Say?


3 IF YOU STOOD BEFORE GOD AND HE SAID TO YOU, “Why should I let you into My heaven?” WHAT WOULD YOU SAY?

4 The Bible provides the answers to these questions. It begins at the beginning…

5 G OD M AN God created man (mankind) as man and woman, and they were good. They were in relationship with God without hindrance, and they were happy and fulfilled.

6 G OD M AN God gave them abundant provision in the garden in which He placed them but made one law, forbidding them to eat from a certain tree. This one law was a test of obedience to Him. The man broke this law. Believing that if he ate from the tree, he would be like God. His disobedience broke the relationship between God and all mankind, whom the man represented. And so all mankind was separated from God.

7 GOD MAN SIN Disobedience Rebellion G OD  --------------------- X ---------------------  M AN Isaiah 59:2 Your sins have separated you from your God so that He does not hear.

8 To be with God in heaven, you cannot just be good or even really good… you must be PERFECT. You must be as perfect as He is. This is the standard for being in the presence of God.

9 To understand why there had to be a separation, you must learn about the character of God and the character of man.

10 GOD MAN SIN Disobedience Rebellion G OD  ------X------  M AN 1.Holy (Perfect) Isaiah 6:3 Psalm 99:9

11 GOD MAN SIN Disobedience Rebellion G OD  ------X------  M AN 1. Holy (Perfect) Isaiah 6:3 Psalm 99:9 2. Just Exodus 34:6,7 Nahum 1:3

12 GOD MAN SIN Disobedience Rebellion G OD  ------X------  M AN 1. Holy (Perfect) Isaiah 6:3 Psalm 99:9 2. Just Exodus 34:6,7 Nahum 1:3 3. Loving John 3: 16 Romans 5:8

13 GOD MAN SIN Disobedience Rebellion G OD  ------------- X -------------  M AN 1. Holy (Perfect) Isaiah 6:3 Psalm 99:9 2. Just Exodus 34:6,7 Nahum 1:3 3. Loving John 3: 16 Romans 5:8 1. All have sinned Romans 3: 23

14 GODMAN SIN Disobedience Rebellion G OD  ------------- X -------------  M AN 1. Holy (Perfect) Isaiah 6:3 Psalm 99:9 2. Just Exodus 34:6,7 Nahum 1:3 3. Loving John 3: 16 Romans 5:8 1. All men have sinned Romans 3: 23 2.Sin earns death (separation) Romans 6:23 Physical Spiritual

15 GODMAN SIN Disobedience Rebellion G OD  ------------- X -------------  M AN 1. Holy (Perfect) Isaiah 6:3 Psalm 99:9 2. Just Exodus 34:6,7 Nahum 1:3 3. Loving John 3: 16 Romans 5:8 1. All men have sinned Romans 3: 23 2. Sin earns death (separation) Romans 6:23 Physical Spiritual 3. There is a judgment Hebrews 9:23

16 GODMAN SIN Disobedience Rebellion G OD  ------------- X -------------  M AN 1. Holy (Perfect) Isaiah 6:3 Psalm 99:9 2. Just Exodus 34:6,7 Nahum 1:3 3. Loving John 3: 16 Romans 5:8 1. All men have sinned Romans 3:23 2. Sin earns death (separation) Romans 6:23 Physical Spiritual 3. There is a judgment Hebrews 9:23 4. The guilty will be punished 2 Thessalonians 1:8,9

17 GODMAN …so if this were the end of the story, we would be in deep trouble G OD  ------------- X -------------  M AN 1. Holy (Perfect) Isaiah 6:3 Psalm 99:9 2. Just Exodus 34:6,7 Nahum 1:3 3. Loving John 3: 16 Romans 5:8 1. All men have sinned Romans 3: 23 2. Sin earns death (separation) Romans 6:23 Physical Spiritual 3. There is a judgment Hebrews 9:23 4. The guilty will be punished 2 Thessalonians 1:8,9 People do many things to try to make themselves right with God, to bridge this gap… Good works Philosophy Asceticism Humanistic religions etc. But everything we do falls short. Nothing we do can meet God’s perfect standard and make us acceptable!

18 But this isn’t the end of the story – There is VERY GOOD NEWS !

19 GODMAN SIN Disobedience Rebellion 1. Holy (Perfect) Isaiah 6:3 Psalm 99:9 2. Just Exodus 34:6,7 Nahum 1:3 3. Loving John 3: 16 Romans 5:8 1. All men have sinned Romans 3: 23 2. Sin earns death (separation) Romans 6:23 Physical Spiritual 3. There is a judgment Hebrews 9:23 4. The guilty will be punished 2 Thessalonians 1:8,9 Jesus Christ 1 Peter 3: 18 There is a BRIDGE between the perfect God and sinful man.

20 GODMAN SIN Disobedience Rebellion 1. Holy (Perfect) Isaiah 6:3 Psalm 99:9 2. Just Exodus 34:6,7 Nahum 1:3 3. Loving John 3: 16 Romans 5:8 1. All men have sinned Romans 3: 23 2. Sin earns death (separation) Romans 6:23 Physical Spiritual 3. There is a judgment Hebrews 9:23 4. The guilty will be punished 2 Thessalonians 1:8,9 Jesus Christ 1 Peter 3: 18 1. Christ suffered for sin

21 GODMAN SIN Disobedience Rebellion 1. Holy (Perfect) Isaiah 6:3 Psalm 99:9 2. Just Exodus 34:6,7 Nahum 1:3 3. Loving John 3: 16 Romans 5:8 1. All men have sinned Romans 3: 23 2. Sin earns death (separation) Romans 6:23 Physical Spiritual 3. There is a judgment Hebrews 9:23 4. The guilty will be punished 2 Thessalonians 1:8,9 Jesus Christ 1 Peter 3: 18 1. Christ suffered for sin 2. Just for the unjust (righteous for the unrighteous) (perfect for the imperfect) (sinless for the sinful)

22 GODMAN SIN Disobedience Rebellion 1. Holy (Perfect) Isaiah 6:3 Psalm 99:9 2. Just Exodus 34:6,7 Nahum 1:3 3. Loving John 3: 16 Romans 5:8 1. All men have sinned Romans 3: 23 2. Sin earns death (separation) Romans 6:23 Physical Spiritual 3. There is a judgment Hebrews 9:23 4. The guilty will be punished 2 Thessalonians 1:8,9 Jesus Christ 1 Peter 3: 18 1. Christ suffered for sin 2. Just for the unjust 3. To bring you to God

23 GODMAN SIN Disobedience Rebellion 1. Holy (Perfect) Isaiah 6:3 Psalm 99:9 2. Just Exodus 34:6,7 Nahum 1:3 3. Loving John 3: 16 Romans 5:8 1. All men have sinned Romans 3: 23 2. Sin earns death (separation) Romans 6:23 Physical Spiritual 3. There is a judgment Hebrews 9:23 4. The guilty will be punished 2 Thessalonians 1:8,9 Jesus Christ 1 Peter 3: 18 1. Christ suffered for sin 2. Just for the unjust 3. To bring you to God 4. He died but rose from the dead and is alive today

24 How can the penalties I deserve be avoided and these benefits earned by Jesus become mine?

25 Jesus said in John 5: 24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who HEARS My word, and BELIEVES Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.” TWO CONDITIONS and THREE PROMISES

26 John 5: 24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who HEARS My word, and BELIEVES Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but is passed out of death into life.” The TWO CONDITIONS HEARHear God’s Word BELIEVE trust in rely on commit your life to God

27 John 5: 24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who HEARS My word, and BELIEVES Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.” The THREE PROMISES 1. has eternal (everlasting) life 2. no condemnation, (guilt removed) 3. is passed from death to life

28 GOD – with Whom is life eternal MAN SIN Disobedience Rebellion 1. Holy (Perfect) Isaiah 6:3 Psalm 99:9 2. Just Exodus 34:6,7 Nahum 1:3 3. Loving John 3: 16 Romans 5:8 1. All men have sinned Romans 3: 23 2. Sin earns death (separation) Romans 6:23 Physical Spiritual 3. There is a judgment Hebrews 9:23 4. The guilty will be punished II Thessalonians 1:8,9 Jesus Christ I Peter 3: 18 1. Christ suffered for sin 2. Just for the unjust 3. To bring you to God 4. He died but rose from the dead and is alive today 1.has eternal (everlasting) life condemnation, (guilt removed) 3. is passed from death to life

29 Your response R ECOGNIZE Recognize that what God is telling you about His only way of redemption is true

30 Your response R ECOGNIZE R EPENT turn to God and away from sin in attitude and actuality SIN GOD

31 Your response R ECOGNIZE your need and helplessness R EPENT – turn to God and away from sin R ECEIVE – by faith cast yourself on Jesus Christ alone for His saving work.


33 This is the simple truth for all men for all time. The living and true God has made this plan and this plan only by which fallen man can be made right with Him. To reject this offer of redemption by God is to reject Him. To reject Him is to ensure that He rejects You. He must, for He is holy and just, and you are truly guilty before Him. You know it.

34 One thing in your life is certain… one day you will die. It may be today, or may be many days away. It may be sudden or it may be by illness or age. But one day in your future, you will meet God face to face. When He says to you, “Why should I let you into My heaven?” what will you say?


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