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Tomcat Webapp Security Jason Brittain Software Architect, Mulesoft Co-author, Tomcat: The Definitive Guide.

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Presentation on theme: "Tomcat Webapp Security Jason Brittain Software Architect, Mulesoft Co-author, Tomcat: The Definitive Guide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tomcat Webapp Security Jason Brittain Software Architect, Mulesoft Co-author, Tomcat: The Definitive Guide

2 HTTP Request Model Vulnerabilities  Request Parameters - XSS - CSRF - HTML Injection - SQL Injection  Request Headers  Request URI  Container-Level vs. Webapp-Level Filtering

3 How to Write Secure Webapps  Use only HTTPS and disable small key length ciphers all  Distrust and sanitize all input from the client  Filter for CSRF (Enable the CsrfPreventionFilter)  Filter for XSS (Enable the BadInputFilter)  Generally secure Tomcat  Enable the Tomcat security manager and customize catalina.policy

4 Scanning Tools and Remediation  Tools  Process

5 Scanning Tools and Remediation (cont)  Commercial scanning tools: - IBM Rational AppScan - HP WebInspect - Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner  Open Source: - Ratproxy

6 Scanning Tools and Remediation (cont)  Process for removing vulnerabilities: 1. Scan 2. Investigate Reported Vulnerabilities 3. Fix vulnerability 4. Goto 1.

7 HTTP Caching and Security  Browser Cache  Proxy Cache  // Standard HTTP 1.1 cache disabling header.  httpResponse.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache,must-revalidate");  // Set IE extended HTTP 1.1 no-cache headers.  httpResponse.addHeader("Cache-Control", "post-check=0,pre-check=0");  // Tell proxy caches not to cache this resource.  httpResponse.addHeader("Cache-Control", "proxy-revalidate");  // Standard HTTP 1.0 cache disabling header.  httpResponse.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");  // Standard HTTP 1.0 cache disabling header. Prevents caching at the proxy server.  httpResponse.setDateHeader("Expires", 0);

8 Use HTTPS  Configure Your Webapp to Require HTTPS  Disable Insecure Key Lengths / Ciphers  Use v6.0.24 and Higher  sessionCacheSize and sessionTimeout

9 Configuring for HTTPS-only Configure your HTTPS connector: <Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true" maxThreads="450" scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS” keystoreFile="conf/keystore" keystorePass="shhhh" proxyHost="" proxyPort="443" URIEncoding="UTF-8" maxHttpHeaderSize="32768"/>

10 Configuring for HTTPS-only (cont.) Configure your HTTP connector to redirect to HTTPS: <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="443" proxyHost="" proxyPort="80" URIEncoding="UTF-8" maxHttpHeaderSize="32768"/>

11 Configuring for HTTPS-only (cont.) In your webapp's WEB-INF/web.xml: SecureConnection /* CONFIDENTIAL NonSecureConnectionOk *.ico NONE

12 Configuring HTTPS Disable “weak” encryption: See Providers.html#SupportedCipherSuites

13 Connector Hardening port="-1"   Max Post Size  Max Http Header Size  Max Threads

14 Java Security Manager Prevents your webapp from:  Reading/writing arbitrary files  Making network connections  Instantiating/using arbitrary Java packages & classes  Etc. To effectively use it you must: - Write custom permissions rules - Debug permissions issues - Test exhaustively.. it's not for everyone!

15 Webapp File Permissions - Tomcat needs these readable, but not writable - Don't write files in your webapp tree

16 Tomcat File Permissions CIS: Apache Tomcat Security In general: - Start with the whole tree read only conf/Catalina - conf/Catalina and conf/Catalina/localhost must be read/write - temp/ work/ and logs/ need to be read/write - webapps/ needs to be read/write, but not webapp dirs

17 Monitor for Announced Vulnerabilities  Tomcat project security vulnerabilities page: Upgrade when there is a fix!

18 Additional Resources MuleSoft Tcat Server server TLS Renegotiation Extension and Vulnerability renegotiate.txt Web App Scanners Miss Half of Vulnerabilities Scanners-Miss-Half-of-Vulnerabilities?art_pos=5 Turning XSS Into Clickjacking

19 Q&A Thanks!

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