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White Seabass Lesson Scripps Classroom Connection

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1 White Seabass Lesson Scripps Classroom Connection

2 Scripps Classroom Connection

3 Journal Question 1. What is sustainable seafood? Do your best to brainstorm some answers – there is no wrong or right! Scripps Classroom Connection

4 Why do you think we should raise white seabass in our classroom? Scripps Classroom Connection Discussion Questions

5  White Seabass  Max Size: 5ft / 90 lbs  Max age: 27 yrs  Range: Pacific coast - Baja to Alaska. Scripps Classroom Connection White Seabass caught off the shore of San Diego

6 Scripps Classroom Connection White Seabass commercial catch off the California coast.

7 What can be done to help the white seabass? ● Hatchery; where fish species such as salmon, white seabass, trout, bass, and catfish are hatched, raised and then released to enhance natural populations. ● HUBBS-Seaworld Research Institute (HSWRI) Scripps Classroom Connection

8 HSWRI Aquaculture Program ● Ocean Resources Enhancement and Hatchery Program (OREHP) ● Releases ~350,000 juvenile white seabass annually. ● Started in the 1980s, when white seabass populations were at an all time low. Scripps Classroom Connection

9 Raising White Seabass in OUR classroom ● Tank set-up ● Measuring / tagging fish ● Monitoring the fish/water quality ● Student presentations ● Releasing the fish Scripps Classroom Connection

10 The Fish Tank – 100 gallons Scripps Classroom Connection

11 Monitoring water quality ● DO – Dissolved oxygen in water ● pH – acidity or alkalinity of water ● Nitrogen (NO2, NO3, NH3, NH4+) – Waste and excess nutrients ● Temperature Scripps Classroom Connection

12 Monitoring the Fish Scripps Classroom Connection

13 Releasing the Fish / Student Projects Scripps Classroom Connection

14 ● Fisherman– Recreational and Commercial fisherman. ● Concerned Citizens - You are a group of concerned citizens representing various non-profit/non- governmental organizations (NGO). Concerned about the environment. ● Scientists - Analyzed scientific data and came up with a science-based regulations for the fishery. Research and Poster Project Scripps Classroom Connection

15 Should the current regulations be changed to allow for more or fewer white seabass to be caught (or should they remain the same)? Major question for each group Scripps Classroom Connection

16 Step 1: Research Step 2: Group consensus on white seabass regulations Scripps Classroom Connection Project Steps

17 Step 3: Poster Preparation Step 4: Presentation graded on the content of poster as well as your group’s position and reasoning. Poster Presentation Scripps Classroom Connection

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