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CIAC Strategy Committee Status Report September 14, 2006 Ron Schott.

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Presentation on theme: "CIAC Strategy Committee Status Report September 14, 2006 Ron Schott."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIAC Strategy Committee Status Report September 14, 2006 Ron Schott

2 Agenda History Committee Members Actions to Date –Scope Definition –Best Practices The Plan Goals –Short Term –Long Term Financials

3 History Study & Report from the mid 90’s Executive Order 1995 Gov. Symington AZ Community Telecom Assessment Report from 10/23/2002 ATIC 11 Recommendations to GCIT May 2005 Formation of CIAC and three Sub-Committees –Strategy –Broadband –Right-of-Way Launch of CIAC committees in Summer 2006

4 Committee Members Chairman –Ron Schott Vice-Chairman –Steve Peters Facilitator –Mike Cohen Members –Ted Kraver –Richard King –Genene Walker –Oris Friesen –Art Ashton –Rick McNeely –Hank Stabler –Tom Belshe –Kurt Jonckheer –Mark Goldstein

5 Actions to Date Strategy Committee Meetings –August 15 th., August 25 th and Sept. 8 th. Redefined Scope Sub-tasks to analyze other state plans for ‘Best Practices’ –Vermont - Kurt –Michigan – Ron Define possible short term actions

6 The Plan Scope Vision Focus Areas Implementation Plan Goals –Short Term –Long Term Financials

7 Scope Definition –The State Strategic Plan will provide the vision, framework and strategies for the development of a statewide communications (advanced telecommunications and broadband) infrastructure to support business, education, economic, and community development throughout the state of Arizona.

8 Vision Strategy –Capture elements from Arizona Executive actions in 1995 Vermont plan Michigan plan and legislative actions Committee members expertise –Must include ‘Authority’ to implement with appropriate financial backing

9 Focus Areas Define a structure that will allow for a state communications strategy that will: –Have input from all major stakeholders (with incentive to participate) State, regions, counties, cities, etc. Public needs Vendors in private sector Native American Indians –Authority CIAC, State Broadband Authority, State Communications Authority (ala TSA), ATIC, or some combination needs to have the authority to develop framework and facilitate implementation. –Financial Funding sources defined –Legislative Initiatives for 2007 and beyond defined for infrastructure, process and funding including incentives for vendors to be part of partnership to implement.

10 Implementation Plan Establish Strategic Plan Committee Define Planning Process [w/timelines, key milestones] Inventory Previous and on-going AZ initiatives Identify ‘Best Practices’ & Results from other states Define stakeholders and develop plan to obtain ‘Buy-In’ Prepare for Consultant study [RFP] Obtain funding for near term studies Select “Authority” structure Implement study Define Legislative actions needed in parallel Seek and obtain legislators that will commit to support legislative actions for 2007

11 Goals Short Term –Revalidate ATIC 11 Recommendation actions and associated budget estimates Sept. –Coordinate actions w/Broadband Committee & Right-of-Way Committees Sept. –Define stakeholders [public & private] Sept. –Marketing strategy to obtain stakeholder buy-in Oct. –Define recommendations for legislative action Oct. –Obtain commitments for legislative sponsors Nov. –Define structure for Regional Telecommunication Assessments (TCA’s) Oct. –Define processes for implementation of ATIC recommendation #11 Oct. –Define process for consultant analysis to structure most effective ‘Authority’ to implement for the state of Arizona Sept. Longer Term –TBD Dec.

12 Financials Short Term –Revalidate ATIC 11 recommendation budget estimates –Recommend options for funding State Vendors Tax Incentives Grants Existing state funds –ADOC –GITA –Etc. –?

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