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King George V Playing Field (Hughenden Valley) Proposal for a Multi Use Games Area (MUGA)

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Presentation on theme: "King George V Playing Field (Hughenden Valley) Proposal for a Multi Use Games Area (MUGA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 King George V Playing Field (Hughenden Valley) Proposal for a Multi Use Games Area (MUGA)

2  Problem statement  Our solution  Opportunity & impact  Operating model  The team  Progress made  The request  Q&A

3 King George V It’s time we honoured his wishes. ”in the service rendered to youth through providing for them an environment and opportunity for open air exercise, for the benefit of individual well-being and the general welfare of the nation”.

4 Problem statement Lack of sports facilities: Local residents tell us:  Not enough sports facilities, especially for girls  Made worse with the recent loss of facilities at Magnolia & Uplands  Increased car journeys to other towns to play sport  Resounding call for extra facilities for young & old via Parish & Village surveys A direct contributor to some shocking facts: Last year in Bucks:  19.1% of 4-5 year olds are overweight or obese  40% of 14-25 year olds are inactive – for adults this increases to 62.4%  Of the 1,516 heart attacks last year, 239 could have been prevented if adults were active  Costs £35m per annum

5 Our solution  Sited at the far south end of the playing field on the existing floodlit training area  Sand based, green AstroTurf surface  37m x 34m (two tennis courts)  3m high green fencing  8m high green, retractable floodlights  Clean access via a new pathway  Costing c£150,000 An all weather, floodlit MUGA to replace the existing “sodden muddy patch” that is currently a football training area. Providing an all year facility, for all sports, for all residents.

6 The site

7 Pitch marked to show size

8 Floodlights ExistingProposed

9 Specification The Hughenden Valley MUGA will not contain any blue and will be a muted green colour.

10 Clean access pathway & parking Path proposed at 2m wide with low level lighting. 54 parking spaces -WDC suggested peak requirement of 45 cars. -Overflow with 48 spaces at GP surgery.

11 Opportunity & impact  Due to lack of facilities, the football club are forced to play at six different locations outside of the village  Additional sports - tennis, hockey, bowls, netball, basketball, cricket  Additional participants – young, old, less able bodied, boys and girls  Open for the local schools during the day  Seven-fold increase in users – 60 to 440 Our goal is to significantly increase local participation in sport for all residents to improve health, community cohesion and reduce car journeys.

12 Operating model  The playing field is leased to the Football Club on a 20 year lease. The Trustees of the KGV charity will renew and include the new MUGA  Market rental charged to all users to cover maintenance and a sinking fund to renew the surface every 10 years  Demand is forecast to be strong from existing sports clubs and confirmed new users.  Surplus funds used to improve facilities, equipment & contribute to the maintenance of the chalk bank  Financial forecasts show sustainability at conservative levels of utilisation. Proper re-establishment of the King George V (Hughenden Valley) charity to oversee & improve the playing fields & chalk bank.

13 The team  Neil Bellamy, Football Club  Darren Blundy, Football Club  Heather Dempsey, Residents  Jon Dockett, Hughenden News  Rosemary Hewitt, Residents  Angus Idle, Residents  Janet Idle, Residents  Dylan Jones, Village Hall  Simon Kearey, Parish Council  James Perkins, Project Management  Michael Sole, Village Hall  Mark Wilkins, B&B FA  Jason Wood, Planning All long-term local residents with the skills & passion to deliver. Qualified senior professionals in accountancy, planning & surveying, banking, ecology, education, IT, engineering, construction, management & sales.

14 Progress made Research & consultation  Parish survey of 9,000 residents, Valley sports survey of 687 households & finally 25 adjoining residents  WDC sports development, Marlow Sports Centre & Thames Valley Police (Crime Prevention Design Adviser)  Support from covenant holders John Hopkins estates & consent from Fields in Trust (formerly KGV Playing fields)  Parish council & Football Club support with a donations of £5,720 & £20,000 respectively. Planning permission  WDC support our pre-planning application : “… no objection in principle to the proposed MUGA”  Need to minimalise environmental impact whenever possible & consider alternative site to the north  Ecological, environmental topographical & noise surveys complete.  Consulting with the Highways Authority.

15 As the Village Hall Committee we seek your support for the development of a MUGA, subject to approval by the Trustees of the Village Hall. We request a donation of £20,000 towards to cost of the development. 2) Funding 1) Permission The request

16 Any questions?

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