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Stefania Romano Coordinator ITF Budapest, 19 November 2007 WORKSHOP Adaptation to the Consequences of Climate Change Process: progress achieved and capacity.

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Presentation on theme: "Stefania Romano Coordinator ITF Budapest, 19 November 2007 WORKSHOP Adaptation to the Consequences of Climate Change Process: progress achieved and capacity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stefania Romano Coordinator ITF Budapest, 19 November 2007 WORKSHOP Adaptation to the Consequences of Climate Change Process: progress achieved and capacity building needed

2 Introduction In 2002, the Italian Ministry for Environment Land and Sea (IMELS) established the Italian Trust Fund (ITF) ITF/REC cooperate in improving environmental situation in CEE

3 IMELS Goals The Dept. of Environment Research and Development Promoting international activities for protection of the environment Identification/implementation of projects in collaboration with international partners Co-finance projects with other Donors

4 IMELS Offices Belgrade Podgorica Tirana Bucarest Skopje Brussels Beijing Szentendre

5 Italian Trust Fund Funded 80 projects in CEE Sectors Capacity Building Climate Change Energy Efficiency

6 Italian Trust Fund Contribution up to now is 10 mil EUR

7 Climate change UN SG Ban Ki-moon, 15 TH SESSION CSD, May 2007 “ I have put climate change at the top of my own agenda […]” “We need a global response to climate change that is in line with the latest scientific findings, and is compatible with the long-term investment planning needs of business.”

8 Italian Trust Fund Please visit the website

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