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LESSON LESSON INTRODUCTION Get Ready Before you begin, decide if you agree or disagree with each of these statements. As you view this presentation, see.

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Presentation on theme: "LESSON LESSON INTRODUCTION Get Ready Before you begin, decide if you agree or disagree with each of these statements. As you view this presentation, see."— Presentation transcript:

1 LESSON LESSON INTRODUCTION Get Ready Before you begin, decide if you agree or disagree with each of these statements. As you view this presentation, see if you change your mind about any of the statements. What do you think? 1 Thermal Energy, Temperature, and Heat

2 Get Ready LESSON LESSON INTRODUCTION Do you agree or disagree? Temperature is the same as thermal energy. Heat is the movement of thermal energy from a hotter object to a cooler object. 1 Thermal Energy, Temperature, and Heat

3 Key Concepts/Essential Questions LESSON LESSON INTRODUCTION 1 Thermal Energy, Temperature, and Heat How are temperature and kinetic energy related? How do temperature and thermal energy differ? How does heat move?

4 Vocabulary Watch out for these words! LESSON LESSON INTRODUCTION thermal energy temperature heat 1 Thermal Energy, Temperature, and Heat

5 LESSON Chapter 6 Lesson 1 1 Thermal Energy, Temperature, and Heat

6 LESSON Not exactly! Substances can be at the same temperature but have different amounts of thermal energy. Thermal energy Quantity of heat PE + KE of the particles in a material Temperature Degree of “hotness” Average KE of the particles in a material 1 Thermal Energy and Temperature-Same Thing?

7 LESSON 1. the mass of the material 2.the speed (KE) and spacing/interactions (PE) of particles **Now its time to act like particles in a solid, a liquid or gas!** 1 Thermal Energy Depends on:

8 LESSON the average speed (KE) of the particles Which has faster moving particles-water at 20 o C or water at 95 o C? Water at 95 0 C has faster particles. 1 Temperature Depends on:

9 LESSON LESSON INTRODUCTION 1 How do temperature scales compare? MiniLab p. 201 Celsius ( o C) Fahrenheit ( o F) Kelvin (K) Room Temperature Light jacket weather Hot summer day

10 LESSON LESSON INTRODUCTION 1 How do temperature scales compare? Analyze and Conclude p. 201 1.Imagine that it is snowing outside. What might the temperature be in degrees Celsius? In Kelvin? 2.Why doesn’t the Kelvin scale include negative numbers?

11 LESSON 1.Identify what you want to find and what is given. 2.Choose the correct formula. 3.Substitute the values into the formula and solve. Calculate () first. Example: 70 o F= _________ o C We want to find the temperature in degrees Celsius. o C = ( o F- 32)/1.8 o C = (70- 32)/1.8 o C = 38/1.8 o C= 21.1 o C 1 Temperature Conversions

12 LESSON 37 o C = _________ o F 37 o C = _________K 1 Temperature Conversions

13 LESSON Moving thermal energy Example: Hot cocoa Example: Cold lemonade 1 HEAT

14 LESSON It depends on the temperature difference between the 2 objects. Heat continues to flow from warm to cold until the temperatures are the same. 1 How quickly does heat move?

15 Lesson Review LESSON LESSON WRAP-UP Do you agree or disagree? Temperature is the same as thermal energy. 1 Thermal Energy, Temperature, and Heat Disagree. Temperature represents the average kinetic energy in a material. Thermal energy is the sum of the kinetic energy and potential energy in a material.

16 Lesson Review LESSON LESSON WRAP-UP Do you agree or disagree? Heat is the movement of thermal energy from a hotter object to a cooler object. 1 Thermal Energy, Temperature, and Heat Agree. The definition of heat is the movement of thermal energy from a hotter object to a cooler object.

17 Key Concept/Essential Question Review LESSON LESSON WRAP-UP How are temperature and kinetic energy related? 1 Thermal Energy, Temperature, and Heat The temperature of a material is the average kinetic energy of the particles that make up the material.

18 Key Concept/Essential Question Review LESSON LESSON WRAP-UP How do heat and thermal energy differ? 1 Thermal Energy, Temperature, and Heat Thermal energy is the total energy of the particles in a material. Heat is the transfer of that energy from a warmer object to a cooler object.

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