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California’s Direction: 75% Source Reduction, Recycling and Composting Goal UVWMA Board Meeting November 16, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "California’s Direction: 75% Source Reduction, Recycling and Composting Goal UVWMA Board Meeting November 16, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 California’s Direction: 75% Source Reduction, Recycling and Composting Goal UVWMA Board Meeting November 16, 2015

2 Policy Drivers AB 939 - 50% diversion requirement for jurisdictions AB 341 - 75% reduction, statewide goal by 2020  Does not include transformation or disposal-related activities AB 32 - Reduce GHGs to < 1990 levels  ARB Scoping Plan – Waste Sector 2

3 3 Where Are We Now?

4 Projected 2020 tonnages to reach 75% recycling 4

5 How to Reach 75% Goal  Moving > 20 million tons/year out of landfills  1/3 of current waste stream is organic  Need more infrastructure, new or expanded 5

6 AB 341 Interim Report  Move organics out of landfills  Beverage Container Recycling Program reform  Expand recycling manufacturing infrastructure  New models for state and local funding  Extended Producer Responsibility  Increase state procurement  Report is published: cuments/1538/20151538.pdf cuments/1538/20151538.pdf 6

7 Why Organics?  ~30% of total disposal is compostable/digestible  No way to achieve 75% goal without it  Scoping Plan identifies organics as key component to help meet GHG goals 7

8 Recent Legislation  AB 1826 – mandatory commercial organics recycling  AB 1594 – organics can no longer be considered diversion when applied as ADC  AB 876 – reporting of forcasted organics generation  AB 1045 – CalEPA and other agencies to develop policy that coordinates permitting and regulation of composting facilities  AB 901 – requires recycling and composting facilities to report directly to CalRecycle

9 AB 1826 Business Requirements  April 1, 2016 - Businesses generating 8 CY organics/week required to have organic waste recycling  Jan 1, 2017 – 4 CY/week of organics  Jan 1, 2019 – 4 CY/week of solid waste  2020 trigger: CalRecycle can reduce to 2 CY of waste if statewide organics disposal not cut in ½ Multifamily complexes not required to divert food waste, only greenwaste 9

10 AB 1826 Local Government Requirements  Jan 2016 – Implement program:  Organics recycling program May include mandatory recycling via policy or ordinance, franchise agreement or contract, or requiring material to go through MRF  Outreach, education, monitoring  Identify barriers and plan to address  Aug 2017 - Begin reporting in annual reports on Education/Outreach/Monitoring/Plans/Barriers Draft Electronic Annual Report Questions  Fall 2020 – CalRecycle will conduct a formal review to determine compliance  CalRecycle can conduct a review earlier if there doesn’t appear to be adequate progress. 10

11 AB 1594  2020: Green material ADC ≠ recycling  Will be considered disposal  August 1, 2018: In Annual Report, each jurisdiction to provide info on plans to divert this material  August 1, 2021: If jurisdiction fails to meet 50% as result, then must address barriers to recycling green material in Annual Report  CalRecycle required to update Legislature on status of IWMA fund 11

12 AB 876 Each county or regional agency is required to include organics capacity information in the annual report, including:  Estimate of the amount of organic waste to be generated in the county or region over 15-year period.  Estimate of additional organic waste recycling facility capacity needed to process estimated organics  Areas identified as locations for new or expanded organic waste recycling facilities 12

13 AB 1045 Requires CalEPA, to work with other agencies including CalRecycle, to develop and implement policies that promote the development of coordinated permitting and regulation of composting facilities Requires recycling and composting facilities to report directly to CalRecycle 13 AB 901

14 CalRecycle Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funding Programs 2 Grant Programs  Organic materials  Fiber, Plastic, and Glass  Statewide, competitive 1 Loan Program  Organics & Fiber, Plastic, and Glass  Statewide, competitive  $25 million in FY 2014-15  $60 million in FY 2015-16 14

15 CONTACT INFORMATION Karla Miller 916-327-8804

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