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2010... SAMAR agricultural development project Environment friendly Combined Agriculture/natural cycle farming Environment friendly Combined Agriculture/natural.

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Presentation on theme: "2010... SAMAR agricultural development project Environment friendly Combined Agriculture/natural cycle farming Environment friendly Combined Agriculture/natural."— Presentation transcript:

1 2010... SAMAR agricultural development project Environment friendly Combined Agriculture/natural cycle farming Environment friendly Combined Agriculture/natural cycle farming Northen Samar in the Philippines

2 Contents 1. Mission and Vision 2. Basic project plan 3. Operation strategies for the sub-projects 3.1 Feedstock plantation, certification center, seedling plant, processing farm 3.2 Environmental friendly swineries, genetic resource management center 3.3 Assorted feed mill 3.4 Bio Gas,night-soil resource development, soil management center 3.5 Distribution strategy 4. Organizing bodies Environment friendly agricultural complex (with priorities given to colleges, foundations and regional communities) Feed crop, feed plant(KIBIO) swinery complex(KIBIO) Soil management center (Bio Plant)

3 1. Mission and Vision  With the lead of a large scale agricultural corporation, to utilize natural cycle farming by incorporating environment friendly organic farming and antibiotic- free organic farming to be a pioneer in environment friendly farming.  To Produce and systemize cost effect and high quality organic agricultural product to boost income of regional farming association and to benefit the welfare of the people.  To conserve soil and energy by recycling livestock waste which is considered major pollutant and to promote the system abroad with the cooperation of missionaries

4 Manure, liquefied fertilizer and Bio Gas development Soil analysis management center customized compost, bed soil plant feed mill environment friendly swine breeding management mechanized agriculture management breeding hog swineries Fattening hog farm products/feed crops Antibiotic-free stockbreeding 2. Basic complex formation plan distribution environment friendly resource development genetic resource management center processing plant Fattening hog swineries for each unit

5  infuses unity and solidarity to the regional cooperatives, boost farmers’ income by providing healthy seedlings and suitable items.  Encourages cost effective operation and route sales to stabilize production lines.  Shift s paradigm by forming regional communities linked with the operation. Anticipated results 3.1 Environmental friendly agricultural complex, mechanized seedling management unit  Location: attract infrastructure in the complex area  Size: Farm product storage, processing plant for each item, seedling farm  Project costs: KOICA fund 20billiion  Main organization: KIBIO  technology support: school foundation  Contents: to manufacture, store and distribute environment friendly organic agricultural product Project plan

6  Agricultural development  Improvement in feed self-sufficiency  Production of quality organic feeds  Retrenchment of feed cost  Location: within the complex area  Size: 100ton each day  Project costs: 4billion  Main organization: KIBIO  Main operation body: foundation  Content: To manufacture feed by incorporating organic materials and feed crops produced within the complex. Project plan 3.2 feed mill, feed crop farming Anticipated results

7  Following the standard of organic swinery certification, build an environment friendly swinery,with the breeding capacity of 5,000 hogs, that systemizes feed crop production and hog waste management  Offering a premium to exportation by introducing new breed. 3.3 Swinery for breeding hog and fattening hog  Location: within the complex area - Swinery for breeding hog and fattening hog - Individual fattening hog breeding ground.  Size: 100,000 pyung(330,578.512 square meter)  Project costs: 5 billion  Main organization: Harim  Main operation body: Harim  Content: to target Japanese market by raising antibiotic-free hybridized fattening hog. Anticipated results Project plan

8  By incorporating swineris that utilize natural cycle principle, builds sustainable, environment friendly and organic farming  By developing bio gas fueled by wasteful by-products establishes green livestock indstry.  By converting animal night soils which used to be conceived as major pollutants into high quality, organic fertilizer, increases soil fertility to improve productivity  By supplying suitable soil for the stabilized environment friendly farming, secures the biggest agricultural resource to be used in the future  By converting animal wastes into resource, prevents pollution and establish green-livestock industry.  By applying organic fertilizer in organic farming, increases soil fertility and provides safe food to consumers by stabilizing green farming and by expanding distribution channels.  Establishes agricultural system that utilizes natural cycle principle 3.4 soil management center, bio gas development  Location: linked with swineries built within the complex area  Size: 100ton/day  Project costs: 4 billion  Main organization: Bioplant  Main Operating body: Bioplant  Content : to build a facility for bio gas development, compost and iquefied fertilizer plant Project plan Anticipated results

9 4. total project cost, funding plan PROJECT TITLE KOICA FUND Feed crop farming complex, mechanized agricultural management unit 1.5billion feed mill 3.5billion breeding pig/hog fattening complex, breeding farm in each villege (demostration will be done in 1 villege) 5billion Night soil management (Bio gas development, organic fertilizer) 3billion Processing Plant (equipped with cold stroage chamber) 2billion total 15billion

10 First step(2010~2010) Second step(2011~2015) establish project basis, organize a consulting program and devise a detailed plan embark on sub-projects, activate and normalize operation 연 도 2007 2008 200920102011 현황조사 및 기획 현황조사 및 사업계획 제출 사업계획및 자료신청 현황별 신청 1 차종두 300 두 입식 3. 추진일정계획 project schedule detail PROJECT TITLE agricututral product/ feed crop farming complex TMR Feed plant TMR research/ submission of project proposal Breeding hog, fattening hog complex, swineries for each villege soil management center(livestock waste processing plant) processing plant 연 도 20102011201220132014 research/ planning research/ submission of project proposal project proposal/ data request 현황별 신청 1 차종두 300 두 입식 3. Project schedule

11 5. marketing strategy  stabilize distribution and production lines by systemizing specialization.

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