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FKI-Amcham Joint Seminar Ki-Yong Kim Agribrands Purina China Entry Strategy Jan.14,2003.

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Presentation on theme: "FKI-Amcham Joint Seminar Ki-Yong Kim Agribrands Purina China Entry Strategy Jan.14,2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 FKI-Amcham Joint Seminar Ki-Yong Kim Agribrands Purina China Entry Strategy Jan.14,2003

2 Agribrands Purina Korea, Inc  Established in May. 5, 1967  Operate 3 plants in Songtan, Kunsan and Kimhae  Annual Sales Revenue: $ 290million  No. of employees: Regular 312/Contractor 92  Market leader in Livestock and Feed Industry

3  Cargill Inc.  Cargill, Incorporated is an international marketer, processor and distributor of agricultural, food, financial and industrial products and services with 98,000 employees in 61 countries.  CAN(Cargill Animal Nutrition)  178 Feed plants  11 million tons  9,700 employees  26 countries  World Largest & Best Animal Nutrition Company Cargill Animal Nutrition

4 China Economic Growth

5 Financial Times Dec 9th, 2003 “ The opportunities for decades of rapid growth are excellent. The chances of exploiting those opportunities are not too bad either. With substantial reforms, China could easily grow considerably faster than at present. Without such reforms, growth is still likely to remain rapid, as the more dynamic parts of the economy increase their weight in the total. Provided policy improves and the world itself does not fall into some kind of catastrophe, China has an excellent chance to achieving its economic goals for the next two decades. Given its economic momentum and the desire of its people for more, so palpable to the visitor, it would be a brave person who bets against its success. ”

6 Korea Feed Production FY2003 APKI 981,472 MT CKI191,563 MT Nat’l 15,525,303 MT

7 Estimated 2005: 100 million tons China Manufactured Feed * Have World Largest Feed Market Potential(Korea: 15.5MMTon)

8  Rapid Development, Manufacturing Increasing Continuously Unit: MMT Feed Industry Development

9 Major Players Location CPHopeTongwei

10  13,000 Mills over 10,000 MT/year Capacity  2,000 Mills over 30,000 MT/year Capacity  Capacity Utilization : Avg. 51.9%  High : Tianjin 85%  Low : Qinghai23% China Feed Mill Capacity / Utilization

11 Customer. Direct communication with customer for Communication creating best value thru improving productivity Long-term Vision Leadership. GM assignment having high qualities of - Talking frequently with employees in Chinese - Respecting Chinese history, culture & people Talented. Hiring, Training and developing good local Local People people for future management candidate Key Strategic Direction of China Business Development. The Best Feed company in China by 2010

12 CAN China Vision The Best Feed Company in China by 2010 -Shared with Employees -Prepared strategic action plan -Contribution to the Enriched Community

13 Langfang Fushun Yantai Jiaxing Nanjing Zhenjiang Current CAN China Operations Chengdu Total CAN China 7 Operations, 8 Plants Monthly Capacity : 60,000 MT

14 CAN China Training Center

15 Training/Seminar

16 Customer Communication


18 Contribution of Agribrands Purina and Cargill Animal Nutrition to China Agriculture Development Animal Nutrition to China Agriculture Development Contribution of Agribrands Purina and Cargill Animal Nutrition to China Agriculture Development Animal Nutrition to China Agriculture Development  Farmer Training  Employee Education for Growth  Enriched Community  Scholarship  Research Fund  Cargill Cares

19  Joint Vision Sharing  High Caliber Korean management team assignment who knows Chinese  Culture  History  People  Resources of Technology and Management know-how from US and Korea  Win-Win Strategy Joint Market Entry Strategy

20 CAN China Growth 20012007 2012 Buildup period periodBreakthroughperiod

21 Thank You.

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