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8 조 문제 박슬기 김아린 박인영 방라빈 우현정. Read Ms. Park’s teaching procedure to teach would for past habits, and follow the direction. A middle school English teacher’s.

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Presentation on theme: "8 조 문제 박슬기 김아린 박인영 방라빈 우현정. Read Ms. Park’s teaching procedure to teach would for past habits, and follow the direction. A middle school English teacher’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 8 조 문제 박슬기 김아린 박인영 방라빈 우현정


3 Read Ms. Park’s teaching procedure to teach would for past habits, and follow the direction. A middle school English teacher’s plan for how would will be taught is described as follows. Instruction

4 Step 1 The teacher sets theme by introducing the topic of summer holidays. After chatting about this for a few minutes, she then says she is going to tell students about her holiday experience two times. The teacher reads the text and asks students to listen to the whole text. Then, she reads again and students take notes while they are listening. She tells them the following: When I was a child we used to go camping every summer. We’d choose a different place each year, and we’d drive around until we found a beach we liked. Then we’d pitch our tent, as near as possible to the beach. We’d usually spend most of the time on the beach or exploring the country round about. We never went to the same beach twice

5 Step 2 The students individually write down as much as they can remember, whether it be individual words or groups of words. The teacher then tells the class, working in groups of five, that she wants them to compare with each other what they have noted down, and to try and reconstruct the text.

6 Step 3 The teacher chooses a student to act as the class ‘scribe’ and to write their reconstructed version of the text on one half of the board, incorporating the suggestions of all the students in the class. The teacher does not intervene at all, unless to answer relatively minor questions about vocabulary and spelling. This is an example of a text that the students might produce collaboratively: When I was a child we used to go to camping in the summer. We choosed a different place each tear. We drove until we found a beach which we liked. Then we pitched a tent, as near to the beach as possible. We used to spend most of the time on the beach or exploring the country around. We never went to the same beach twice.

7 Step 4 The teacher writes her original text on the board, next to the students’ reconstructed version, and asks them to identify any differences between two texts. They are quick to notice differences in word order and the substitution of used to for usually in the second-to-last sentence. They are slower to notice the four contracted forms of would. The teacher briefly explains the use of would to express past habits.

8 Direction Addressing Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the procedure of the lesson plan Ms. Park designed, identify the technique that she employed, and explain three characteristics of this task. Approximately 50 words should be used.

9 예시답안 The technique is called dictogloss. One of three characteristics is that it provides a useful bridge between bottom-up and top-down listening. Second, it encourages students to integrate the receptive and productive skills. Finally, students have opportunities to focus on the language form as well as the content of the text.

10 채점기준 1. Dictogloss 를 명시 (1 점 ) 2. Integrative skills (receptive and productive skills) Integrative processing (bottom-up and top-down processing) Focus on content and language form Interdependence 중 3 가지를 기술하면 각각 1 점 (3 점 )

11 Dictogloss

12 Step 1 The teacher sets theme by introducing the topic of summer holidays. After chatting about this for a few minutes, she then says she is going to tell students about her holiday experience two times. The teacher reads the text and asks students to listen to the whole text. Then, she reads again and students take notes while they are listening. She tells them the following: When I was a child we used to go camping every summer. We’d choose a different place each year, and we’d drive around until we found a beach we liked. Then we’d pitch our tent, as near as possible to the beach. We’d usually spend most of the time on the beach or exploring the country round about. We never went to the same beach twice

13 Step 2 The students individually write down as much as they can remember, whether it be individual words or groups of words. The teacher then tells the class, working in groups of five, that she wants them to compare with each other what they have noted down, and to try to reconstruct the text.

14 Step 3 The teacher chooses a student to act as the class ‘scribe’ and to write their reconstructed version of the text on one half of the board, incorporating the suggestions of all the students in the class. The teacher does not intervene at all, unless to answer relatively minor questions about vocabulary and spelling. This is an example of a text that the students might produce collaboratively: When I was a child we used to go to camping in the summer. We choosed a different place each tear. We drove until we found a beach which we liked. Then we pitched a tent, as near to the beach as possible. We used to spend most of the time on the beach or exploring the country around. We never went to the same beach twice.

15 Step 4 The teacher writes her original text on the board, next to the students’ reconstructed version, and asks them to identify any differences between two texts. They are quick to notice differences in word order and the substitution of used to for usually in the second-to-last sentence. They are slower to notice the four contracted forms of would. The teacher briefly explains the use of would to express past habits.

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