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Taking Effective Notes from Lecture Workshop III.

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1 Taking Effective Notes from Lecture Workshop III

2 Learning to take good notes is like learning to take a photo on notebook paper of what happens in class on a particular day. take a photo on notebook paper of what happens in class on a particular day.

3 Why Take Notes? Makes you pay attention~ It keeps you mind from wandering and you are more likely to remain conscious of what is important.Makes you pay attention~ It keeps you mind from wandering and you are more likely to remain conscious of what is important. Helps you to concentrate~ When you are trying to take good notes you concentrate more on what the speaker is saying.Helps you to concentrate~ When you are trying to take good notes you concentrate more on what the speaker is saying. Gives you a record of what was said in class~ You’ll know what was said on which days and also what was not covered in class.Gives you a record of what was said in class~ You’ll know what was said on which days and also what was not covered in class. Forces you to select main ideas~ You can’t write everything down.Forces you to select main ideas~ You can’t write everything down.

4 Why Take Notes? Cont... Requires you to write~ Writing things down helps you to remember it longer.Requires you to write~ Writing things down helps you to remember it longer. Gives you a place to write down assignments~ So that you will be able to find them later.Gives you a place to write down assignments~ So that you will be able to find them later. Gives you information to study~ For tests, quizzes and other class assignments.Gives you information to study~ For tests, quizzes and other class assignments. Reminds you of what the instructor said or emphasizedReminds you of what the instructor said or emphasized

5 When taking notes... When taking notes... First hear the instructorFirst hear the instructor Next write down the informationNext write down the information Then see the information on the pageThen see the information on the page Finally, review the information when you studyFinally, review the information when you study

6 Effective Note taking Habits Preview reading assignments before class ~ It makes sense to familiarize yourself with Preview reading assignments before class ~ It makes sense to familiarize yourself with the material by taking a few minutes to pre-view or skim over the chapter, you will also the material by taking a few minutes to pre-view or skim over the chapter, you will also understand the information better understand the information better Start each day with a fresh piece of paper ~ Every page of your notes is like a photo of Start each day with a fresh piece of paper ~ Every page of your notes is like a photo of what happened that day. You’ll be able to keep your notes separate and add any other what happened that day. You’ll be able to keep your notes separate and add any other necessary information. necessary information. Write only on one side of your paper ~ Use the back side to write summaries. Write only on one side of your paper ~ Use the back side to write summaries. Always date and title every page ~ Give you an easy reference guide to follow when you Always date and title every page ~ Give you an easy reference guide to follow when you study for a test study for a test

7 Effective Note taking Habits cont... Write in the shortest form possible ~ You don’t have a lot of time to take notes. It is a waste of time to write in full sentences. Instead use abbreviations or key words. Think short, sweet and to the point. Trying to write down everything your instructors says exactly as they say it is not possible. The amount of time you actually have to write down what your instructors says is limited. DO NOT try to write down every thing they say.Write in the shortest form possible ~ You don’t have a lot of time to take notes. It is a waste of time to write in full sentences. Instead use abbreviations or key words. Think short, sweet and to the point. Trying to write down everything your instructors says exactly as they say it is not possible. The amount of time you actually have to write down what your instructors says is limited. DO NOT try to write down every thing they say. Use abbreviations ~ Shortened words or phrases make note taking easier.Use abbreviations ~ Shortened words or phrases make note taking easier. Use key words ~ Key words are the larger more important words in a sentence. They carry the most meaning. Writing only key words save you time.Use key words ~ Key words are the larger more important words in a sentence. They carry the most meaning. Writing only key words save you time. Use your own words ~ You don’t need to write things down word for word. Use your own words ~ You don’t need to write things down word for word. Writing in your own words forces you to understand what is said before Writing in your own words forces you to understand what is said before writing. writing.

8 Taking Notes from Instructors Six Instructor Personality Clues * They tell you it’s important * They repeat information * They write information down * They change their voice or or facial expressions * They change their voice or or facial expressions * They pause * They use handouts

9 Taking Notes from Instructors cont... Six Instructor Verbal Clues * Definitions *Descriptions *Compare and Contrast *Classification *Cause and effect

10 In your classes, taking good useful notes is extremely important to your success as a student. The content of lecture often becomes the content of exams. Learning to take good notes is like learning to take a photo on notebook paper of what happens in class on a particular day. Without it, you can never go back to get that picture again, and it would also make studying very difficult without all of the pieces of the picture. Keep in mind that no two students take notes exactly the same way. Your notes, whatever way you choose to take them, must be useful and complete enough for you to succeed in your classes.

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