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SMOKING IS UNHEALTY FOR US!. Урок « Курение вредно для нашего здоровья » Тип урока : комбинированный ( рассчитан на 2 урока ) Цель урока : формирование.

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Presentation on theme: "SMOKING IS UNHEALTY FOR US!. Урок « Курение вредно для нашего здоровья » Тип урока : комбинированный ( рассчитан на 2 урока ) Цель урока : формирование."— Presentation transcript:


2 Урок « Курение вредно для нашего здоровья » Тип урока : комбинированный ( рассчитан на 2 урока ) Цель урока : формирование ИЯ компетенции Задачи урока : Практическая : введение и активизация новой лексики ; развитие восприятия речи на слух, чтение с последующим извлечением основной и детальной информации, развитие монологической и диалогической речи ; Развивающая : развитие творческих способностей, памяти, мышления, умения обобщать, сравнивать и анализировать ; развитие умения аргументировано защищать свое мнение ; использовать элементы дискуссии ; развитие умения убеждать других людей Воспитательная : формирование системы нравственных ценностей ( формирование негативного отношения к курению ).

3 Урок « Курение вредно для нашего здоровья » Ход урока : Вступление : Hello! How are you? What did you do yesterday after school? Well, I see. And did you watch any feature films or any documentaries? Do you often watch films about teens (teenagers)? Do you enjoy them? Why (not)? Are they true to life? OK. And as for me, I enjoyed watching a film yesterday evening. It was about teens’ life and their problems. And now I’d like to show you some photo. I mean the photo from the film. Here it is.

4 Урок « Курение вредно для нашего здоровья »

5 Now I’m going to give you some cards with the questions concerning this sign. Discuss them in pairs and get ready to share your opinions. Here they are. The questions: 1) What does the sign mean? 2) In what countries can you see it? 3) Have you ever seen such a sign in Russia? Why (not)? 5) What do you think? Is this problem acute in our country?

6 Урок « Курение вредно для нашего здоровья » Let’s listen to the text and check if your suppositions are correct. The Harm Of Smoking The problem of smoking is very acute in modern society. You can see lots of men, women and even teenagers smoking in the streets. It is, of course, the shortest way to bad health. There are many other harmful waste gases in the air nowadays. They come from industrial or automobile manufacturing. However, smoking is the worst of all fumes. You can see lots of men, women and even teenagers and simply inhale these fumes from other smokers’ cigarettes. It is harmful. Those who don’t smoke but sit next to smoking people are called passive smokers. In the past few years measures have been taken to reduce smoking. In a number of countries the anti-smoking campaigns were launched. As a result smoking was banned in public places in some cities. Our country is also on its way to struggling with smoking. Not a long time ago a new law was introduced that all restaurants should have separate areas for non-smokers. Many schools run a series of lectures on the harm of smoking and it has a positive effect on children. Modern teenagers are told about the sad outcomes of smoking. Apart from breathing problems and bad smell, smoking leads to heart attacks and strokes at an early age. Other than that many people suffered from cancer because of smoking. Appearance also suffers: the teeth become yellow, the skin and hair look unhealthy and pale, the immune system become weak. The harm of cigarettes for women should be especially highlighted. They give birth to children and it’s difficult to have a healthy child being a smoker. Above all, cigarettes are costly and they worsen the personal budget. As you can see, there are no advantages of smoking at all, only harm and danger.

7 Урок « Курение вредно для нашего здоровья » What is the result of smoking? Use the text and the pictures. have … People suffer from … damage …

8 Урок « Курение вредно для нашего здоровья » I am sure that smoking is very dangerous. Don’t you share my point of you? Please express your opinions and give arguments. I believe that smoking is … The reason is that people who smoke … Besides … That’s why I’d like them …

9 You know that lots of teens smoke nowadays. Discuss in pairs the following question:”Why do teens smoke?”

10 Урок « Курение вредно для нашего здоровья » What reasons have you mentioned? Find them in the list and read them aloud. Give arguments. The list of reasons: 1)Children and teens smoke not because they enjoy the taste of cigarettes. They want to look more grown-up than they really are. 2)They feel that it makes them more independent. Many teenage girls nowadays start smoking just because it is more like fashion. 3)Some teens smoke because they have problems in their families or at school. 4)Some fat teens consider that smoking will make them thinner. 5)Some teens smoke because their friends do. 6)There is too much advertising of cigarettes on TV which says “Smoking is cool!”

11 Урок « Курение вредно для нашего здоровья » Look through the text again and look at the photos. What do you think if any measures to solve the problem of smoking have been taken? Which measure is the most effective to your mind? Why? Are these measures enough to solve the problem of smoking? Discuss the questions in pairs.

12 Урок « Курение вредно для нашего здоровья » Some possible answers: 1) In a number of countries the anti-smoking campaigns were launched. 2) Not a long time ago a new law was introduced that all restaurants should have separate areas for non-smokers. 3) Many schools run a series of lectures on the harm of smoking and it has a positive effect on children. 4) Modern teenagers are told about the sad outcomes of smoking.

13 Урок « Курение вредно для нашего здоровья » Can we stop producing tobacco goods to change the situation for the better? Why not? Choose the most significant reasons from the list to prove this fact. Give arguments. 1)Too many people smoke and they all can’t stop doing it. 2)Tobacco industry gives the government much money in taxes. 3)Tobacco companies try to improve their image by sponsoring sport events or donating money to charity. 4)We can’t make a law against smoking. 5)There are health warnings on many packets of cigarettes. They say “Smoking is dangerous for you health”.

14 Урок « Курение вредно для нашего здоровья » Still there are people who sooner or later become ready to give up smoking. But they often don’t know how to make their wish come true. What piece of advice can you give them? Use the photos and discuss the question in pairs.

15 Урок « Курение вредно для нашего здоровья » Some possible answers:  You must realize that this habit is health- ruining.  You must have a strong will because it’s very difficult to get rid of this habit.  You should find a hobby.  You should go for a walk more often.  You should go in for sports.  You should try to make new friends who don’t smoke.  You should ask your parents/friends to help you.

16 Урок « Курение вредно для нашего здоровья »  A. Help yourself to a cigarette.  B. No, thanks. I’m trying to cut down.  A. Go on. Have you got a light?  B. I don’t take it with me now, you know. How should they behave if they are giving up smoking but their friends are still smoking? Read the dialogue and act it out:  A. Have a cigarette.  B. No, thanks. I’m trying to give up.  A. Come on. I insist.  B. No, really, thank you. I’ve got a bit of a cough.

17 Урок « Курение вредно для нашего здоровья »  Many foreign teens know about Anti- Smoking Day. In order to support those who are giving up smoking they often write poems for Anti-Smoking Day. I’d like to show you such a poem. Let’s read and discuss it. ANTY-SMOKING DAY Do you know that in most countries Anti-Smoking Day is celebrated every third Thursday in November. This holiday was introduced by the American Cancer Society in 1977. Last time it was marked on the twentieth of November in 2014.

18 Урок « Курение вредно для нашего здоровья » “Twenty Cigarettes a Day”- Someone thinks that’s cute. If you want to choose this way- “Bang!”-A life is not for you. Death is not a joke. This blue sky and this hot sun Will be drowned in a smoke. Even if you don’t hear: I don’t want to frighten you, I just want to say: Find in your life something new, Choose your own way. BLACK AND SERIOUS POEM What or who is this poem? Little Silly Poems Little Billy was fourteen, Once he tried a cigarette (He thought that was great). Now he’s more than seventeen, He is green, Weak and thin, His girlfriend thinks that’s bad. -What has happened to our Billy? He became so pale and silly… Is he tired? Is he ill? -Now he is not but sure he will. Once he met a devil in a packet, Then they made a deal. And Bill still can’t pay a bill, -Really? Don’t check it.

19 Урок « Курение вредно для нашего здоровья »  Выучить стихотворение «Black and Serious Poem» наизусть.  Взять интервью у человека, который курит и постараться его убедить в том, что курение вредно, и склонить его к решению бросить эту вредную привычку. Домашнее задание № 1 Домашнее задание № 2

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