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Developing/Commercializing a New Product? KT4TT Center is Here to Assist!! James A. Leahy Center on Knowledge Translation for Technology Transfer (KT4TT)

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Presentation on theme: "Developing/Commercializing a New Product? KT4TT Center is Here to Assist!! James A. Leahy Center on Knowledge Translation for Technology Transfer (KT4TT)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing/Commercializing a New Product? KT4TT Center is Here to Assist!! James A. Leahy Center on Knowledge Translation for Technology Transfer (KT4TT) University at Buffalo 8:00 a.m. July 14, 2016 RESNA/NCART Arlington, Virginia 1

2 Background Federally funded AT grant programs are being evaluated on the direct benefits their new AT products and services are contributing to an improvement in the Quality of Life of PWD. In RFPs, federal grant programs are stating that ‘technologies developed or adapted must be designed for commercialization as consumer products or for integration into rehabilitation practice or relevant service delivery systems.’ Applicants/Grantees are expected to utilize best practices in NPD development and sound TT and KT practices to generate planned outputs and achieve intended outcomes and impacts. 2

3 Who or What is the KT4TT? NIDILRR grantee – from 1993-2008 the RERC on Technology Transfer; from 2008-2018 the Center on Knowledge Translation for Technology Transfer. Current Center is to contribute to the increased rate of successful technology transfer of rehabilitation technology products developed by NIDILRR-funded technology grantees. Provides Technical Assistance to current and prospective grantees (those writing proposals) on development project (NPD and TT) best practices. 3

4 3 Key Learning Outcomes Describe the three phases of activity involved in technological innovation. Identify 10 Resource Areas available for New Product Developers from the KT4TT Center. Identify 3 Specific Opportunities for obtaining Technical Assistance (TA) from the KT4TT. 4

5 Workshop Structure Need to Knowledge Model 4 Versions  Joe Lane (Outcome #1) Tools for New Product Development  Michelle Lockett (Outcome #2) Technology Transfer Planning Template  Jennifer Flagg (Outcome #2) Technical Assistance and Resources  Jim Leahy (Outcome #2 & #3) Group Q&A Discussion 5

6 The Need to Knowledge (NtK) Model: Four Variations Tailored to Outcomes Joseph P. Lane Center on Knowledge Translation for Technology Transfer (KT4TT) University at Buffalo RESNA/NCART Arlington, Virginia 6

7 Why Create Models? About half of NIDILRR grants are expected to generate innovative technology-based product and service outcomes with beneficial impacts. Such innovations require integration of three professional methodologies: scientific research, engineering development, and industrial production. Most grants go to university-based faculty with high scientific expertise, less product engineering skill and little in technology transfer or commercialization. This creates a gap between sponsor expectations and grantee deliverables – a real problem! 7

8 Who are Intended Beneficiaries? New Models, Methods and Metrics (MMM) help grantees plan, implement and manage projects to increase odds of success. We expect MMM to be useful to various stakeholders: Grantees/Grant Applicants – They serve as templates for framing proposed project inputs, processes and outputs; They link outputs to outcomes through KT & TT options. Project Sponsors – The MMM serve as tools for monitoring grantee progress and assessing performance; They help review panels ensure proposals plan and budget for all steps. All Applied Researchers and Engineers – The MMM provide a research, development and production continuum, as a justification for project initiation and continuation. 8

9 NtK Model Evolution Initial NtK Model – Integrated corporate best practices (PDMA) for generating Commercial Product outcomes, with opportunities to translate and communicate knowledge outputs. Evidence-Based – Supported by excerpts drawn from academic and industry literature, and examples of standard tools for conducting required technical, market and customer analysis. Technical Assistance – Offered the NtK Model as a tool for Grantee’s during proposal preparation, and for preparing Technology Transfer plans. 9

10 NtK Model Variants NtK Model Variants – Grantees also required versions for projects intending to generate non-commercial outcomes for external uptake and use:  Industry Standards / Clinical Guidelines.  Laboratory Instruments / Fabrication Tools.  Freeware Applications / DIY Instructions. 10

11 The Need to Knowledge (NtK) Model 4 Variations Depending on Intended Technology- based Outcome Guide to Generating Commercial Market Devices 11

12 Guide to Generating Lab Instruments & Fabrication Tools The Need to Knowledge (NtK) Model 4 Variations Depending on Intended Technology- based Outcome 12

13 Guide to Generating Industry Standards & Clinical Guidelines The Need to Knowledge (NtK) Model 4 Variations Depending on Intended Technology- based Outcome 13

14 Guide to Generating Freeware Software Applications or DIY Instructions The Need to Knowledge (NtK) Model 4 Variations Depending on Intended Technology- based Outcome 14

15 Common Trunk to Variant Models Trunk and Branch – All four versions share the same core initial activities (Conceptual Discovery Phase): o Problem Definition – Validate problem in context of targeted beneficiary group & Verify feasibility of envisioned solution in Stakeholder context. o Solution Scoping – Identify all current and past alternative solutions & Seek other applications. o Assess Need for Research – Gather relevant knowledge from all fields & Objectively assess need for new knowledge from scientific research. 15

16 Branches Off Trunk Commercial Product version contains the most extensive sections on engineering development and industrial production. Three variants each require less elaborate prototyping fabrication and testing, and face fewer regulatory and financial hurdles. Three variants simply production generation process to deployment and monitoring. 16

17 Standards/Guidelines Key Feature Lead Role for External Organizations – Critical to first identify the target professional group, governing body and/or regulatory agency, along with their evaluation criteria and evidence requirements. Tailor project and subordinate role to their requirements as they are the final arbiters of the decision to transform outputs into outcomes. 17

18 Instruments/ Tools Key Feature Lack of Defined Customer: In most instances Grantees design, build and test new Instruments/Tools for use within their own scientific research or engineering development projects. So this approach represents an effort to offer this internal output for adoption and use by external stakeholders. 18

19 Freeware Variant Key Feature Implications of Sub-Categories: There are five sub-categories, each influencing the actions taken and decisions made: 1. Freeware (No cost apps) 2. Fee App (Low cost or <$5.00 apps) 3. Freemium (Cost > $5 apps) 4. Free DIY (Free DIY instructions to build a device) 5. Fee DIY/Training (Single charge $29.95 or $4.95/month recurring cost) 19

20 Draft Versions Available for Review Draft versions of 3 Variants undergoing iterative reviews by multiple experts from both academic and industry backgrounds. Current draft versions were exhibited for open review and comment at RESNA poster session yesterday afternoon. Website link to functional NtK Models: model/ntk-commercial-devices.html 20

21 Analytic Tools for New Product Development Michelle M. Lockett Center on Knowledge Translation for Technology Transfer (KT4TT) University at Buffalo RESNA/NCART Arlington, Virginia 21

22 Key Learning Outcomes Awareness of the KT4TT Tool Repository embedded within the online NtK model. Understanding how to navigate through the online NtK Model and access relevant New Product Development (NPD) tools. 22

23 Background A scoping review was conducted to validate the NtK Stages and Steps – Resulting in about 1,500 excerpts extracted from 229 studies. Each excerpt relates to one or more of the NtK steps. A further analysis grouped the excerpts into common themes – one theme being “Tools”. – Tools are defined as any process, method, software, hardware, template, measure or guideline relative to specific steps of the NtK that makes the NPD process more effective and efficient. – A total of 44 tools were identified and linked to the relevant NtK steps. 23

24 Background Information was lacking on the tools. Many NtK steps did not have a tool associated with it. As a result — two KT4TT staff members and an engineering Post Doc from the Dublin Institute of Technology conducted a year long project to identify and categorize additional tools related to the NtK. – Sources utilized included; PDMA handbooks and toolbooks, DRM Associate’s Body of Knowledge, Bain and Company’s 2011 Management Tools Guide, Engineers Edge, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and MatWeb – A total of 79 tools are now included in the repository 24

25 Organization of Tools Tools are grouped into one of five different competency groups 1.Electrical Engineering 2.Material Science 3.Mechanical Engineering 4.Business 5.Universal Design (UD) The purpose of linking a tool with a competency group is to identify the skill set needed to use that tool. – This is important information for Grantees needing to hire a sub- contractor or staff member who would use that tool. 25

26 Tool Description Categories 1.T YPE – Is the tool considered software, hardware, process, tool for mapping or benchmarking, design tool, model or measure? 2.D ESCRIPTION – A narrative statement of what it is and how it is applied 3.U NITS – Describes the nature of the tool’s output 4.A DVANTAGES – Describes the merits of the tool 5.L IMITATIONS – Why a tool might be difficult to use 6.R EGULATIONS – Organizations who approve the use of the tool 7.T ARGET A UDIENCE – The people who use the tool’s outputs 8.S TAGES AND S TEPS – NtK steps where the tool is useful 9.F REE R ESOURCES – Links to no-cost information about the tool 10.P URCHASE R ESOURCES – Links to for purchase materials about the tool 11.R ELEVANT TO U NIVERSAL D ESIGN – Does the tool facilitate UD Principles? 26

27 How do I find the tools I need? 27

28 Master list of Tools 28

29 Competency Groups 29

30 Tools Clicking on Business returns ALL Business tools 30

31 Final Data Sheet for Conjoint Analysis Includes the categories; Type, Description, Description Citation, Advantages, Limitations, Target Audience, Stages and Steps, Relevancy to UD and Free and For Purchase Resources 31

32 How to find tools by NtK Step 32

33 33

34 34

35 Click on the tool box to see all the tools that apply to Step 1.1 35

36 36

37 In Summary… The online NtK Model is more than a step by step guide. It is packed with resources and tools to help you along the path to technology transfer. 37

38 For more information… For more detailed information about the methods involved in finding and categorizing the tools, please refer to the article; “Tools for Assistive Technology Research, Development, and Production” Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits (Flagg, J.L., Lockett, M.M, Condron, J. & Lane, J.P., 2015). All the tools in the repository will be included in the forth coming interactive Technology Transfer Planning Template as described by Jennifer Flagg, our next presenter. 38

39 Technology Transfer Planning Template Jennifer L Flagg Center on Knowledge Translation for Technology Transfer (KT4TT) University at Buffalo RESNA/NCART Arlington, Virginia 39

40 Background Developing a new product that has market potential? Increase your odds of success by… – planning how your invention will get from the lab to the market. – conducting rigorous business, market, and technical analyses prior to making large investments of limited resources. Planning can be aided by process models, such as the Need to Knowledge (NtK) Model. Analyses can be simplified through the use of relevant tools. But… one must know what models and tools to use, and when to apply them. 40

41 What is the TTPT? The Technology Transfer Planning Template (TTPT) is an online planning tool that is currently being developed and tested to provide easy access to the NtK model, tools, resources, and examples. The TTPT asks questions and provides guidance to help users think through their project plans and goals. 41

42 TTPT Content Questions were derived from multiple sources: – Need to Knowledge (NtK) Model – SBIR grant proposal selection criteria – Other KT4TT products Resources, tools, and examples – Industry profiles – Tools embedded in NtK Model – Case study examples 42

43 When and why to use the TTPT? Developing a grant proposal (RERC, SBIR, any proposal calling for TT or commercialization) Creating a TT plan for an RERC Developing material to share with potential partners The TTPT will help you… – think through the project output’s path to market – define the target market – create a value proposition to share with potential partners 43

44 How Does the TTPT Work? Create an account Respond to questions in 3 parts – Executive summary – Deep dive into R&D  Target market  Research activities  Development activities – Production plans Select and customize output reports – Summary view – Narrative – Timeline 44

45 Create an Account or Login Click the Login button to create and edit plans. Click the New User button to create an account. 45

46 Executive Summary Sample Questions What are you creating/developing? As described by end users, what problem does your product solve or what unmet need does it fulfill? Who will be responsible for manufacturing, selling, and servicing your product when it is in the marketplace? Who will use your product? Will someone always or sometimes have to prescribe this product to the user? Who will purchase the product? 46

47 Target Market Sample Question & Resources Defining the Market You previously described the product as being used by _____, and purchased by _____. These groups make up your target market. Describe and quantify the size of the target market. If appropriate include age, gender, disability, or functional limitation. Industry Profiles: Vision Education Technology Wheeled Mobility Cognition Examples: Sample Marketing Report Sample Phase II SBIR Proposal Disability statistics web resources: ndhealth/dhds.html ndhealth/dhds.html Repository of national/ international surveys on disability: 47

48 Development Activity Sample Question & Resources Development Activity - Describe Competition You previously stated that ______________________. You also stated that your product will be superior to alternatives because _________________. Take this time to describe the competitive landscape in more detail. List the companies that produce the alternative solutions and the cost of those solutions to the customer. Consider describing “barriers to entry.” That is, describe what prevents new entrants or current competitors from copying your solution. Examples: Competing products charts Databases for company information o o o Resources: Product benchmark matrix (tool) Competitor benchmark matrix (tool) m/tools/competitive-profile-matrix-cpm.html e-analysis-template m/tools/competitive-profile-matrix-cpm.html e-analysis-template Patent mapping (tool) process/search-patents process/search-patents 48

49 Summary View Output Screen Edit responses on this summary page or on the individual question pages. Click on questions to return to each question page. Return to this screen at any time for easy editing. Click “full” to view resources and tools associated with each question. 49

50 The TTPT will be available in late 2016 While you‘re waiting… Email Jen Flagg at to participate in user testing or request a list of the TTPT Check out our website to access many other resources Contact us for technical assistance — Jim will share more about how we can help! 50

51 10 Areas of Technical Assistance (T/A) and Resources for New Product Developers and Resources for New Product Developers James A. Leahy Center on Knowledge Translation for Technology Transfer (KT4TT) University at Buffalo RESNA/NCART Arlington, Virginia 51

52 10 Areas of Technical Assistance (T/A) Available for New Product Developers 1.NtK Model(s) – Stage/Gate frameworks grounded in best practice to help plan, implement and manage projects intending to generate technology-oriented product outcomes (Joe & Michelle reviewed). 2.Chronological Guide for Inventors – Takes you through a sample invention timeline and provides definitions, examples, and resources as you proceed along your development path. 3.Intellectual Property (IP) Training Module – Explains various types of IP protection and where each is appropriate, and discuss the need for confidentiality and non- disclosure agreements throughout the development process. 4.Sample Contextualized Knowledge Package (CKP) – Examples of how to tailor research findings for 5 different stakeholder groups (Consumers, Brokers, Manufacturers, Researchers, and Clinicians). 5.Sample Value Proposition – Example of how to present and what to include in a Value proposition for a company. 52

53 10 T/A Areas (cont’d) 6.Sample Commercialization Package – Examples of commercialization packages that include the format and type of information that needs to be presented to potential licensing companies for their initial review. 7.Evaluation Resource Guide – Describes the role and methods of evaluation through and beyond the development process. 8.Sampling of Assistive Technology Companies – A listing of companies in the Assistive Technology field with their topic areas and contact information listed. 9.Media Outreach Strategies – A presentation on how to contact the Media and what information to provide – Knowing What to Say, When to Say It, and How to Say It. 10.Technology Transfer Planning Tool – An on-line tool for project planning with links to NtK components (Jen reviewed). 53

54 3 Opportunities to Access T/A Resources from the KT4TT Center Pre- Submission – Provide applicants with suggestions on project design regarding problem and solution validation through critical preliminary analyses in the NtK Model Early Implementation – Provide new grantees with suggestions on everything from generation of Technology Transfer plans to Best Practices in New Product Development. Late Implementation – Provide grantees a fresh, outside look, and suggestions for a project if grantees lose their initial corporate partner, or the market opportunity changes, or the requisite design and testing has fallen behind schedule. 54

55 For prospective or existing NIDILRR grantees to request Technical Assistance you may contact us at: 100 Sylvan Parkway, Suite 400 Amherst, NY 14228-1162 Phone: (716) 204-8606 Toll free Phone at: 1-877-742-4141 Fax: (716) 204-8610 Or go to our web site at: Click on the Technical Assistance Section and fill out the form at: assistance-form.html How Do You Obtain Technical Assistance From the KT4TT Center? 55

56 Other Resources USPTO – Intellectual Property Information Delphion – Intellectual property information Abledata – AT products KT4TT – AT Industry Profiles, New Product Development Literature database, new product development model Look for local start-up information – ex. WNY has a Start-up business Guide – everything from legal structure, licensing and permits, basic steps- for start-ups (including drafting a business plan) to tax incentives etc. y%20Clerk%20Starting%20Your%20Business%20Brochure%206_2012.pdf y%20Clerk%20Starting%20Your%20Business%20Brochure%206_2012.pdf From an attorney/legal perspective, Friedman & Razenhofer's web site – provides a nice start-up business checklist and even has a Small business Legal guide. 56

57 Summary Visit the KT4TT web site at: for additional information, more examples, and a Checklist titled – ‘From Pre-Proposal to Implementation of Development Projects’. 57

58 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The workshop contents were created under a cooperative agreement from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (#90DP0054). NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 58 The contents do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL, HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the U.S. Federal Government.

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