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9/29/2016 I/O grind – a new profiler Michael Meeks “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in.

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Presentation on theme: "9/29/2016 I/O grind – a new profiler Michael Meeks “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in."— Presentation transcript:

1 9/29/2016 I/O grind – a new profiler Michael Meeks “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls...” - Jeremiah 6:16

2 Perspective is key ?


4 Something in your brain (20 cm) A book on your desk (80 cm away) A book in your room (4 meters away) 1m2m3m4m5m ???

5 room (4 m) brain (20 cm) desk (80 cm) room (4 m) ??? 2m4m6m8m1m3m5m7m10m9m

6 brain (20 cm) desk (80 cm) room (4 m) ??? 5m10m15m20m25m

7 brain (20 cm) desk (80 cm) room (4 m) ??? 10m50m 100m

8 3200 Km Syria ? Palestine ? Israel ? Iraq ?

9 1ns ??? 5ns10ns

10 1ns registers (0.5 nanoseconds) L1 cache (2 nanoseconds) memory (10 nanoseconds) ??? 2 Ghz = 2 instructions / nanosecond 5ns10ns

11 20ns 30ns 40ns 50ns 60ns registers (0.5 nanoseconds) L1 cache (2 nanoseconds) memory (10 nanoseconds) ???

12 Disk seek 8 000 000ns = 8ms. Syria ? Palestine ? Israel ? Iraq ? Time to walk to the middle east to examine a heap of iron filings (or these days, some clever cobalt alloy)

13 It pays to save seeks

14 1414 An increasing problem... ● eg. really sucks: Amdahl asks Why ? ● OO.o does stupid things – true... cf. an strace. ● Linux: “lets you do stupid things faster ?”

15 Determinism...

16 1616 Total lack of kernel / determinism ● Repeatable runs ? ● bin daemons, package mgmt, cron etc. ● boot to a raw / minimal X session $ echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches ioctl(BLKFLSBUF) /dev/* $ time [startup-of-large-app] ● +/- 10% jitter in startup time is common. ● Why ? no idea. b.k.o#7372... - 130+ comments etc. ● NB. ~no complex elevation / queuing in single application start. ● Tuning / measuring I/O appears to be a black art ● Just re-compile your kernel with... ● Any new code has to run a gauntlet of uncertainty... ● “Will this break anything ?”

17 1717 Tweaking the kernel... Not that it needs tweaking of course ! Federico's kernel's I/O subsystem configuration (in action)

18 I/O grind...

19 1919 I/O grind – a photo of it in action (with optional luggage grinding facility for airport operators – automate today !) Valgrind gedit Trace file I/OGrind GUI Ye Disk FS/Layout trace DiskSim

20 Warning ! iogrind is not ready yet Please do not profile your application with it yet, it will waste your time & make you disillusioned with life itself...

21 2121 Future work / crazy ideas: data collection – Use system-tap instead of valgrind – Use a cut-down kernel to simulate & bin much of iogrind. Improvements: apps & filesystems / the kernel ● 4Gb plain OpenSUSE Gnome install on sda1: 16Mb of.xml ● compressed (gzip): 2.6Mb => 0.065% - omits permissions, metadata etc. true: but these are perhaps highly compressible. ● Assuming a linear scaling; 32Mb of memory would describe 50Gb of disk. linear scaling – better than linear expected (?) [ use a flash device ? ] ● Why read a directory or inode ever again ? ● Hacks to improve layout at package installation time ● OpenSize / late block allocation ● Serialize INode / Directory cache across mounts... ?

22 2 Conclusion IOGrind the only deterministic solution – get those 5% wins to add up. useful for applications & filing-system authors lots of future potential for expansion Source Thanks: AMD, Julian Seward, Federico Mena Quintero, P.Sankar Oh, that my words were recorded, that they were written on a scroll, that they were inscribed with an iron tool on lead, or engraved in rock for ever! I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth. And though this body has been destroyed yet in my flesh I will see God, I myself will see him, with my own eyes - I and not another. How my heart yearns within me. - Job 19: 23-27

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