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Mathematics COE: Lessons Learned June 2016 Scoring JULIE WAGNER, MATHEMATICS COE SPECIALIST SEPTEMBER 2016 Except where otherwise noted, this work by the.

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Presentation on theme: "Mathematics COE: Lessons Learned June 2016 Scoring JULIE WAGNER, MATHEMATICS COE SPECIALIST SEPTEMBER 2016 Except where otherwise noted, this work by the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mathematics COE: Lessons Learned June 2016 Scoring JULIE WAGNER, MATHEMATICS COE SPECIALIST SEPTEMBER 2016 Except where otherwise noted, this work by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction is available under a Creative Commons Attribution LicenseCreative Commons Attribution License

2 Topics in Presentation 9/2/2016 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 2 Review specifics learned through the rangefinding process of the Mathematics COE. Review specifics learned through scoring the first Mathematics COE. Provide feedback on how to improve student performance on the Mathematics COE.

3 Know the Claims 1 – Concepts and Procedures 2 – Problems Solving 3 – Communicating Reasoning 4 – Modeling and Data Analysis For more information, visit the OSPI webpage and view the PowerPoints or read the scripts of the claim videos found there. 9/2/2016 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 3

4 Know the Standards Responses to questions were often dependent on the intent of the standard assessed. Particularly tune into the statistics standards: S-ID.2 does not include the mode. S-ID.3 know the “spreads of data” written in the standard. S-ID.9 teach causation vs. correlation. For deeper understanding, review the high school progressions found at 9/2/2016 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 4

5 Graphing Questions 1.Students should use rulers. 2.Plot a minimum of three points. 3.Graph all equations and inequalities in context. 4.Shade so it can be seen. 5.Use 50% of the graph. 6.“Label and graph” refers to the equations. 9/2/2016 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 5

6 Students should be commended. It was well used! Noticeable problems with a few students: 1.Stacked fractions (1/3x) 2.Getting out of exponent mode to complete problem 3.Getting out of subscript mode to complete problem 9/2/2016 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 6 Equation Editor


8 General Issues 1.Use a formal definition of a function within context. 2.Numbers should not be truncated. 3.Use variables provided. 4.“Guess and Check” requires some guesses. 5.Expressions are not equations. 6.Answer questions in context. 7.Show enough work to follow what has been done. 8.Show ordered pairs used to find a slope or rate of change. 9.“I did it on my calculator” is not showing work. 10.Words are used when one “explains,” “states,” or “describes.” 9/2/2016 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 8

9 Specific Mathematics Issues 1.Teach these statistics standards. 2.Expand quadratics instruction to non-time measures. 3.Use correct mathematics vocabulary. 9/2/2016 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9

10 Words of Caution 1.Incorrect labels or tasks are suspect. 2.Use updated tasks found in the eCOE in September 2016. 3.Old tasks may not be correct. 9/2/2016 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 10

11 Inclusion Bank Tasks 9/2/2016 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11 Inclusion bank tasks should not be: Used in trainings with teachers Shared with non-COE teachers Carried around in binders Cloned for use with students

12 Questions and Answers The link for this webinar will be available on the COE webpage under the tab “Training.” If you have any questions related to this webinar, please send them to by September 21, A Q & A will be compiled from the questions submitted and will be posted along with the recorded webinar and PPT. 9/2/2016 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 12

13 COE Contacts Julie Wagner Mathematics COE Specialist (360)725-6235 Lindsey Bullough Graduation Alternatives Assessment Specialist (360) 725-6223 Cindy Jouper, ESD 113 COE Program Director (360)464-6708 Fax: (360)943-0944 9/2/2016 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 13 Except where otherwise noted, this work by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction is available under a Creative Commons Attribution LicenseCreative Commons Attribution License

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