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Violence Includes Physical Violence Physical Violence Mental violence Mental violence Verbal violence Verbal violence Domestic Violence Domestic Violence.

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Presentation on theme: "Violence Includes Physical Violence Physical Violence Mental violence Mental violence Verbal violence Verbal violence Domestic Violence Domestic Violence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Violence Includes Physical Violence Physical Violence Mental violence Mental violence Verbal violence Verbal violence Domestic Violence Domestic Violence

2 Physical Violence Slapping, kicking, beating, eve - teasing, & murdering. Slapping, kicking, beating, eve - teasing, & murdering.

3 Mental violence insulting, controlling money, controlling mobility, threatening, blaming. insulting, controlling money, controlling mobility, threatening, blaming.

4 Domestic Violence One adult in relationship misuses power to control another. One adult in relationship misuses power to control another. Physical abuse, assault & threats. Physical abuse, assault & threats. Making someone feel worthless. Making someone feel worthless. Not allowing to leave home. Not allowing to leave home. Social Isolation Social Isolation Emotional Abuse Emotional Abuse Victims are girls/women Victims are girls/women

5 Eve - teasing Usually happens at public places Usually happens at public places {parks, bushes, road, crowded places, cinema halls, colleges etc.} {parks, bushes, road, crowded places, cinema halls, colleges etc.} Passing remarks, body touching. Passing remarks, body touching.

6 Rape Rape is a crime committed against women. Rape is a crime committed against women. Law defines rape as – “when a man forces a woman to have sexual intercourse without her consent or Law defines rape as – “when a man forces a woman to have sexual intercourse without her consent or even if her consent it is by fear of death, even if her consent it is by fear of death, when she is under the influence of drugs or drinks when she is under the influence of drugs or drinks when she is mentally ill/weak & when she is mentally ill/weak & She is not able to understand what the man is going to do”. She is not able to understand what the man is going to do”.

7 Sexual Harassment/abuse Can occur between Can occur between Teacher- student Teacher- student Doctor – patient Doctor – patient Employer - employee Employer - employee Even by close family member Even by close family member {any annoying act – physical, mental, verbal or sexual that cause an unease for the person being harassed } {any annoying act – physical, mental, verbal or sexual that cause an unease for the person being harassed }

8 Violence places Home, Workplace, school, college, hostel, Home, Workplace, school, college, hostel, Public Places:- Public Places:- Bus stand, inside public transport, railway station etc. Bus stand, inside public transport, railway station etc.

9 Who causes violence Generally against women/girl. Generally against women/girl. Caused by husband, relatives, family members, colleuges Caused by husband, relatives, family members, colleuges Also caused by boss at work places etc Also caused by boss at work places etc

10 Why do people indulge in Violence Jealousy, Jealousy, Suspicion Suspicion Anger Anger Effects of drugs, alcohol or stress Effects of drugs, alcohol or stress Peer pressure Peer pressure Inability to express their feelings in constructive ways Inability to express their feelings in constructive ways

11 EFFECTS Cuts, fractures, pain Cuts, fractures, pain Unwanted pregnancy Unwanted pregnancy HIV\AIDS HIV\AIDS Infanticide Infanticide Homicide Homicide Stigma & determination Stigma & determination Mental stress Mental stress Emotionally disturbed or shocked Emotionally disturbed or shockedConti……

12 Effects During adolescence → Girls – Boys (very sensitive to the physical changes) → If victim sexually abused at this time it has a grave effect on their mental and physical health → They feel insecure, irritable, frustrated & may suffer from Palpitations or fits, mental wondering, extreme tension etc. Which may cause extreme negativity towards men/women Which may cause extreme negativity towards men/women

13 Examples Prenatal:- Pre birth elimination of females Prenatal:- Pre birth elimination of females Physical battering during pregnancy Infancy:- Female infanticide Infancy:- Female infanticide Differential access to care, nutrition, Differential access to care, nutrition, Health & education. Health & education. Childhood:- Childhood:- Child marriage, Child marriage, Differential access to care, nutrition, Differential access to care, nutrition, Health & education Health & educationconti……

14 Adolescence: - Adolescence: - Eve- teasing, Eve- teasing, harassment at work place harassment at work place Forced in prostitution, trafficking Forced in prostitution, trafficking Kidnapping. Kidnapping.

15 Youth & Adulthood Domestic violence, Domestic violence, Marital rape, Coerce (forced) pregnancy Marital rape, Coerce (forced) pregnancy Dowry related abuse & Dowry related abuse & homicide homicide Murder Murder

16 Eliminating & Overcoming Breaking Silence {difficult but POSSIBLE} Breaking Silence {difficult but POSSIBLE} Friends, parents, sisters, brothers, relative Friends, parents, sisters, brothers, relative Social worker Social worker “Saying “NO” to negative peer pressure”. Effective communication Effective communication Parents should understand & learn the sensitivity about the children needs Parents should understand & learn the sensitivity about the children needs Parents should prepare child beforehand the situation Parents should prepare child beforehand the situation {for that what parents need is to win the trust of child} e.g. types of TOUCHING {for that what parents need is to win the trust of child} e.g. types of TOUCHING

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