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STD’s 8 th grade. May 9 th, 2012 Explain the following: Antibodies Antigens Lymphatic system T-cell Protozoa.

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Presentation on theme: "STD’s 8 th grade. May 9 th, 2012 Explain the following: Antibodies Antigens Lymphatic system T-cell Protozoa."— Presentation transcript:

1 STD’s 8 th grade

2 May 9 th, 2012 Explain the following: Antibodies Antigens Lymphatic system T-cell Protozoa

3 May 3rd, 2012 Explain the following: Opportunistic disease Incubation period Explain why a person who may have been exposed to HIV will NOT get tested?

4 January 29 th, 2013 1 in 4 sexually active teens have an STD. Explain why you believe this is occurring.

5 May 12, 2011 Do not write: Today we are going to start a unit about STD’s/STI’s. Explain why learning about STD’s/STI’s is important to a teenager.

6 October 11 th, 2012 Take a look at your STD notes; Check out the statistics for STD’s. Take an “Educated Guess” to why the estimated new case numbers of STD’s are much higher than the number of reported cases. In other words: New cases per year vs. Reported Cases 2004- 05 WHY?

7 January 31, 2013 STD’s are caused by…. List three examples of STD’s.

8 May 8 th, 2012 Describe the following STD's (include what causes the STD) Syphilis Genital Herpes HPV

9 February 5 th, 2013 For each of the following STD’s list one symptom and the cause of the infection: Trichomoniasis Chlamydia

10 January 30 th, 2013 Read and summarize article.

11 Common STD’s STD’S HIV/AIDS Syphilis HPV Hepatitis B Trichomonasis Genital Herpes Gonorrhea Chlamydia

12 February 20 th, 2012 What is an STD? What causes an STD? List examples of STD’s.

13 Sexually Transmitted Diseases OR Sexually Transmitted Infections Sexually transmitted Disease STD or STI, a disease that is spread from one person to another during sexual contact. What is sexual contact?

14 Std Facts: More than half of all people will have an STD at some point in their lifetime. Some std’s are curable, some are not. All std’s are preventable. The only sure way to avoid getting an std is to avoid sexual contact- Abstinence Std’s have serious health consequences, including sterility and death. Most std’s can only be spread through sexual contact, especially intercourse Someone who has an std may have no outward, visible symptoms or has symptoms that come and go. Having an std once does not make you immune to the disease in the future There are no vaccines against std’s, Except against strains of HPV

15 More STD facts The estimated total number of people living in the US with a viral STD is over 65 million. Every year, there are at least 15 million new cases of STDs, some of which are curable. More than $8 billion is spent each year to diagnose and treat STDs and their complications. This figure does not include HIV. In a national survey of US physicians, fewer than one-third routinely screened patients for STDs Less than half of adults ages 18 to 44 have ever been tested for an STD other than HIV/AIDS Each year, one in four teens contracts an STD. One in two sexually active persons will contact an STD by age 25. Of the STDs that are diagnosed, only some (gonorrhea, syphilis, Chlamydia, hepatitis A and B) are required to be reported to state health departments and the CDC. It is estimated that as many as one in four Americans have genital herpes, a lifelong (but manageable) infection, yet up to 90 percent of those with herpes are unaware they have it. [13] With more than 50 million adults in the US with genital herpes and up to 1.6 million new infections each year, some estimates suggest that by 2025 up to 40% of all men and half of all women could be infected.genital herpes

16 February 4 th, 2013 Answer the following questions. Use the facts from last week class to back up your statements. 1. Explain why STD’s are a growing problem among teens. 2. Why is abstinence important to avoiding STD’s? 3. Predict the future of STD’s.

17 STD statistics STD New cases per yearReported Cases 2004-05 HPV 6.2 Million5.5 million Chlamydia 3 million976,445 Genital Herpes 1 million269,00 Gonorrhea 700,000339,593 Trich 7.4 million221,000 Syphilis 70,00033,278 Hep B 120,00060,000

18 Asymptomatic Individuals show no symptoms, or the symptoms are mild and disappear after the onset of infection. Males are more likely to be asymptomatic; Females are more likely to show symptoms and have greater health risks.

19 Trichomoniasis Cased by a protozoan (one celled organism) that results in infections of the vagina, urethra, and bladder. Increased risk of HIV infection if you have infection, can be asymptomatic. Symptoms in males include: Irritation of urethra burning while urinating. Symptoms in females: Thick gray, yellowish green discharge that has a strong odor; painful urination and itch. Long term consequence: More likely to get other STDS, premature birth and low birth weight

20 Chlamydia. Things to know about Chlamydia: Bacterial infection that is spread by sexual contact It is the most frequently occurring std, 4 million cases per year, mostly women. Half of the people who have Chlamydia do not know that they have it. Symptoms include: Burning while urinating and genital discharge. If you do not treat disease you will experience pelvic pain, infertility, and infection. Chlamydia is treated with antibiotics.

21 Gonorrhea Things to know about gonorrhea: It is a bacterial infection of the urethra in men and the urethra, cervix, or both in women. Gonorrhea can also infect the rectum, anus, throat, pelvic organs, and rarely the membrane that lines the eyelid and eye surface Symptoms include a thick; yellow genital discharge and burning while urination. People often catch gonorrhea and Chlamydia at the same time. Can cause infertility (female) and sterility (male) Treated with antibiotics

22 Syphilis a bacteria caused STD that can affect many parts of the body. Painless sore at the site of infection Rash covering entire body Damage to the CNS, causing heart disease, insanity, and death Can be cured if caught early with antibiotics

23 November 12th, 2012 1. Classify the following STD’s as Bacterial, Viral, or protozoa: Trichomoniasis Chlamydia Gonorrhea HPV Herpes 2. Contrast Viral and Bacterial STD’s.

24 Genital Herpes is an STD caused by a virus that produces painful blisters in the genital area. An estimated 30 million Americans have Genital Herpes Disease has no cure Symptoms often reoccur Can be passed when disease is in remission Medications can relieve symptoms

25 HPV (human papillomavirus) Genital Warts One of the most common STD infections 20 million people in the US are currently living with HPV No cure Guardisil Link between HPV and cervical cancer Periods of “outbreaks” throughout life of infected individual

26 Pyramid-terms-1’s face screen 2’s back to screen. Start at lower left hand side Opportunistic Lymphatic System HPVSkin Trichomoniasis Viral Syphilis PhagocyteAntibody AIDS Start

27 Pyramid-terms-1’s face screen 2’s back to screen. Start at lower left hand side HerpesInterferon Window Period Mucous Membrane Gonorrhea Protozoa Chlamydia T-cellHIV Bacteria Start

28 February 6 th, 2013 Describe HPV and Herpes. Complete the sentence Viral STD’s …..

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