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CSE Senior Design II Final Project Presentation. 1  Friday, May 6 th 8:00 AM in GACB 105  Begins sharply at 8:00 AM in GACB 105 50 minutes  Each team.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE Senior Design II Final Project Presentation. 1  Friday, May 6 th 8:00 AM in GACB 105  Begins sharply at 8:00 AM in GACB 105 50 minutes  Each team."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE Senior Design II Final Project Presentation

2 1  Friday, May 6 th 8:00 AM in GACB 105  Begins sharply at 8:00 AM in GACB 105 50 minutes  Each team has 50 minutes for:  Presentation (45 min)  Q & A (5 min)  Load presentations  Load presentations on GACB 105 computer starting at 7:30AM, to be finished by 7:55 AM.  Demos  Demos will be set up in ERB 208 (lab) before 8:00 AM and done after the last presentation  Poster board  Poster board is set up with demo

3 1 Final Project Presentation  Order/timing of presentations is:  8:00 – 8:50 AMTeam Aerotag  8:55 – 9:45 AMTeam DefeNder  9:50 – 10:40 AMTeam eCycle  10:45 – 11:35 AMTeam Pegasus  11:40 - 12:30 PMDemos (ERB 208)  Note  Note: plan to begin your demo set-up in your cubicle around 7:00 AM, and to be finished and in your seats in the GACB 105 no later than 7:55 AM. Demos should be planned (and rehearsed) to last no longer than 10 minutes per team.

4 1 Final Project Presentation Content:  Roles and Responsibilities of team members  Project Overview & Product Concept  Requirements Overview – Per baseline SRD  Requirements Completion Summary/Analysis – green, yellow, red chart  Design Overview (per baseline ADS and DDS)  Test Plan Overview, status report (bugs, etc.)  Project Effort Assessment: Lines of code, hardware, earned value, time spent …  Lessons Learned

5 1 Final Project Presentation Hints for Success:  Dress professionally and present at your best  Project your voice to the back the room  Hands out of pockets  Eye contact with entire audience  Rehearse as a team – coach each other  Stay on topic – don’t ramble  Use graphics, pictures wherever possible to liven up the presentation  Practice your demo so you can show what you’ve done in no more than 10 minutes.

6 1 Final Project Presentation Other Info:  Friends, family  Friends, family, significant others are invited/encouraged to attend short celebration  Please attend a short celebration in the lab area after demos (approx. 12:30 PM). posterboard  Each demo setup must include a 3-part posterboard project summary Picture of team, title of project, key roles & responsibilities Product concept/description Architectural design diagram Key requirements, with completion indicator Lessons Learned Photos, etc. as required

7 1 Final Presentation Scoring 38% - 39%  Overall, this day represents 38% - 39% of your grade for Senior Design 2!  Final Presentation = Final Exam = 30%  Final Product = 100 of approx. 350 possible points for team deliverables (30%) = 8.57%  Final Presentation Score by peer, GTA and instructor evaluation rubric (on website)  Final Product Scoring by instructor per following scale.

8 1 Final Product Scoring Guideline  100: fully operational prototype, fully functional per plan, professionally packaged (extremely rare)  95-99: operational prototype, with minor functional deficiencies, cleanly and neatly packaged (rare)  90-94: operational prototype, some major functional deficiencies, packaged well as a prototype (common)  85-89: operational prototype, numerous functional deficiencies, not well packaged (most common)  80-84: functioning prototype, with minimal features operational, not well packaged or not packaged at all (frequent)  70-79: non-functioning prototype, unable to demonstrate key/critical features, prototype is not worthy of display (occasional)  <70: non operational bread-boarded design only, numerous functional deficiencies, unable to demonstrate critical features (rare)

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