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ENDOCRINE SYSTEM DISEASES AND DISORDERS. GIGANTISM hyper GH before 25 extreme skeletal size.

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2 GIGANTISM hyper GH before 25 extreme skeletal size

3 ACROMEGALY hyper GH during adulthood gradual enlargement or elongation of facial bones and extremities

4 PITUITARY DWARFISM Hypo GH before 25 aka proportional dwarfism Usually normal mental & sexual functions

5 CUSHING SYNDROME hyper glucocorticoids like cortisol fat deposits on upper back; striated pad of fat on chest and abdomen; “moon” face may be caused by tumor of Ant. Pit (increased ACTH) different form may be caused by hyper aldosterone (low K)

6 HYPERTHYROIDISM hyper thyroid hormone nervous, tremor, weight loss, excessive hunger; fatigue; irritability

7 GRAVES DISEASE hyper thyroid hormone inherited or possibly autoimmune weight loss, nervousness, increased heart rate, esophthalmos goiter

8 HYPOTHYROIDISM hypo thyroid hormone sluggish, weight gain; slowing of body function

9 CRETINISM hypo thyroid hormone during early development aka deformed dwarfism retarded mental development; facial puffiness; lack of muscle coordination

10 GOITER lack of iodine in diet enlargement of thyroid

11 WINTER DEPRESSION hyper melatonin Usually in winter when days are shorter (sunlight inhibits melatonin) Aka Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) sadness resulting from exaggerated melatonin effects expose to high-intensity light

12 DIABETES INSIPIDUS hypo or insensitivity to ADH decrease in kidney’s retention of water excessive urination excessive thirst

13 DIABETES MELLITUS “pass through honey” Insulin allows glucose to transfer into cell Hypo insulin OR target cell insensitivity to insulin Hyperglycemia  glycosuria  polyuria  polydipsia Hyperglycemia  no glucose for energy  polyphagia & use of protein & fat  ketoacidosis

14 TYPE I DIABETES hypo insulin due to destruction of B cells in pancreas Inherited sudden childhood onset polydipsia, polyuria, weight loss, fatigue Daily insulin injections Aka insulin dependent daibetes mellitus (IDDM)

15 TYPE II DIABETES insensitivity to insulin or decreased production slow adulthood onset; genetic and environmental factors polydispia, polyuria, overeating, fatigue Non-insulin dependent (NIDDM) Lifestyle change or oral hypoglycemic agents

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